Source code for qmla.shared_functionality.genetic_algorithm

import numpy as np
import itertools
import sys
import os
import random
import copy
import scipy
import time
import pandas as pd
import sklearn as skl
import qmla

import qmla.model_building_utilities

__all__ = ["GeneticAlgorithmQMLA", "GeneticAlgorithmFullyConnectedLikewisePauliTerms"]

[docs]class GeneticAlgorithmQMLA: r""" Standalone genetic algorithm implementation for integration with :class:`qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent`. This class works with the :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` to construct models according to the genetic strategy. :param list genes: individual terms which can be combined to form chromosomes :param int num_sites: maximum dimension permitted in model search :param str true_model: target model. if None, set at random from space of valid models. :param list base_terms: deprecated TODO remove :param str selection_method: mechanism through which to select chromosomes as parents. Currently only 'roulette' available, but the framework should facilitate alternatives. :param str crossover_method: mechanism through which parent chromosomes are combined to form offspring. Currently only 'one_point' available, but the framework should facilitate alternatives. :param str mutation_method: mechanism through which to perform chromosome mutation Currently only 'element_wise' available, but the framework should facilitate alternatives. :param float mutation_probability: rate with which the mutation mechanism incurs mutation. :param float selection_truncation_rate: fraction of models to retain as viable parents to the subsequent generation; the lower-rated other models are discarded. :param int num_protected_elite_models: number of models to automatically admit to the subsequent generation. :param int unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff: after this number of generations, if the top model has not changed, the model search is terminated. :param str log_file: path of QMLA instance's log file. """ def __init__( self, genes, num_sites, true_model=None, base_terms=["x", "y", "z"], selection_method="roulette", crossover_method="one_point", mutation_method="element_wise", mutation_probability=0.1, selection_truncation_rate=0.5, num_protected_elite_models=2, unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff=5, log_file=None, **kwargs ): self.num_sites = num_sites self.base_terms = base_terms self.genes = list(sorted(genes)) self.get_base_chromosome() if true_model is None: r = random.randint(1, 2 ** self.num_terms - 1) r = format(r, "0{}b".format(self.num_terms)) self.true_model = self.map_chromosome_to_model(r) else: self.true_model = true_model self.true_chromosome = self.map_model_to_chromosome(self.true_model) self.true_chromosome_string = self.chromosome_string(self.true_chromosome) self.all_zero_chromosome_string = "0" * self.num_terms self.addition_str = "+" self.mutation_probability = mutation_probability self.mutation_count = 0 self.previously_considered_chromosomes = [] self.chromosomes_at_generation = {} self.delta_f_by_generation = {} self.genetic_generation = 1 self.log_file = log_file self.f_score_change_by_generation = {} self.fitness_at_generation = {} self.models_ranked_by_fitness = {} self.most_elite_models_by_generation = {} self.num_protected_elite_models = num_protected_elite_models self.terminate_early_if_top_model_unchanged = True self.best_model_unchanged = False self.unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff = ( unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff ) self.selection_truncation_rate = selection_truncation_rate self.gene_pool = pd.DataFrame( columns=["model", "chromosome", "f_score", "probability", "generation"] ) self.elite_models = pd.DataFrame( columns=["model", "chromosome", "f_score", "generation", "elite_position"] ) # specifying which functionality to use self.selection_method = self.select_from_pair_df_remove_selected self.mutation_method = self.element_wise_mutation self.crossover_method = self.one_point_crossover available_selection_methods = { "roulette": self.select_from_pair_df_remove_selected, } available_mutation_methods = {"element_wise": self.element_wise_mutation} available_crossover_methods = {"one_point": self.one_point_crossover} self.selection_method = available_selection_methods[selection_method] self.mutation_method = available_mutation_methods[mutation_method] self.crossover_method = available_crossover_methods[crossover_method]
