Source code for qmla.shared_functionality.expectation_value_functions

These functions compute the likelihood used by quantum likelihood estimation (QLE). 
QLE updates the Bayesian posterior distribution through particles' likelihood $\mathcal{L}(d | \hat{H}_p; e)$,
    given a datum $d$, experiment $e$ and model $\hat{H}_p$.
The expectation value for a the unitary operator is given by
    $$ \Pr(0) =  |\bra{\psi} e^{-i \hat{H}_p t} \ket{\psi}|^2  = \mathcal{L}(d=0 | \hat{H}_p; e), $$
    i.e. the input basis is assigned the measurement label $d=0$, and this quantity is the probability 
    of measuring $d=0$, i.e. measuring the same state as input. 
    Importantly, QInfer requires the quantity $\Pr(0)$, so that is the output of these functions. 
However, we assume a binary outcome model, 
    i.e. that the system is measured either in $\ket{\psi}$ (labelled $d=0$), or it is not ($d=1$);
    the likelihood for the latter case is
    $$ \mathcal{L}(d=1 | \hat{H}_p; e) = | \bra{\psi_{\perp}} e^{-i \hat{H}_p t} \ket{\psi}  |^2 = 1 - \Pr(0) $$

So, the role of these functions is to compute $\Pr(0)$, 
    which is not always the same as computing the likelihood,
    although these are equiavelent when we measure $d=0$.
Generically, without referring to the likelihood, these functions are to compute the expectation value
    of the unitary operator corresponding to the model of the system.

import numpy as np

    from expm import expm
    from scipy.linalg import expm

from scipy import linalg
import qmla.logging

def log_print(to_print_list, log_file, log_identifier="ExpectationValue"):
        to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=log_file, log_identifier=log_identifier

