Source code for qmla.quantum_model_learning_agent

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import math
import numpy as np
import os as os
import sys as sys
import itertools
import pandas as pd
import time
from time import sleep
import random
import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
import pickle
import redis
import rq
import seaborn as sns

    from lfig import LatexFigure
    from qmla.shared_functionality.latex_figure import LatexFigure

# QMLA functionality
import qmla.analysis
import qmla.model_building_utilities as model_building_utilities
import qmla.get_exploration_strategy as get_exploration_strategy
import qmla.redis_settings as rds
import qmla.model_for_storage
from qmla.remote_bayes_factor import remote_bayes_factor_calculation
from qmla.remote_model_learning import remote_learn_model_parameters
import qmla.exploration_tree
import qmla.utilities


__all__ = ["QuantumModelLearningAgent"]

[docs]class QuantumModelLearningAgent: r""" QMLA manager class. Controls the infrastructure which determines which models are learned and compared. By interpreting user defined :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy`, grows :class:`~qmla.ExplorationTree` objects which hold numerous models on :class:`~qmla.BranchQMLA` objects. All models on branches are learned and then compared. The comparisons on a branch inform the next set of models generated on that tree. First calls a series of setup functions to implement infrastructure used throughout. The available algorithms, and their corresponding methods, are: - Quantum Hamilontian Learning: :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.run_quantum_hamiltonian_learning` - Quantum Hamilontian Learning multiple models: :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.run_quantum_hamiltonian_learning_multiple_models` - Quantum Model Learning Agent: :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.run_complete_qmla` :param ControlsQMLA qmla_controls: Storage for configuration of a QMLA instance. :param dict model_priors: values of means/widths to enfore on given models, specifically for further_qhl mode. :param dict experimental_measurements: expectation values by time of the underlying true/target model. """ def __init__( self, qmla_controls=None, model_priors=None, experimental_measurements=None, **kwargs ): self._start_time = time.time() # to measure run-time # Configure this QMLA instance if qmla_controls is None: self.qmla_controls = qmla.controls_qmla.parse_cmd_line_args(args={}) else: self.qmla_controls = qmla_controls self.exploration_class = self.qmla_controls.exploration_class # Basic settings, path definitions etc self._fundamental_settings() # Info on true model self._true_model_definition() # Parameters related to learning/comparing models self._set_learning_and_comparison_parameters( model_priors=model_priors, experimental_measurements=experimental_measurements, ) # Resources potentially reallocated self._compute_base_resources() # Redundant attributes, retained for legacy; to be removed self._potentially_redundant_setup() # Check if QMLA should run in parallel and set up accordingly self._setup_parallel_requirements() # QMLA core info stored on redis server self._compile_and_store_qmla_info_summary() # Set up infrastructure related to exploration strategies and tree management self._setup_tree_and_exploration_strategies() ########## # Section: Initialisation and setup ##########
[docs] def _fundamental_settings(self): r"""Basic settings, path definitions etc.""" # Extract info from Controls self.qmla_id = self.qmla_controls.qmla_id self.redis_host_name = self.qmla_controls.host_name self.redis_port_number = self.qmla_controls.port_number self.log_file = self.qmla_controls.log_file self.log_print( [ "\nwithin QMLA, ES's qmla id is {}. True model={}".format( self.exploration_class.qmla_id, self.exploration_class.true_model ) ] ) self.qhl_mode = self.qmla_controls.qhl_mode self.qhl_mode_multiple_models = self.qmla_controls.qhl_mode_multiple_models self.latex_name_map_file_path = self.qmla_controls.latex_mapping_file self.results_directory = self.qmla_controls.results_directory self.debug_mode = self.qmla_controls.debug_mode self.plot_level = self.qmla_controls.plot_level # Databases for storing learning/comparison data self.redis_databases = rds.get_redis_databases_by_qmla_id( self.redis_host_name, self.redis_port_number, self.qmla_id, ) self.redis_databases["any_job_failed"].set("Status", 0) # Logistics self.models_learned = [] self.timings = { # track times spent in some subroutines "inspect_job_crashes": 0, "jobs_finished": 0, } self.call_counter = { # track number of calls to some subroutines "job_crashes": 0, "jobs_finished": 0, } self.sleep_duration = 2