[docs] def get_base_chromosome(self): r""" Creates basic chromosome, i.e. with all genes set to 0. """ self.num_terms = len(self.genes) self.basic_chromosome = np.array([0] * self.num_terms) self.chromosome_description = self.genes self.chromosome_description_array = np.array(self.genes)
[docs] def map_chromosome_to_model( self, chromosome, ): r""" Given a chromosome, get the corresponding model. :param np.array chromosome: chromosome representing a candidate model :returns str model_string: name of the corresponding model """ if isinstance(chromosome, str): chromosome = list(chromosome) chromosome = np.array([int(i) for i in chromosome]) assert ( len(chromosome) == self.num_terms ), "Chromosome must be of length {}".format(self.num_terms) nonzero_postions = chromosome.nonzero() present_terms = list(self.chromosome_description_array[nonzero_postions]) model_string = "+".join(present_terms) return model_string
[docs] def map_model_to_chromosome(self, model): r""" Given a model, get the corresponding chromosome. :param str model: name of candidate model :returns np.array chromosome: array of ones and zeros indicating which genes are active in the model """ terms = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_constituent_names_from_name(model) assert np.all( [t in self.chromosome_description for t in terms] ), "Cannot map some term(s) to any available gene. Terms: {} \n Genes".format( terms, self.chromosome_description ) locs = [self.chromosome_description.index(t) for t in terms] chromosome = copy.copy(self.basic_chromosome) chromosome[np.array(locs)] = 1 return chromosome
[docs] def model_f_score(self, model_name): r""" Get the F score of a candidate model. :param str model_name: name of candidate model :returns float f_score: F score, between 0 and 1, indicating how many terms overlap between the candidate and target models. """ model_as_chromosome = self.map_model_to_chromosome(model_name) return self.chromosome_f_score(model_as_chromosome)
[docs] def chromosome_string(self, c): r"""Map a chromosome array to a string.""" b = [str(i) for i in c] s = "".join(b) if s == "1000000000": # TODO generaalise # 1 followed by num_terms 0's can be generated and is not permitted self.log_print(["Unallowed chromosome string {} for {}".format(b, c)]) return s
[docs] def chromosome_f_score( self, chromosome, ): r""" Get the F score of a candidate model from its chromosome representation. :param np.array chromosome: representation of candidate model :returns float f_score: F score, between 0 and 1, indicating how many terms overlap between the candidate and target models. """ if not isinstance(chromosome, np.ndarray): chromosome = np.array([int(a) for a in list(chromosome)]) return skl.metrics.f1_score(chromosome, self.true_chromosome)
[docs] def log_print(self, to_print_list): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.print_to_log`""" qmla.logging.print_to_log( to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="GA gen {}".format(self.genetic_generation), )
[docs] def random_initial_models(self, num_models=5): r""" Generate random models from the space of valid candidates. :param int num_models: number of candidates to generate :returns list new_models: the randomly generated model names """ if num_models > 2 ** self.num_terms: self.log_print( [ "Number of models requested > number of possible models ({})".format( 2 ** self.num_terms ), "Reducing by half until < half available", ] ) while num_models > (2 ** self.num_terms) / 2: num_models = int(num_models / 2) new_models = [] self.initial_number_models = num_models self.chromosomes_at_generation[0] = [] self.previously_considered_chromosomes = [] self.birth_register = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "child", "chromosome_child", "parent_a", "parent_b", "chromosome_parent_a", "chromosome_parent_b", "generation", "f_score", ] ) # TODO this is awful - this stuff shouldn't be initialised in this