Source code for qmla.shared_functionality.latex_model_names

import qmla
import qmla.model_building_utilities

# Section: Generic

def basic_latex_name(name, **kwargs):
    return "${}$".format(name)

[docs]def pauli_set_latex_name(name, **kwargs): r""" Get latex string for model of Hubbard type. Individual terms must be of the form, to implement operator ``t`` on qubit ``i`` of an ``N``-qubit system: ``pauliSet_i_t_dN`` >>> model_name = 'pauliSet_1_x_d2+pauliSet_2_y_d2' >>> pauli_set_latex_name(model_name) :param str name: name of model or term to map """ core_operators = list( sorted(qmla.model_building_utilities.core_operator_dict.keys()) ) num_sites = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(name) separate_terms = name.split("+") site_connections = {} transverse_axis = None for term in separate_terms: components = term.split("_") if "pauliSet" in components: components.remove("pauliSet") for l in components: if l[0] == "d": dim = int(l.replace("d", "")) elif l[0] in core_operators: operators = l.split("J") else: sites = l.split("J") sites = tuple([int(a) for a in sites]) # assumes like-like pauli terms like xx, yy, zz op = operators[0] try: site_connections[sites].append(op) except: site_connections[sites] = [op] elif "transverse" in components: components.remove("transverse") for l in components: if l[0] == "d": transverse_dim = int(l.replace("d", "")) elif l in core_operators: transverse_axis = l ordered_connections = list(sorted(site_connections.keys())) latex_term = "" for c in ordered_connections: if len(site_connections[c]) > 0: this_term = r"\sigma_{" this_term += str(c) this_term += "}" this_term += "^{" for t in site_connections[c]: this_term += "{}".format(t) this_term += "}" latex_term += this_term if transverse_axis is not None: latex_term += "T^{}_{}".format(transverse_axis, transverse_dim) latex_term = "${}$".format(latex_term) return latex_term
########## # Section: Specific to an exploration strategy ########## def nv_centre_SAT(name, **kwargs): if name == "x" or name == "y" or name == "z": return "$" + name + "$" num_qubits = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(name) # terms = name.split('PP') terms = name.split("+") rotations = ["xTi", "yTi", "zTi"] hyperfine = ["xTx", "yTy", "zTz"] transverse = ["xTy", "xTz", "yTz", "yTx", "zTx", "zTy"] present_r = [] present_hf = [] present_t = [] for t in terms: if t in rotations: present_r.append(t[0]) elif t in hyperfine: present_hf.append(t[0]) elif t in transverse: string = t[0] + t[-1] present_t.append(string) # else: # print("Term",t,"doesn't belong to rotations, Hartree-Fock or transverse.") # print("Given name:", name) present_r.sort() present_hf.sort() present_t.sort() r_terms = ",".join(present_r) hf_terms = ",".join(present_hf) t_terms = ",".join(present_t) latex_term = "" if len(present_r) > 0: latex_term += r"\hat{S}_{" + r_terms + "}" if len(present_hf) > 0: latex_term += r"\hat{A}_{" + hf_terms + "}" if len(present_t) > 0: latex_term += r"\hat{T}_{" + t_terms + "}" final_term = "$" + latex_term + "$" if final_term != "$$": return final_term else: plus_string = "" for i in range(num_qubits): plus_string += "P" individual_terms = name.split(plus_string) individual_terms = sorted(individual_terms) latex_term = "+".join(individual_terms) final_term = "$" + latex_term + "$" return final_term def nv_spin_interaction(name, **kwargs): term = name num_qubits = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(term) t_str = "T" * (num_qubits - 1) p_str = "P" * num_qubits separate_terms = term.split(p_str) spin_terms = [] interaction_terms = [] for t in separate_terms: components = t.split("_") components.remove("nv") components.remove(str("d" + str(num_qubits))) if "spin" in components: components.remove("spin") spin_terms.append(components[0]) elif "interaction" in components: components.remove("interaction") interaction_terms.append(components[0]) latex_name = "(" if len(spin_terms) > 0: latex_name += "S_{" for s in spin_terms: latex_name += str(s) latex_name += "}" if len(interaction_terms) > 0: latex_name += "I_{" for s in interaction_terms: latex_name += str(s) latex_name += "}" latex_name += str(r")^{\otimes" + str(num_qubits) + "}") return "$" + latex_name + "$"