# Default expectation value calculations

[docs]def default_expectation_value( ham, t, state, log_file="qmla_log.log", log_identifier="Expecation Value" ): """ Default probability calculation: | <state.transpose | e^{-iHt} | state> |**2 Returns the expectation value computed by evolving the input state with the provided Hamiltonian operator. :param np.array ham: Hamiltonian needed for the time-evolution :param float t: Evolution time :param np.array state: Initial state to evolve and measure on :param str log_file: (optional) path of the log file :param str log_identifier: (optional) identifier for the log :return: probability of measuring the input state after Hamiltonian evolution """ probe_bra = state.conj().T u = expm(-1j * ham * t) # h = hexp.LinalgUnitaryEvolvingMatrix( # ham, # evolution_time = t, # ) # u = h.expm() # h = hexp.UnitaryEvolvingMatrix( # ham, # evolution_time = t, # ) # u = h.expm() u_psi =, state) expectation_value =, u_psi) # in general a complex number prob_of_measuring_input_state = np.abs(expectation_value) ** 2 # check that probability is reasonable (0 <= P <= 1) ex_val_tol = 1e-9 if prob_of_measuring_input_state > ( 1 + ex_val_tol ) or prob_of_measuring_input_state < (0 - ex_val_tol): log_print( [ "prob_of_measuring_input_state > 1 or < 0 (={}) at t={}\n Probe={}".format( prob_of_measuring_input_state, t, repr(state) ) ], log_file=log_file, log_identifier=log_identifier, ) raise NameError("Unphysical expectation value") return prob_of_measuring_input_state
# Expectation value function using Hahn inversion gate: def hahn_evolution(ham, t, state, precision=1e-10, log_file=None, log_identifier=None): r""" Hahn echo evolution and expectation value. Returns the expectation value computed by evolving the input state with the Hamiltonian corresponding to the Hahn eco evolution. NB: In this case, the assumption is that the value measured is 1 and the expectation value corresponds to the probability of obtaining 1. :param np.array ham: Hamiltonian needed for the time-evolution :param float t: Evolution time :param np.array state: Initial state to evolve and measure on :param float precision: precision required of the expectation value when using custom exponentiation function. TODO deprecated; remove :param str log_file: (optional) path of the log file :param str log_identifier: (optional) identifier for the log :return: expectation value of the evolved state """ # NOTE this is always projecting onto |+> # okay for experimental data with spins in NV centre import numpy as np from scipy import linalg from qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation import random_probe inversion_gate = np.array( [ [0.0 - 1.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j], [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 - 1.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j], [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 1.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j], [0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 0.0j, 0.0 + 1.0j], ] ) # TODO Hahn gate here does not include pi/2 term # is it meant to???? as below # inversion_gate = inversion_gate * np.pi/2 even_time_split = False if even_time_split: # unitary_time_evolution = h.exp_ham( # ham, # t, # precision=precision # ) unitary_time_evolution = ( qutip.Qobj(-1j * ham * t).expm().full() ) # TODO deprecated total_evolution = unitary_time_evolution,, unitary_time_evolution) ) else: first_unitary_time_evolution = expm(-1j * ham * t) second_unitary_time_evolution = np.linalg.matrix_power( first_unitary_time_evolution, 2 ) total_evolution = second_unitary_time_evolution,, first_unitary_time_evolution), ) # print("total ev:\n", total_evolution) ev_state =, state) nm = np.linalg.norm(ev_state) if np.abs(1 - nm) > 1e-5: print("[hahn] norm ev state:", nm, "\t t=", t) raise NameError("Non-unit norm") density_matrix = np.kron(ev_state, (ev_state.T).conj()) density_matrix = np.reshape(density_matrix, [4, 4]) reduced_matrix = partial_trace_out_second_qubit(density_matrix, qubits_to_trace=[1]) plus_state = np.array([1, 1]) / np.sqrt(2) # from 1000 counts - Poissonian noise = 1/sqrt(1000) # should be ~0.03 noise_level = 0.00 random_noise = noise_level * random_probe(1) noisy_plus = plus_state + random_noise norm_factor = np.linalg.norm(noisy_plus) noisy_plus = noisy_plus / norm_factor bra = noisy_plus.conj().T rho_state =, noisy_plus) expect_value = np.abs(, rho_state)) # print("Hahn. Time=",t, "\t ex = ", expect_value) # print("[Hahn evolution] projecting onto:", repr(bra)) return 1 - expect_value # because we actually project onto |-> in experiment # return expect_value def make_inversion_gate_rotate_y(num_qubits): r""" returns the inversion gate for the Hahn eco evolution as numpy array :parameter num_qubits: size of the inversion gate required :output : inversion gate """ from scipy import linalg sigma_y = np.array([[0 + 0.0j, 0 - 1.0j], [0 + 1.0j, 0 + 0.0j]]) hahn_angle = np.pi / 2 hahn_gate = np.kron(hahn_angle * sigma_y, np.eye(2 ** (num_qubits - 1))) # inversion_gate = qutip.Qobj(-1.0j * hahn_gate).expm().full() inversion_gate = expm(-1j * hahn_gate) return inversion_gate def make_inversion_gate(num_qubits): r""" returns the inversion gate for the Hahn eco evolution as numpy array :parameter num_qubits: size of the inversion gate required :output : inversion gate """ from scipy import linalg sigma_z = np.array([[1 + 0.0j, 0 + 0.0j], [0 + 0.0j, -1 + 0.0j]]) hahn_angle = np.pi / 2 hahn_gate = np.kron(hahn_angle * sigma_z, np.eye(2 ** (num_qubits - 1))) # inversion_gate = qutip.Qobj(-1.0j * hahn_gate).expm().full() inversion_gate = expm(-1j * hahn_gate) return inversion_gate def hahn_via_z_pi_gate(**kwargs): return n_qubit_hahn_evolution( pi_rotation="z", second_time_evolution_factor=2, **kwargs ) def n_qubit_hahn_evolution_double_time_reverse(ham, t, state, **kwargs): return n_qubit_hahn_evolution( ham=ham, t=t, state=state, second_time_evolution_factor=2, **kwargs ) def n_qubit_hahn_evolution( ham, t, state, second_time_evolution_factor=1, pi_rotation="y", precision=1e-10, log_file=None, log_identifier=None, ): r""" n qubits time evolution for Hahn-echo measurement returning measurement probability for input state :param ham: Hamiltonian needed for the time-evolution :type ham: np.array() :param t: Evolution time :type t: float() :param state: Initial state to evolve and measure on :type state: float() :param precision: (optional) chosen precision for expectation value, default 1e-10 :type precision: float() :param log_file: (optional) path of the log file for logging errors :type log_file: str() :param log_identifier: (optional) identifier for the log :type log_identifier: str() :output: probability of measuring input state after time t """ import numpy as np import qmla.model_building_utilities from scipy import linalg num_qubits = int(np.log2(np.shape(ham)[0])) if pi_rotation == "y": from qmla.shared_functionality.hahn_y_gates import ( precomputed_hahn_y_inversion_gates, ) inversion_gate = precomputed_hahn_y_inversion_gates[num_qubits] elif pi_rotation == "z": from qmla.shared_functionality.hahn_inversion_gates import ( precomputed_hahn_z_inversion_gates, ) inversion_gate = precomputed_hahn_z_inversion_gates[num_qubits] # inversion_gate = make_inversion_gate_rotate_y(num_qubits) # want to evolve for t, then apply Hahn inversion gate, # then again evolution for (S * t) # where S = 2 in standard Hahn evolution, # S = 1 for long time dynamics study first_unitary_time_evolution = expm(-1j * ham * t) second_unitary_time_evolution = np.linalg.matrix_power( first_unitary_time_evolution, second_time_evolution_factor ) total_evolution = second_unitary_time_evolution,, first_unitary_time_evolution), ) ev_state =, state) nm = np.linalg.norm(ev_state) if np.abs(1 - nm) > 1e-5: print( "\n\n[n qubit Hahn]\n norm ev state:", nm, "\nt=", t, "\nprobe=", repr(state), ) print("\nev state:\n", repr(ev_state)) print("\nham:\n", repr(ham)) print("\nHam element[0,2]:\n", ham[0][2]) print("\ntotal evolution:\n", repr(total_evolution)) print("\nfirst unitary:\n", first_unitary_time_evolution) print("\nsecond unitary:\n", second_unitary_time_evolution) print("\ninversion_gate:\n", inversion_gate) density_matrix = np.kron(ev_state, (ev_state.T).conj()) dim_hilbert_space = 2 ** num_qubits density_matrix = np.reshape(density_matrix, [dim_hilbert_space, dim_hilbert_space]) # qdm = qutip.Qobj(density_matrix, dims=[[2],[2]]) # reduced_matrix_qutip = qdm.ptrace(0).full() # below methods give different results for reduced_matrix # reduced_matrix = qdm.ptrace(0).full() to_trace = list(range(num_qubits - 1)) reduced_matrix = partial_trace(density_matrix, to_trace) density_mtx_initial_state = np.kron(state, state.conj()) density_mtx_initial_state = np.reshape( density_mtx_initial_state, [dim_hilbert_space, dim_hilbert_space] ) reduced_density_mtx_initial_state = partial_trace( density_mtx_initial_state, to_trace ) projection_onto_initial_den_mtx = reduced_density_mtx_initial_state, reduced_matrix ) expect_value = np.abs(np.trace(projection_onto_initial_den_mtx)) # expect_value is projection onto |+> # for this case Pr(0) refers to projection onto |-> # so return 1 - expect_value likelihood = 1 - expect_value if likelihood > 1 or likelihood < 0: print("Unphysical expectation value:", likelihood) return likelihood # return expect_value def partial_trace(mat, trace_systems, dimensions=None, reverse=True): """ Returns the partial trace of mat over subsystems of multi-partite matrix. loghish description: This function has been taken from Note that subsystems are ordered as rho012 = rho0(x)rho1(x)rho2. :param mat: a matrix NxN. :type mat: np.array() :param trace_systems: a list of subsystems (starting from 0) to trace over. :type trace_system: list(int()) :param dimensions : (optional) a list of the dimensions of the subsystems. Default=None. If this is not set it will assume all subsystems are qubits. :type dimensions: list(int()) :param reverse: (optional) If True reverses the ordering of systems in operator. Default=True. If True system-0 is the right most system in tensor product. If False system-0 is the left most system in tensor product. :type reverse: bool :output: A density matrix with the appropriate subsystems traced over as ndarray. """ if dimensions is None: # compute dims if not specified length = np.shape(mat)[0] num_qubits = int(np.log2(length)) dimensions = [2 for _ in range(num_qubits)] if length != 2 ** num_qubits: raise Exception( "Input is not a multi-qubit state, " "specify input state dims" ) else: dimensions = list(dimensions) trace_systems = sorted(trace_systems, reverse=True) for j in trace_systems: # Partition subsystem dimensions dimension_trace = int(dimensions[j]) # traced out system if reverse: left_dimensions = dimensions[j + 1 :] right_dimensions = dimensions[:j] dimensions = right_dimensions + left_dimensions else: left_dimensions = dimensions[:j] right_dimensions = dimensions[j + 1 :] dimensions = left_dimensions + right_dimensions # Contract remaining dimensions dimension_left = int( dimension_right = int( # Reshape input array into tri-partite system with system to be # traced as the middle index mat = mat.reshape( [ dimension_left, dimension_trace, dimension_right, dimension_left, dimension_trace, dimension_right, ] ) # trace out the middle system and reshape back to a matrix mat = mat.trace(axis1=1, axis2=4).reshape( dimension_left * dimension_right, dimension_left * dimension_right ) return mat def partial_trace_out_second_qubit(global_rho, qubits_to_trace=[1]): """ 2 qubit version of the partial trace function. :parameter global_rho: original full density matrix :type global_rho: np.array() :parameter qubits_to_trace: list containing the qubit index that we want to trace out from the full system this can be [0] or [1]. Default=[1] :type global_rho: list(int()) :output: matrix containing the traced out state as np.array() """ len_input_state = len(global_rho) input_num_qubits = int(np.log2(len_input_state)) qubits_to_trace.reverse() num_qubits_to_trace = len(qubits_to_trace) output_matrix = [] # initialise the output reduced matrix for i in range(num_qubits_to_trace): k = qubits_to_trace[i] if k == num_qubits_to_trace: for p in range(0, int(len_input_state), 2): # pick odd positions in the original matrix odd_positions = global_rho[p][::2] # pick even positions in the original matrix even_positions = global_rho[p + 1][1::2] output_matrix.append(odd_positions + even_positions) output_matrix = np.array(output_matrix) return output_matrix # for easy access to plus states to plot against def n_qubit_plus_state(num_qubits): """ Returns the num_qubits pure quantum states where each of the qubits is in plus state as a np.array() :parameter num_qubits: number of qubits :type num_qubits: int() :output: pure quantum state of num_qubits in plus state. """ one_qubit_plus = (1 / np.sqrt(2) + 0j) * np.array([1, 1]) plus_n = one_qubit_plus for i in range(num_qubits - 1): plus_n = np.kron(plus_n, one_qubit_plus) return plus_n