function while len(new_models) < num_models: # generate random number and # format as binary string, i.e. chromosome r = random.randint(1, 2 ** self.num_terms - 1) r = format(r, "0{}b".format(self.num_terms)) if self.chromosome_string(r) not in self.previously_considered_chromosomes: r = list(r) r = np.array([int(i) for i in r]) mod = self.map_chromosome_to_model(r) chrom = self.chromosome_string(r) f = self.chromosome_f_score(chrom) self.previously_considered_chromosomes.append(chrom) self.chromosomes_at_generation[0].append(chrom) new_models.append(mod) birth = pd.Series( { "child": mod, "chromosome_child": chrom, "generation": 1, "f_score": f, } ) self.birth_register.loc[len(self.birth_register)] = birth return new_models
[docs] def rand_model_f(self): r""" Generate a random model chromosome and evaluate its F score. """ r = 0 while r == 0: r = np.random.randint(2 ** self.num_terms) b = bin(r)[2:].zfill(self.num_terms) b_array = np.array([int(i) for i in list(b)]) f = skl.metrics.f1_score(b_array, self.true_chromosome) return f, b_array
[docs] def random_models_sorted_by_f_score( self, num_models=14, ): r""" Generate a set of random models and sort them by F score. """ n_runs = 1e3 # first sample ~1000 random numbers some_models = [self.rand_model_f() for _ in range(int(n_runs))] f_scores = np.array(some_models)[:, 0] chromosomes = np.array(some_models)[:, 1] # then choose from those randomly generated models random_chroms = np.random.choice(chromosomes, num_models) random_models = [self.map_chromosome_to_model(c) for c in random_chroms] models_w_f = list( zip(random_models, [self.model_f_score(m) for m in random_models]) ) sorted_by_f = sorted(models_w_f, key=lambda x: x[1]) sorted_models = np.array(sorted_by_f)[:, 0] sorted_models = list(sorted_models) just_f = np.array(models_w_f)[:, 1] just_f = [float(a) for a in just_f] return sorted_models
###################### # Selection functions ######################
[docs] def selection(self, **kwargs): r""" Wrapper for user's selected selection method. Whatever method is called must return * prescribed_chromosomes * chromosomes_for_crossover - pairs """ return self.selection_method(**kwargs)
def select_from_pair_df_remove_selected(self, **kwargs): # normalise so pairs' probabilities sum to 1 self.chrom_pair_df.probability = self.chrom_pair_df.probability.astype(float) self.chrom_pair_df.probability = ( self.chrom_pair_df.probability / self.chrom_pair_df.probability.sum() ) pair_ids = list(self.chrom_pair_df.index) pair_probs = [self.chrom_pair_df.loc[i].probability for i in pair_ids] self.log_print(["Number available pairs:", len(pair_ids)]) # randomly select a pair from list of pairs selected_id = np.random.choice(a=pair_ids, p=pair_probs) selected_entry = self.chrom_pair_df.loc[selected_id] # Drop so it can't be chosen again self.chrom_pair_df.drop(selected_id, inplace=True) self.log_print( ["chrom pair df has {} options remaining".format(len(self.chrom_pair_df))] ) selection = { "chromosome_1": selected_entry["c1"], "chromosome_2": selected_entry["c2"], "other_data": { "cut": int(selected_entry["cut1"]), "force_mutation": bool(selected_entry["force_mutation"]), }, } return selection
[docs] def basic_pair_selection(self, chromosome_selection_probabilities, **kwargs): r""" Mechanism for selecting two models from the database of potential parents. :param pd.DataFrame chromosome_selection_probabilities: database indicating the probability that every valid pair of parents should be selected. :return tuple selected_chromosomes: two models """ chromosomes = list(chromosome_selection_probabilities.keys()) probabilities = [chromosome_selection_probabilities[c] for c in chromosomes] selected_chromosomes = np.random.choice( chromosomes, size=2, p=probabilities, replace=False ) return selected_chromosomes
###################### # Crossover functions ######################
[docs] def crossover(self, **kwargs): r""" Wrapper for crossover mechanism. This method assumes only 2 chromosomes to crossover and passes them to the method set as self.crossover_method, which can be easily replaced to facilitate alternative crossover schemes. """ return self.crossover_method(**kwargs)