[docs]def grouped_pauli_terms(name, **kwargs): separate_terms = name.split("+") all_connections = [] latex_term = "" connections_terms = {} for term in separate_terms: components = term.split("_") try: components.remove("pauliLikewise") except: print("Couldn't remove pauliLikewise from", name) this_term_connections = [] for l in components: if l[0] == "d": dim = int(l.replace("d", "")) elif l[0] == "l": operator = str(l.replace("l", "")) else: sites = l.split("J") this_term_connections.append(sites) for s in this_term_connections: con = "({},{})".format(s[0], s[1]) try: connections_terms[con].append(operator) except: connections_terms[con] = [operator] latex_term = "" for c in list(sorted(connections_terms.keys())): connection_string = str( "\sigma_{" + str(c) + "}^{" + str(",".join(connections_terms[c])) + "}" ) latex_term += connection_string return "${}$".format(latex_term)
def lattice_set_grouped_pauli(name, **kwargs): separate_terms = name.split("+") latex_term = "" latex_terms = {} for term in separate_terms: components = term.split("_") try: components.remove("pauliLikewise") except: print("Couldn't remove pauliLikewise from", name) this_term_connections = [] for l in components: if l[0] == "d": dim = int(l.replace("d", "")) elif l[0] == "l": operator = str(l.replace("l", "")) else: n_sites = len(l.split("J")) sites = l.replace("J", ",") # if n_sites > 1: sites = "(" + str(sites) + ")" this_term_connections.append(sites) # limits for sum lower_limit = str("i \in " + ",".join(this_term_connections)) operator_string = str("\sigma_{ i }^{" + str(operator) + "}") if n_sites == 1: sites_not_present = list( set([int(i) for i in this_term_connections]) - set(range(1, dim + 1)) ) if len(sites_not_present) == 0: lower_limit = "i=1" elif n_sites == 2: nns = [(str(n), str(n + 1)) for n in range(1, dim)] nns = [",".join(list(nn)) for nn in nns] nns = set(nns) sites_not_present = list(set(this_term_connections) - nns) if len(sites_not_present) == 0: lower_limit = "i" operator_string = str( "\hat{\sigma}_{i}^{" + str(operator) + "}" + "\hat{\sigma}_{i+1}^{" + str(operator) + "}" ) else: this_term_connections = [ "({})".format(c) for c in this_term_connections ] lower_limit = str("i \in " + ",".join(this_term_connections)) upper_limit = str("N={}".format(dim)) new_term = str( "\sum" + "_{" + lower_limit + "}" + "^{" + upper_limit + "}" + operator_string # + "\hat{\sigma}^{" # + "}_{" + "i" + "}" ) if n_sites not in latex_terms: latex_terms[n_sites] = {} if operator not in latex_terms[n_sites]: latex_terms[n_sites][operator] = new_term site_numbers = sorted(latex_terms.keys()) all_latex_terms = [] latex_model = "" for n in site_numbers: for term in latex_terms[n]: all_latex_terms.append(latex_terms[n][term]) latex_model = "+".join(all_latex_terms) return "${}$".format(latex_model) def lattice_pauli_likewise_concise(name, **kwargs): r""" Don't list every pair of connected sites; just sum over \mathcal{C} """ separate_terms = name.split("+") latex_term = "" latex_terms = {} for term in separate_terms: components = term.split("_") try: components.remove("pauliLikewise") except: print("Couldn't remove pauliLikewise from", name) this_term_connections = [] for l in components: if l[0] == "d": dim = int(l.replace("d", "")) elif l[0] == "l": operator = str(l.replace("l", "")) else: n_sites = len(l.split("J")) sites = l.replace("J", ",") # if n_sites > 1: sites = "(" + str(sites) + ")" this_term_connections.append(sites) # limits for sum lower_limit = str("k \in " + ",".join(this_term_connections)) if n_sites == 1: operator_string = str("\sigma_{ k }^{" + str(operator) + "}") sites_not_present = list( set([int(i) for i in this_term_connections]) - set(range(1, dim + 1)) ) if len(sites_not_present) == 0: lower_limit = "k=1" elif n_sites == 2: operator_string = str( "\sigma_{ \langle k, l \\rangle }^{" + str(operator) + "}" ) nns = [(str(n), str(n + 1)) for n in range(1, dim)] nns = [",".join(list(nn)) for nn in nns] nns = set(nns) sites_not_present = list(set(this_term_connections) - nns) if len(sites_not_present) == 0: lower_limit = "i" operator_string = str( "\hat{\sigma}\limits_{i}^{" + str(operator) + "}" + "\hat{\sigma}\limits_{i+1}^{" + str(operator) + "}" ) else: this_term_connections = [ "({})".format(c) for c in this_term_connections ] lower_limit = str( "i \in \mathcal{C}" # +",".join(this_term_connections) ) upper_limit = str("N={}".format(dim)) new_term = str( "\sum" + "\limits_{" + lower_limit + "}" + "^{" + upper_limit + "}" + operator_string # + "\hat{\sigma}^{" # + "}_{" + "i" + "}" ) if n_sites not in latex_terms: latex_terms[n_sites] = {} if operator not in latex_terms[n_sites]: latex_terms[n_sites][operator] = new_term site_numbers = sorted(latex_terms.keys()) all_latex_terms = [] latex_model = "" for n in site_numbers: for term in latex_terms[n]: all_latex_terms.append(latex_terms[n][term]) latex_model = "+".join(all_latex_terms) return r"${}$".format(latex_model)
[docs]def fermi_hubbard_latex(name, **kwargs): r""" Get latex string for model of Hubbard type. :param str name: name of model or term to map """ # TODO put in qmla.shared_functionality.latex_model_names # TODO gather terms in list, sort alphabetically and combine for latex # str basis_vectors = { "vac": np.array([1, 0, 0, 0]), "down": np.array([0, 1, 0, 0]), "up": np.array([0, 0, 1, 0]), "double": np.array([0, 0, 0, 1]), } basis_latex = { "vac": "V", "up": r"\uparrow", "down": r"\downarrow", "double": r"\updownarrow", } number_counting_terms = [] hopping_terms = [] chemical_terms = [] terms = name.split("+") term_type = None for term in terms: constituents = term.split("_") for c in constituents: if c[0:2] == "FH": term_type = c[2:] continue # do nothing - just registers what type of matrix to construct elif c in list(basis_vectors.keys()): spin_type = c elif c[0] == "d": num_sites = int(c[1:]) else: sites = [str(s) for s in c.split("h")] if term_type == "onsite": term_latex = r"\hat{{N}}_{{{}}}".format(sites[0]) number_counting_terms.append(term_latex) elif term_type == "hop": term_latex = "\hat{{H}}_{{{}}}^{{{}}}".format( ",".join(sites), # subscript site indices basis_latex[spin_type], # superscript which spin type ) hopping_terms.append(term_latex) elif term_type == "chemical": term_latex = r"\hat{{C}}_{{{}}}".format(sites[0]) chemical_terms.append(term_latex) latex_str = "" for term_latex in ( sorted(hopping_terms) + sorted(number_counting_terms) + sorted(chemical_terms) ): latex_str += term_latex latex_str = "${}$".format(latex_str) return latex_str
def lattice_set_fermi_hubbard(name, **kwargs): separate_terms = name.split("+") all_terms = [] for term in separate_terms: components = term.split("_") if "FH-hopping-sum" in components: components.remove("FH-hopping-sum") connected_sites = "" for c in components: if c in ["down", "up"]: spin_type = c elif c[0] == "d": num_sites = int(c[1:]) else: sites = [int(s) for s in c.split("h")] connected_sites += str("({},{})".format(sites[0], sites[1])) if spin_type == "up": spin_label = str("\\uparrow") elif spin_type == "down": spin_label = str("\\downarrow") new_term = str( "\hat{H}^{" + spin_label + "}" + "_{" + connected_sites + "}" ) all_terms.append(new_term) elif "FH-onsite-sum" in components: components.remove("FH-onsite-sum") sites = [] for c in components: if c[0] == "d": num_sites = int(c[1:]) else: sites.append(int(c)) sites = sorted(sites) sites = ",".join([str(i) for i in sites]) sites_not_present = list(set(range(1, num_sites + 1)) - set(sites)) if len(sites_not_present) > 0: new_term = str("\hat{N" + "}^{" + str(num_sites) + "}_{" + sites + "}") else: new_term = str("\hat{N" + "}^{" + str(num_sites) + "}") all_terms.append(new_term) model_string = "+".join(all_terms) return "${}$".format(model_string)