Source code for qmla.remote_bayes_factor

import copy
import pickle
import random
import time as time
import numpy as np
import os as os
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec

    from lfig import LatexFigure
    from qmla.shared_functionality.latex_figure import LatexFigure

import qmla.model_building_utilities as model_building_utilities
import qmla.model_for_comparison
import qmla.logging
import qmla.redis_settings as rds
import redis


__all__ = ["remote_bayes_factor_calculation", "plot_dynamics_from_models"]

[docs]def remote_bayes_factor_calculation( model_a_id, model_b_id, branch_id=None, # num_times_to_use='all', # TODO remove bf_data_folder=None, times_record="BayesFactorsTimes.txt", check_db=False, bayes_threshold=1, host_name="localhost", port_number=6379, qid=0, log_file="rq_output.log", ): r""" Standalone function to compute Bayes factors. Used in conjunction with redis databases so this calculation can be performed without any knowledge other than model IDs. Data is unpickled from a redis databse, containing `learned_model` information, i.e. final parameters etc. Given `model_id`s correspond to model names in the database, which are combined with the final learned parameters to reconstruct model classes of complete learned models. Each model had been trained on a given set of experimental parmaeters (times). The reconstructed model classes are updated according to the experimental parameters of the opponent model, such that both models have underwent the same experiments. From these we extract log likelihoods to compute the Bayes factor, BF(A,B). Models have a unique pair_id, simply (min(A,B), max(A,B)). For BF(A,B) >> 1, A is deemed the winner; BF(A,B)<<1 deems B the winner. The result is then stored redis databases: - bayes_factors_db: BF(A,B) - bayes_factors_winners_db: id of winning model - active_branches_bayes: when complete, increase the count of complete pairs' BF on the given branch. :param int model_a_id: unique id for model A :param int model_b_id: unique id for model B :param int branch_id: unique id of branch the pair (A,B) are on :param str or int num_times_to_use: how many times, used during the training of models A,B, to use during the BF calculation. Default 'all'; if otherwise, Nt, keeps the most recent Nt experiment times of A,B. :param str bf_data_folder: folder path to store information such as times used during calculation, and plots of posterior marginals. :param str times_record: filename to store times used during calculation. :param bool check_db: look in redis databases to check if this pair's BF has already been computed; return pre-computed BF if so. :param float bayes_threshold: value to determine whether either model is superior enough to "win" the comparison. If 1 < BF < threshold, neither win. :param str host_name: name of host server on which redis database exists. :param int port_number: this QMLA instance's unique port number, on which redis database exists. :param int qid: QMLA id, unique to a single instance within a run. Used to identify the redis database corresponding to this instance. :param str log_file: Path of the log file. """ def log_print(to_print_list): qmla.logging.print_to_log( to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=log_file, log_identifier="BF ({}/{})".format(int(model_a_id), int(model_b_id)), ) log_print(["BF start on branch", branch_id]) num_redis_retries = ( 5 # TODO this is a hideous hack to get around redis database temporary failures ) time_start = time.time() # Access databases for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: redis_databases = rds.get_redis_databases_by_qmla_id( host_name, port_number, qid ) qmla_core_info_database = redis_databases["qmla_core_info_database"] learned_models_info_db = redis_databases["learned_models_info_db"] learned_models_ids = redis_databases["learned_models_ids"] bayes_factors_db = redis_databases["bayes_factors_db"] bayes_factors_winners_db = redis_databases["bayes_factors_winners_db"] active_branches_learning_models = redis_databases[ "active_branches_learning_models" ] active_branches_bayes = redis_databases["active_branches_bayes"] active_interbranch_bayes = redis_databases["active_interbranch_bayes"] any_job_failed_db = redis_databases["any_job_failed"] # Retrieve data from databases qmla_core_info_dict = pickle.loads( redis_databases["qmla_core_info_database"]["qmla_settings"] ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print( [ "BF Failed (branch {}) to retrieve redis databases. Error: {}".format( branch_id, e ) ] ) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise # Whether to build plots save_plots_of_posteriors = False plot_level = qmla_core_info_dict["plot_level"] figure_format = qmla_core_info_dict["figure_format"] # Get model instances for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: model_a = qmla.model_for_comparison.ModelInstanceForComparison( model_id=model_a_id, qid=qid, opponent=model_b_id, log_file=log_file, host_name=host_name, port_number=port_number, ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print( [ "BF Failed to instantiate model {}. Error: {}".format( model_a_id, e ) ] ) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: model_b = qmla.model_for_comparison.ModelInstanceForComparison( model_id=model_b_id, qid=qid, opponent=model_a_id, log_file=log_file, host_name=host_name, port_number=port_number, ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print( [ "BF Failed to instantiate model {}. Error: {}".format( model_b_id, e ) ] ) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise log_print(["Both models instantiated on branch {}.".format(branch_id)]) # Take a copy of each updater before updates (for plotting later) for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: updater_a_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_a.qinfer_updater) updater_b_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_b.qinfer_updater) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print(["BF Failed to copy updaters. Error: {}".format(e)]) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise # Update the models with the times trained by the other model. for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: log_l_a = model_a.update_log_likelihood( new_times=model_b.times_learned_over, new_experimental_params=model_b.track_experiment_parameters, ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print( [ "BF Failed to compute log likelihood for {}. Error: {}".format( model_a_id, e ) ] ) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: log_l_b = model_b.update_log_likelihood( new_times=model_a.times_learned_over, new_experimental_params=model_a.track_experiment_parameters, ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print( [ "BF Failed to compute log likelihood for {}. Error: {}".format( model_b_id, k ) ] ) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise bayes_factor = np.exp(log_l_a - log_l_b) # Plot the posterior of the true model only if save_plots_of_posteriors and (model_a.is_true_model or model_b.is_true_model): if model_a.is_true_model: true_model = model_a updater_copy = updater_a_copy elif model_b.is_true_model: true_model = model_b updater_copy = updater_b_copy try: plot_posterior_marginals( model=true_model, qmla_id=qid, initial_updater_copy=updater_copy, save_directory=bf_data_folder, ) log_print(["Plotting posterior marginal of true model succeeded."]) except BaseException: log_print(["Plotting posterior marginal of true model failed."]) pass # Plot dynamics on which models were compared if plot_level >= 4: try: log_print(["Plotting dynamics of models involved."]) plot_dynamics_from_models( models=[model_a, model_b], exp_msmts=qmla_core_info_dict["experimental_measurements"], bayes_factor=bayes_factor, bf_times=model_a.bf_times, # same as model_b.bf_times save_directory=bf_data_folder, figure_format=figure_format, ) except: log_print(["plot failure: plot_dynamics_from_models"]) else: log_print(["NOT Plotting dynamics of models involved."]) # Present result log_print( [ "BF computed on branch {}: A:{}; B:{}; log10 BF={}".format( branch_id, model_a_id, model_b_id, np.round(np.log10(bayes_factor), 2) ) ] ) if bayes_factor < 1e-160: bayes_factor = 1e-160 elif bayes_factor > 1e160: bayes_factor = 1e160 pair_id = model_building_utilities.unique_model_pair_identifier( model_a_id, model_b_id ) for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: if float(model_a_id) < float(model_b_id): # so that BF in database always refers to (low/high), not (high/low). bayes_factors_db.set(pair_id, bayes_factor) else: bayes_factors_db.set(pair_id, (1.0 / bayes_factor)) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print(["BF Failed to set bf on redis bf db. Error: ", e]) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise # Record winner if BF > threshold for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: if bayes_factor > bayes_threshold: bayes_factors_winners_db.set(pair_id, "a") elif bayes_factor < (1.0 / bayes_threshold): bayes_factors_winners_db.set(pair_id, "b") else: log_print(["Neither model much better."]) log_print( [ "Renorm record A: \n {}".format( model_a.qinfer_updater._normalization_record ), "\nRenorm record B: \n {}".format( model_b.qinfer_updater._normalization_record ), ] ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print(["BF Failed to set bf on redis winner db. Error: ", e]) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise # Record this result to the branch for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: if branch_id is not None: active_branches_bayes.incr(int(branch_id), 1) else: active_interbranch_bayes.set(pair_id, True) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print(["BF Failed to compute log likelihoods. Error: ", e]) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise log_print( [ "BF finished on branch {}. rq time: {}".format( branch_id, str(time.time() - time_start), ) ] ) del model_a, model_b return bayes_factor
######### # Utilities ######### def log_print(to_print_list, log_file, log_identifier): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.print_to_log`""" qmla.logging.print_to_log( to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=log_file, log_identifier=log_identifier ) ######### # Plotting #########