[docs] def one_point_crossover(self, **kwargs): r""" Crossover two chromosomes about a single gene. Input two chromosomes, and selection (a dict) in kwargs. selection contains ``chromosome_1`` and ``chromosome_2``, as well as a dict called ``other_data`` containing ``cut``, which is the position about which to crossover the two chromosomes. """ selection = kwargs["selection"] c1 = np.array(list(selection["chromosome_1"])) c2 = np.array(list(selection["chromosome_2"])) x = selection["other_data"]["cut"] tmp = c2[:x].copy() c2[:x], c1[:x] = c1[:x], tmp return c1, c2
###################### # Mutation functions ######################
[docs] def mutation(self, **kwargs): r""" Wrapper for mutation mechanism. All input arguments to the mutation method are passed directly to the nominated mutation function, set as self.mutation_method. """ return self.mutation_method(**kwargs)
[docs] def element_wise_mutation(self, **kwargs): r""" Probabilistically mutate each gene independently. """ chromosomes = kwargs["chromosomes"] force_mutation = kwargs["force_mutation"] copy_chromosomes = copy.copy(chromosomes) mutated_chromosomes = [] for c in copy_chromosomes: try: if np.all(c == 0): self.log_print( [ "Input chomosome {} has no interactions -- forcing mutation".format( c ) ] ) mutation_probability = 1.0 else: mutation_probability = self.mutation_probability except: self.log_print(["Can't compare all w/ 0 :", c]) mutation_probability = self.mutation_probability if np.random.rand() < mutation_probability or force_mutation: num_mutations_to_perform = max(1, force_mutation) self.mutation_count += 1 idx = np.random.choice(range(len(c))) # print("Flipping idx {}".format(idx)) if int(c[idx]) == 0: c[idx] = "1" elif int(c[idx]) == 1: c[idx] = "0" mutated_chromosomes.append(c) return mutated_chromosomes
###################### # Elitism functions ######################
[docs] def get_elite_models(self, **kwargs): r""" Wrapper for elite model selection method, here set to self.elite_ranking_top_n_models. """ return self.elite_ranking_top_n_models(**kwargs)
[docs] def elite_ranking_top_n_models(self, model_fitnesses, **kwargs): r""" Get the top N models, and store info on the elite models to date. :param dict model_fitnesses: the fitness of each model in this generation according to the chosen objective function. """ elite_models = self.models_ranked_by_fitness[self.genetic_generation][ : self.num_protected_elite_models ] self.log_print( [ "Elite models at generation {}: {}".format( self.genetic_generation, elite_models ) ] ) for m in elite_models: self.elite_models = self.elite_models.append( pd.Series( { "model": m, "generation": self.genetic_generation, "elite_position": elite_models.index(m) + 1, "chromosome": self.map_model_to_chromosome(m), "f_score": self.model_f_score(m), } ), ignore_index=True, ) self.most_elite_models_by_generation[ self.genetic_generation ] = self.models_ranked_by_fitness[self.genetic_generation][0] if self.genetic_generation > self.unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff + 2: gen = self.genetic_generation recent_generations = list( range( max(0, gen - self.unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff), gen + 1 ) ) recent_elite_models = [ self.most_elite_models_by_generation[g] for g in recent_generations ] unchanged = np.all( np.array(recent_elite_models) == self.most_elite_models_by_generation[gen] ) if unchanged and self.terminate_early_if_top_model_unchanged: # TODO this allows for unusual case where top model unchanged in 5 generations, # but is improved upon in the subsequent generation. # but since 5 generations are unchanged, termination is triggered and the new generation champion is winner self.best_model_unchanged = True self.log_print( [ "Setting best_model_unchanged to {}".format( self.best_model_unchanged ) ] ) self.log_print( [ "Elite model unchanged in last {} generations: {}. \nCurrently: {} with f-score {}".format( self.unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff, self.best_model_unchanged, self.most_elite_models_by_generation[gen], self.chromosome_f_score( self.map_model_to_chromosome( self.most_elite_models_by_generation[gen] ) ), ) ] ) return elite_models
###################### # Processing given fitness to # selection probabilities ######################