[docs] def _true_model_definition(self): r"""Information related to true (target) model.""" self.true_model_constructor = self.exploration_class.true_model_constructor self.true_model_name = self.true_model_dimension = self.true_model_constructor.num_qubits self.true_model_constituent_operators = ( self.true_model_constructor.terms_matrices ) self.true_model_num_params = self.true_model_constructor.num_terms # self.true_model_constituent_terms_latex = [ # self.exploration_class.latex_name(term) # for term in # self.true_model_constructor.terms_names # ] self.true_model_constituent_terms_latex = ( self.true_model_constructor.terms_names_latex ) self.true_param_list = self.exploration_class.true_params_list self.true_param_dict = self.exploration_class.true_params_dict self.true_model_branch = -1 # overwrite if true model is added to database self.true_model_considered = False self.true_model_found = False self.true_model_id = -1 self.true_model_on_branhces = [] self.true_model_hamiltonian = self.exploration_class.true_hamiltonian self.log_print(["True model:", self.true_model_name])
[docs] def _setup_tree_and_exploration_strategies( self, ): r"""Set up infrastructure.""" self.model_database = pd.DataFrame( { "model_id": [], "model_name": [], "latex_name": [], "branch_id": [], "f_score": [], "model_storage_instance": [], "model_constructor": [], "branches_present_on": [], "terms": [], "latex_terms": [], } ) self.model_lists = { # assumes maxmium 13 qubit-models considered # to be checked when checking model_lists # TODO generalise to max dim of Exploration Strategy j: [] for j in range(1, 13) } self.all_bayes_factors = {} self.bayes_factor_pair_computed = [] # Exploration Strategy setup self.exploration_strategy_of_true_model = self.qmla_controls.exploration_rules self.unique_exploration_strategy_instances = ( self.qmla_controls.unique_exploration_strategy_instances ) # Keep track of models/branches self.model_count = 0 self.highest_model_id = 0 # so first created model gets model_id=0 self.models_branches = {} self.branch_highest_id = 0 self.model_name_id_map = {} self.ghost_branches = {} # Tree object for each exploration strategy self.trees = { gen: qmla.exploration_tree.ExplorationTree( exploration_class=self.unique_exploration_strategy_instances[gen] ) for gen in self.unique_exploration_strategy_instances } self.branches = {} self.tree_count = len(self.trees) self.tree_count_completed = np.sum( [tree.is_tree_complete() for tree in self.trees.values()] )
[docs] def _set_learning_and_comparison_parameters( self, model_priors, experimental_measurements, ): r"""Parameters related to learning/comparing models.""" # Miscellaneous self.model_priors = model_priors # Learning parameters, used by QInfer updates self.num_particles = self.qmla_controls.num_particles self.num_experiments = self.qmla_controls.num_experiments # self.fraction_experiments_for_bf = self.exploration_class.fraction_experiments_for_bf self.num_experiments_for_bayes_updates = self.num_experiments # TODO remove self.bayes_threshold_lower = 1 self.bayes_threshold_upper = 100 # TODO get from ES # Analysis infrastructure self.model_f_scores = {} self.model_precisions = {} self.model_sensitivities = {} self.bayes_factors_df = pd.DataFrame() # Get probes used for learning self.exploration_class.generate_probes( # noise_level=self.exploration_class.probe_noise_level, # minimum_tolerable_noise=0.0, # tell it the max number of qubits required by any ES under consideration probe_maximum_number_qubits=max( [ gr.max_num_probe_qubits for gr in self.qmla_controls.unique_exploration_strategy_instances.values() ] ) ) self.probes_system = self.exploration_class.probes_system self.probes_simulator = self.exploration_class.probes_simulator self.probe_number = self.exploration_class.num_probes sim_probe_keys = list(self.probes_simulator.keys()) self.log_print( [ "Simulator probe keys (len {}):{}".format( len(sim_probe_keys), sim_probe_keys ) ] ) # Measurements of true model self.experimental_measurements = experimental_measurements self.experimental_measurement_times = sorted( list(self.experimental_measurements.keys()) ) # Used for consistent plotting self.times_to_plot = self.experimental_measurement_times self.times_to_plot_reduced_set = self.times_to_plot[0::10] self.probes_plot_file = self.qmla_controls.probes_plot_file try: self.probes_for_plots = pickle.load(open(self.probes_plot_file, "rb")) except BaseException: self.log_print( ["Could not load plot probes from {}".format(self.probes_plot_file)] )