[docs]def plot_dynamics_from_models( models, exp_msmts, bf_times, bayes_factor, save_directory, figure_format="png" ): """Plot the dynamics of the pair of models considered in a Bayes factor comparison. :param models: list of 2 models which were compared during this calculation, [model_a, model_b]. :type models: :class:`~qmla.ModelInstanceForLearning` :param exp_msmts: times and expectation values for the system. :type exp_msmts: dict :param bf_times: Times used for the BF calculation :type bf_times: list :param bayes_factor: Bayes factor between the two input models, to be read as BF(model_a, model_b) :type bayes_factor: float :param save_directory: path where the generated figure is to be saved :type save_directory: path """ times = list(sorted(exp_msmts.keys())) lf = LatexFigure(fraction=0.45, auto_label=False) ax1 = lf.new_axis() lines = [] for model in models: l = model.plot_dynamics(ax=ax1, times=times) lines.extend(l) ax1.set_xlim((min(times), max(times))) # Plot system measurements l = ax1.scatter( times, [exp_msmts[t] for t in times], label=r"$Q$", color="red", alpha=0.6, s=5 ) lines.append(l) # Overlay times try: # in background, show how often that time was considered ax2 = ax1.twinx() num_times = int(len(times)) - 1 l = ax2.hist( bf_times, bins=num_times, # TODO put on separate plot to see when higher times compared on range=(min(times), max(times)), histtype="stepfilled", fill=False, label=r"$t$", alpha=0.25, ) ax2.set_ylabel("Frequency") max_freq = max(l[0]) ax2.set_ylim(0, 1.6 * max_freq) ax2.set_yticks([0, int(max_freq / 2), max_freq]) lines.append(l[-1][0]) except BaseException: raise # pass bf = np.log10(bayes_factor) labels = [l.get_label() for l in lines] ax1.set_ylim(0, 1.6) ax1.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1]) ax1.set_ylabel("Expectation Value") ax1.set_xlabel("Time") ax1.legend(lines, labels, ncol=2, loc="upper center") plot_path = os.path.join( save_directory, "BF_{}_{}".format(str(models[0].model_id), str(models[1].model_id)), ) # plt.savefig(plot_path), file_format=figure_format)
def plot_models_dynamics( model_a, model_b, exp_msmts, plot_probes_path, bayes_factor, bf_times, qmla_id, log_file, save_directory=None, ): times = list(sorted(exp_msmts.keys())) experimental_exp_vals = [exp_msmts[t] for t in times] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() # Plot true measurements ax1.scatter( times, experimental_exp_vals, label="Exp data", color="red", alpha=0.6, s=5 ) ax1.set_ylabel("Exp Val") plot_probes = pickle.load(open(plot_probes_path, "rb")) for mod in [model_a, model_b]: final_params = mod.qinfer_updater.est_mean() final_ham = np.tensordot(final_params, mod.model_terms_matrices, axes=1) dim = int(np.log2(np.shape(final_ham)[0])) plot_probe = plot_probes[dim] mod_exp_vals = [ mod.exploration_class.get_expectation_value( ham=final_ham, t=t, state=plot_probe, log_file=log_file, log_identifier="[remote_bayes_factor: plotting]", ) for t in times ] ax1.plot( times, mod_exp_vals, label=str("({}) {}".format(mod.model_id, mod.model_name_latex)), ) try: # in background, show how often that time was considered ax2 = ax1.twinx() num_times = int(len(times)) - 1 print("BF times: ", repr(bf_times)) ax2.hist( bf_times, bins=num_times, # TODO put on separate plot to see when higher times compared on range=(min(times), max(times)), histtype="stepfilled", fill=False, label=str("{} times total".format(len(bf_times))), alpha=0.1, ) ax2.set_ylabel("Frequency time was during comparison") except BaseException: raise # pass bf = np.log10(bayes_factor) plt.title("[$log_{10}$ Bayes Factor]: " + str(np.round(bf, 2))) plt.figlegend() plot_path = os.path.join( save_directory, "BF_{}_{}.png".format(str(model_a.model_id), str(model_b.model_id)), ) plt.savefig(plot_path) def plot_posterior_marginals( model, initial_updater_copy, qmla_id, save_directory, ): r""" Shows parameter distribution before/after updates for BF. # TODO indicate which comparison this corresponds to # TODO plot posterior for both models in this comparison # TODO also plot learned posterior -- # ie particle locations and weights that are learned, rather than # the normal approximation the BF assumes """ num_terms = model.qinfer_model.n_modelparams before_updates = [ initial_updater_copy.posterior_marginal(idx_param=i) for i in range(num_terms) ] after_updates = [ model.qinfer_updater.posterior_marginal(idx_param=i) for i in range(num_terms) ] ncols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_terms))) nrows = int(np.ceil(num_terms / ncols)) fig, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 7), nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) gs = GridSpec( nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, ) row = 0 col = 0 for param in range(num_terms): ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[row, col]) ax.plot( before_updates[param][0], before_updates[param][1], color="blue", ls="-", label="Before", ) ax.plot( after_updates[param][0], after_updates[param][1], color="red", ls=":", label="After", ) if row == 0 and col == ncols - 1: ax.legend() col += 1 if col == ncols: col = 0 row += 1 save_path = os.path.join( save_directory, "bf_posteriors_qmla_{}_model_{}".format(qmla_id, model.model_id) ) plt.savefig(save_path)