[docs] def get_selection_probabilities(self, **kwargs): r""" Wrapper for parent selection function, here set to self.truncate_to_top_half. """ return self.truncate_to_top_half(**kwargs)
[docs] def truncate_to_top_half(self, model_fitnesses, **kwargs): r""" Retain only the top-performing half of models considered at this generation, for consideration as parents to offspring on the subsequent generation. :param dict model_fitnesses: the fitness of each model in this generation according to the chosen objective function. """ ranked_models = sorted(model_fitnesses, key=model_fitnesses.get, reverse=True) num_models = len(ranked_models) self.log_print( [ "Considering truncation for {} models. Truncation rate = {}".format( num_models, self.selection_truncation_rate ), ] ) for m in ranked_models: self.log_print(["fitness = {} \t Model={} ".format(model_fitnesses[m], m)]) truncation_cutoff = max( int(num_models * self.selection_truncation_rate), 4 ) # either consider top half, or top 4 if too small truncation_cutoff = min(truncation_cutoff, num_models) truncated_model_list = ranked_models[:truncation_cutoff] truncated_model_fitnesses = { mod: model_fitnesses[mod] for mod in truncated_model_list } # keep the others with zero fitness, so the gene pool reflect them for m in ranked_models[truncation_cutoff:]: self.log_print( [ "Setting fitness to 0 for {} as it is {}th in rankings".format( m, ranked_models.index(m) ) ] ) truncated_model_fitnesses[m] = 0 sum_fitnesses = np.sum(list(truncated_model_fitnesses.values())) self.log_print( [ "Truncated model list:\n", truncated_model_list, "\nTruncated model fitnesses:\n", truncated_model_fitnesses, "\nsum fitnesses:", sum_fitnesses, ] ) model_probabilities = { self.chromosome_string(self.map_model_to_chromosome(mod)): ( truncated_model_fitnesses[mod] / sum_fitnesses ) for mod in truncated_model_fitnesses.keys() } self.log_print(["Chromosome Selection probabilities:\n", model_probabilities]) return model_probabilities
[docs] def prepare_chromosome_pair_dataframe( self, chromosome_probabilities, force_mutation=False, ): r""" Given a set of individual chromosome fitnesses, generate database of pairs of parent chromosomes, with probability proportional to the fitness of both parents. """ self.log_print( [ "Setting up chromosome pair dataframe with initial probabilities", chromosome_probabilities, ] ) if len(chromosome_probabilities) == 1: self.log_print( ["There is only one chromosome; not constructing selection database."] ) return # Register gene pool for c in chromosome_probabilities: model = self.map_chromosome_to_model(c) gene_probability = pd.Series( { "model": model, "chromosome": c, "f_score": self.model_f_score(model), "probability": chromosome_probabilities[c], "generation": self.genetic_generation, } ) self.gene_pool.loc[len(self.gene_pool)] = gene_probability # Construct df of pairs of chromosomes from the gene pool, where the probability of that # pair being selected is the product of their individual fitnesses t2 = time.time() chromosome_combinations = list( itertools.combinations(list(chromosome_probabilities.keys()), 2) ) eg_combo = chromosome_combinations[0] min_cut_pt = int(len(eg_combo[0]) * 0.25) max_cut_pt = int(len(eg_combo[0]) * 0.75) + 1 self.log_print( [ "example chrom combination : {}. \n min/max cut locations = {}/{}".format( eg_combo, min_cut_pt, max_cut_pt ) ] ) pair_data = [] count_good_pairs = 0 for c1, c2 in chromosome_combinations: pair_prob = ( chromosome_probabilities[c1] * chromosome_probabilities[c2] ) # TODO better way to get pair prob? # for cut1 in range(1, len(c1)-2): if pair_prob > 0: count_good_pairs += 1 self.log_print( ["Nonzero prob pair: {} & {}, prob = {}".format(c1, c2, pair_prob)] ) for cut1 in range(min_cut_pt, max_cut_pt): this_pair_df = { "c1": c1, "c2": c2, "probability": pair_prob, # np.round(pair_prob, 2), "cut1": cut1, "c1_prob": chromosome_probabilities[c1], "c2_prob": chromosome_probabilities[c2], "force_mutation": force_mutation, } pair_data.append(this_pair_df) self.chrom_pair_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pair_data) # normalise probabilities try: self.chrom_pair_df.probability = self.chrom_pair_df.probability.astype( float ) self.chrom_pair_df.probability = ( self.chrom_pair_df.probability / self.chrom_pair_df.probability.sum() ) except: self.log_print( ["Failing at final generation. chrom pair df:", self.chrom_pair_df] ) self.log_print( [ "starting chromosome pair dataframe setup. {} combinations in total from {} non-zero prob pairs. took {} sec and has len {}".format( len(chromosome_combinations), count_good_pairs, np.round(time.time() - t2, 3), len(self.chrom_pair_df), ) ] ) self.log_print( [ "Probs after preparing df:", self.chrom_pair_df[["c1", "c2", "probability"]], ] )