[docs] def _potentially_redundant_setup( self, ): r""" Graveyard for deprecated ifnrastructure. Attributes etc stored here which are not functionally used within QMLA, but which are called somewhere, and cause errors when omitted. Should be stored here temporarily during development, and removed entirely when sure they are not needed. """ # Some functionality towards time dependent models self.use_time_dependent_true_model = False self.num_time_dependent_true_params = 0 self.time_dependent_params = None # Plotting data about pairwise comparisons self.instance_learning_and_comparisons_path = os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "comparisons" ) if not os.path.exists(self.instance_learning_and_comparisons_path): try: os.makedirs(self.instance_learning_and_comparisons_path) except BaseException: # reached at exact same time as another process; don't crash pass self.bayes_factors_store_times_file = str( self.instance_learning_and_comparisons_path + "BayesFactorsPairsTimes_" + str(self.qmla_controls.long_id) + ".txt" )
[docs] def _setup_parallel_requirements(self): r"""Infrastructure for use when QMLA run in parallel.""" self.use_rq = self.qmla_controls.use_rq self.rq_timeout = self.qmla_controls.rq_timeout self.rq_log_file = self.log_file # writeable file object to use for logging: self.write_log_file = open(self.log_file, "a") try: self.redis_conn = redis.Redis( host=self.redis_host_name, port=self.redis_port_number ) parallel_enabled = True except BaseException: self.log_print("Importing rq failed: enforcing serial.") parallel_enabled = False self.run_in_parallel = parallel_enabled
[docs] def _compute_base_resources(self): r""" Compute the set of minimal resources for models to learn on. In the case self.reallocate_resources==True, models will receive resources (epochs, particles) scaled by how complicated they are. For instance, models with 4 parameters will receive twice as many particles as a model with 2 parameters. """ # Decide if reallocating resources based on true ES. if self.exploration_class.reallocate_resources: base_num_qubits = 3 base_num_terms = 3 for op in self.exploration_class.initial_models: if model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(op) < base_num_qubits: base_num_qubits = model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(op) num_terms = len( model_building_utilities.get_constituent_names_from_name(op) ) if num_terms < base_num_terms: base_num_terms = num_terms self.base_resources = { "num_qubits": base_num_qubits, "num_terms": base_num_terms, "reallocate": True, } else: self.base_resources = {"num_qubits": 1, "num_terms": 1, "reallocate": False}
[docs] def _compile_and_store_qmla_info_summary(self): r""" Gather info needed to run QMLA tasks and store remotely. QMLA issues jobs to run remotely, namely for model (parameter) learning and model comparisons (Bayes factors). These jobs don't need access to all QMLA data, but do need some common info, e.g. number of particles and epochs. This function gathers all relevant information in a single dict, and stores it on the redis server which all worker nodes have access to. It also stores the probe sets required for the same tasks. """ number_hamiltonians_to_exponentiate = self.num_particles * ( 2 * self.num_experiments ) self.latex_config = str( "$P_{" + str(self.num_particles) + "}E_{" + str(self.num_experiments) + # '}B_{' + str(self.num_experiments_for_bayes_updates) + "}H_{" + str(number_hamiltonians_to_exponentiate) + r"}|\psi>_{" + str(self.probe_number) + "}PN_{" + str(self.exploration_class.probe_noise_level) + "}$" ) self.qmla_settings = { "probes_plot_file": self.probes_plot_file, "plot_times": self.times_to_plot, "true_name": self.true_model_name, "true_oplist": self.true_model_constituent_operators, "true_model_terms_params": self.true_param_list, "true_param_dict": self.true_param_dict, "true_model_constructor": self.true_model_constructor, "num_particles": self.num_particles, "num_experiments": self.num_experiments, "results_directory": self.results_directory, "plots_directory": self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "debug_mode": self.debug_mode, "plot_level": self.plot_level, "figure_format": self.qmla_controls.figure_format, "long_id": self.qmla_controls.long_id, "model_priors": self.model_priors, # could be path to unpickle within model? "experimental_measurements": self.experimental_measurements, "base_resources": self.base_resources, "store_particles_weights": False, # TODO from exploration strategy or unneeded "qhl_plots": False, # TODO get from exploration strategy "experimental_measurement_times": self.experimental_measurement_times, "num_probes": self.probe_number, # from exploration strategy or unneeded, "run_info_file": self.qmla_controls.run_info_file, } self.log_print( ["QMLA settings figure_format:", self.qmla_settings["figure_format"]] ) # Store qmla_settings and probe dictionaries on the redis database, # accessible by all workers. # These are retrieved by workers to set # parameters to use when learning/comparing models. compressed_qmla_core_info = pickle.dumps(self.qmla_settings, protocol=4) compressed_probe_dict = pickle.dumps(self.probes_system, protocol=4) compressed_sim_probe_dict = pickle.dumps(self.probes_simulator, protocol=4) qmla_core_info_database = self.redis_databases["qmla_core_info_database"] qmla_core_info_database.set("qmla_settings", compressed_qmla_core_info) qmla_core_info_database.set("probes_system", compressed_probe_dict) qmla_core_info_database.set("probes_simulator", compressed_sim_probe_dict) self.qmla_core_info_database = { "qmla_settings": self.qmla_settings, "probes_system": self.probes_system, "probes_simulator": self.probes_simulator, } self.log_print(["Saved QMLA instance info to ", qmla_core_info_database])
########## # Section: Calculation of models parameters and Bayes factors ##########
[docs] def learn_models_on_given_branch(self, branch_id, blocking=False): r""" Launches jobs to learn all models on the specified branch. Models which are on the branch but have already been learned are not re-learned. For each remaining model on the branch, :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.learn_model` is called. The branch is added to the redis database `active_branches_learning_models`, indicating that branch_id has currently got models in the learning phase. This redis database is monitored by the :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.learn_models_until_trees_complete`. When all models registered on the branch have completed, it is recorded, allowing QMLA to perform the next stage: either spawning a new branch from this branch, or continuing to the final stage of QMLA. This method can block, meaning it waits for a model's learning to complete before proceeding. If in parallel, do not block as model learning won't be launched until the previous model has completed. :param int branch_id: unique QMLA branch ID to learn models of. :param bool use_rq: whether to implement learning via RQ workers. Argument only used when passed to :meth:`QuantumModelLearningAgent.learn_model`. :param bool blocking: whether to wait on all models' learning before proceeding. """ model_list = self.branches[branch_id].resident_models num_models_already_set_this_branch = self.branches[ branch_id ].num_precomputed_models unlearned_models_this_branch = self.branches[branch_id].unlearned_models # Update redis database active_branches_learning_models = self.redis_databases[ "active_branches_learning_models" ] active_branches_learning_models.set( int(branch_id), num_models_already_set_this_branch ) # Learn models self.log_print( [ "Branch {} has models: \nprecomputed: {} \nunlearned: {}".format( branch_id, self.branches[branch_id].precomputed_models, unlearned_models_this_branch, ) ] ) for model_name in unlearned_models_this_branch: self.learn_model( model_name=model_name, branch_id=branch_id, blocking=blocking ) self.log_print(["Learning models from branch {} finished.".format(branch_id)])