[docs] def get_pair_selection_order(self): r""" Use the probabilities of parental selection to define the order in which to generate offspring. It is cheaper to perform this once than call the database repeatedly. :return list pair_selection_order: list of tuples of the order in which to pass the model pairs to the crossover mechanism to generate offspring """ pair_idx = self.chrom_pair_df.index.values probabilities = self.chrom_pair_df.probability.values # only keep nonzero probs pair_idx = pair_idx[probabilities > 0] probabilities = probabilities[probabilities > 0] self.log_print( [ "get_pair_selection_order probabilities: ", probabilities, "\n {} distinct".format(len(probabilities)), "\n sum:", np.sum(probabilities), ] ) probabilities /= np.sum(probabilities) n_samples = len(probabilities) self.log_print( ["Getting {} samples from chromosome probabilities".format(n_samples)] ) t1 = time.time() pair_selection_order = np.random.choice( a=pair_idx, size=n_samples, p=probabilities, replace=False ) self.log_print( [ "after {} s, pair_selection_order has {} elements ({} unique): \n {}".format( np.round(time.time() - t1, 3), len(pair_selection_order), len(set(pair_selection_order)), repr(pair_selection_order), ) ] ) return pair_selection_order
###################### # Implement entire genetic algorithm iteration ######################
[docs] def consolidate_generation(self, model_fitnesses, **kwargs): r""" Following the training of all models on a generation, consolidate that generation. This involves determining the strongest models from the generation, and constructing the database of parent-pairs and their associated selection probabilities. :param dict model_fitnesses: the fitness of each model in this generation according to the chosen objective function. """ self.fitness_at_generation[self.genetic_generation] = model_fitnesses self.models_ranked_by_fitness[self.genetic_generation] = sorted( model_fitnesses, key=model_fitnesses.get, reverse=True ) self.log_print( [ "GA step. model ranked by fitness:", self.models_ranked_by_fitness[self.genetic_generation], ] ) self.get_elite_models( model_fitnesses=model_fitnesses, num_protected_elite_models=2 ) self.chromosome_selection_probabilities = self.get_selection_probabilities( model_fitnesses=model_fitnesses, ) t_init = time.time() self.prepare_chromosome_pair_dataframe( chromosome_probabilities=self.chromosome_selection_probabilities )
[docs] def genetic_algorithm_step(self, model_fitnesses, **kwargs): r""" Perform a complete step of the genetic algorithm, assuming all of the required steps have been performed. That is, the database for parent selection must already be available. :param dict model_fitnesses: the fitness of each model in this generation according to the chosen objective function. :returns list new_models: set of models to place on the next generation. """ # get the order to iterate through chromosome pairs self.log_print(["Genetic algorithm step {}".format(self.genetic_generation)]) pair_selection_order = self.get_pair_selection_order() init_num_chrom_pairs = len(pair_selection_order) pair_selection_order = iter(pair_selection_order) elite_models = list( self.elite_models[ self.elite_models.generation == self.genetic_generation ].model ) self.log_print(["elite models to start off with:", elite_models]) proposed_chromosomes = [ self.chromosome_string(self.map_model_to_chromosome(mod)) for mod in elite_models ] # list of chromosome strings to return input_models = list(model_fitnesses.keys()) num_models_for_next_generation = len(input_models) self.log_print( ["Num models reqd for generation:", num_models_for_next_generation] ) num_loops_to_find_new_chromosome = 0 force_mutation = False num_genes_to_force_mutate = 0 t_init = time.time() while len(proposed_chromosomes) < num_models_for_next_generation: # selection = self.selection() try: selected_id = next(pair_selection_order) except: self.log_print(["no pairs remaining."]) # TODO now what? raise selected_entry = self.chrom_pair_df.loc[selected_id] selection = { "chromosome_1": selected_entry["c1"], "chromosome_2": selected_entry["c2"], "other_data": { "cut": int(selected_entry["cut1"]), "force_mutation": bool(selected_entry["force_mutation"]), }, } suggested_chromosomes = self.crossover(selection=selection) suggested_chromosomes = self.mutation( chromosomes=suggested_chromosomes, force_mutation=selection["other_data"]["force_mutation"], ) c0_str = self.chromosome_string(suggested_chromosomes[0]) c1_str = self.chromosome_string(suggested_chromosomes[1]) for c in [c0_str, c1_str]: if ( c not in proposed_chromosomes and c != self.all_zero_chromosome_string ): proposed_chromosomes.append(c) self.log_print( [ "num proposed chromosome now: {} of {}".format( len(proposed_chromosomes), num_models_for_next_generation, ), "new chromosome:", c, ] ) birth = pd.Series( { "child": self.map_chromosome_to_model(c), "chromosome_child": c, "chromosome_parent_a": selection["chromosome_1"], "chromosome_parent_b": selection["chromosome_2"], "parent_a": self.map_chromosome_to_model( selection["chromosome_1"] ), "parent_b": self.map_chromosome_to_model( selection["chromosome_2"] ), "generation": self.genetic_generation, "f_score": self.chromosome_f_score(c), } ) self.birth_register.loc[len(self.birth_register)] = birth self.log_print(["Registering birth"]) if len(self.chrom_pair_df) == 0: # already tried every available pair num_genes_to_force_mutate += 1 # TODO increase number of genes to flip to diversify population when repetitive self.log_print( [ "Redrawing chromosome pair selection dataframe, enforcing mutation on {} genes".format( num_genes_to_force_mutate ) ] ) self.prepare_chromosome_pair_dataframe( chromosome_probabilities=self.chromosome_selection_probabilities, force_mutation=True # force_mutation=num_genes_to_force_mutate ) # chop extra chromosomes if generated proposed_chromosomes = proposed_chromosomes[:num_models_for_next_generation] self.previously_considered_chromosomes.extend( [self.chromosome_string(r) for r in proposed_chromosomes] ) # self.delta_f_by_generation[self.genetic_generation] = delta_f_score self.chromosomes_at_generation[self.genetic_generation] = [ self.chromosome_string(r) for r in proposed_chromosomes ] new_models = [self.map_chromosome_to_model(mod) for mod in proposed_chromosomes] self.log_print( [ "Genetic alg num new models:{}".format(len(new_models)), "({} unique)".format(len(set(list(new_models)))), ] ) self.genetic_generation += 1 return new_models
class GeneticAlgorithmFullyConnectedLikewisePauliTerms(GeneticAlgorithmQMLA): r""" Exact structure of :class:`~qmla.GeneticAlgorithmQMLA`, where the avaiable terms are assumed to follow conventional pauliSet format, and all sites are connected. e.g. terms of the form pauliSet_1J2_xJx_d2, pauliSet_1J2_yJy_d2, pauliSet_1J2_zJz_d2, :param int num_sites: dimension to permit model search within :param list base_terms: terms to use with pauliSet-type terms """ def __init__(self, num_sites, base_terms=["x", "y", "z"], **kwargs): terms = [] for i in range(1, 1 + num_sites): for j in range(i + 1, 1 + num_sites): for t in base_terms: new_term = "pauliSet_{i}J{j}_{o}J{o}_d{N}".format( i=i, j=j, o=t, N=num_sites, ) terms.append(new_term) super().__init__(genes=terms, num_sites=num_sites, **kwargs) def multidimensional_shifting(num_samples, sample_size, elements, probabilities): # replicate probabilities as many times as `num_samples` replicated_probabilities = np.tile(probabilities, (num_samples, 1)) # get random shifting numbers & scale them correctly random_shifts = np.random.random(replicated_probabilities.shape) random_shifts /= random_shifts.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # shift by numbers & find largest (by finding the smallest of the negative) shifted_probabilities = random_shifts - replicated_probabilities return np.argpartition(shifted_probabilities, sample_size, axis=1)[:, :sample_size]