[docs] def learn_model(self, model_name, branch_id, blocking=False): r""" Learn a given model by calling the standalone model learning functionality. The model is learned by launching a job either locally or to the job queue. Model learning is implemented by :func:`remote_learn_model_parameters`, which takes a unique model name (string) and distills the terms to learn. If running locally, QMLA core info is passed. Else if RQ workers are being used, it retrieves QMLA info from the shared redis database, and the function is launched via rq's `Queue.enqueue` function. This puts a task on the redis `Queue` - the task is the implementation of :func:`remote_learn_model_parameters`. The effect is either to learn the model here, or else to have launched a job where it will be learned remotely, so nothing is returned. :param str model_name: string uniquely representing a model :param int branch_id: unique branch ID within QMLA environment :param bool use_rq: whether to use RQ workers, or implement locally :param bool blocking: whether to wait on model to finish learning before proceeding. """ model_already_exists = self._check_model_exists( model_name=model_name, ) if not model_already_exists: self.log_print( ["Model {} not yet in database: can not be learned.".format(model_name)] ) else: model_id = self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=model_name) if model_id not in self.models_learned: self.models_learned.append(model_id) if self.run_in_parallel and self.use_rq: # get access to the RQ queue queue = rq.Queue( self.qmla_id, connection=self.redis_conn, is_async=self.use_rq, default_timeout=self.rq_timeout, ) self.log_print( [ "Redis queue object:", queue, "has job waiting IDs:", queue.job_ids, ] ) # send model-learning, as task to job queue queued_model = queue.enqueue( remote_learn_model_parameters, result_ttl=-1, # ttl = -1, job_timeout=self.rq_timeout, name=model_name, model_id=model_id, exploration_rule=self.branches[branch_id].exploration_strategy, branch_id=branch_id, remote=True, host_name=self.redis_host_name, port_number=self.redis_port_number, qid=self.qmla_id, log_file=self.rq_log_file, ) self.log_print(["Model {} on rq job {}".format(model_id, queued_model)]) if blocking: # wait for result when called. self.log_print( [ "Blocking: waiting for {} to finish on redis queue".format( model_name ) ] ) while not queued_model.is_finished: t_init = time.time() some_job_failed = queued_model.is_failed self.timings["jobs_finished"] += time.time() - t_init self.call_counter["jobs_finished"] += 1 if some_job_failed: self.log_print( ["Model", model_name, "has failed on remote worker."] ) raise NameError("Remote QML failure") break time.sleep(self.sleep_duration) self.log_print(["Blocking RQ - model learned:", model_name]) else: # run model learning fnc locally self.log_print( [ "Locally calling learn model function.", "model:", model_name, " ID:", model_id, ] ) # pass probes directly instead of unpickling from redis # database self.qmla_settings["probe_dict"] = self.probes_system remote_learn_model_parameters( name=model_name, model_id=model_id, exploration_rule=self.branches[branch_id].exploration_strategy, branch_id=branch_id, qmla_core_info_dict=self.qmla_settings, remote=True, host_name=self.redis_host_name, port_number=self.redis_port_number, qid=self.qmla_id, log_file=self.rq_log_file, )
[docs] def compare_model_pair( self, model_a_id, model_b_id, return_job=False, branch_id=None, remote=True, wait_on_result=False, ): r""" Launch the comparison between two models. Either locally or by passing to a job queue, run :func:`remote_bayes_factor_calculation` for a pair of models specified by their IDs. :param int model_a_id: unique ID of one model of the pair :param int model_b_id: unique ID of other model of the pair :param bool return_job: True - return the rq job object from this function call. False (default) - return nothing. :param int branch_id: unique branch ID, if this model pair are on the same branch :param bool remote: whether to run the job remotely or locally True - job is placed on queue for RQ worker False - function is computed locally immediately :param bool wait_on_result: whether to wait for the outcome or proceed after sending the job to the queue. :returns bayes_factor: the Bayes factor calculated between the two models, i.e. BF(m1,m2) where m1 is the lower model id. Only returned when `wait_on_result==True`. """ unique_id = model_building_utilities.unique_model_pair_identifier( model_a_id, model_b_id ) if unique_id not in self.bayes_factor_pair_computed: self.bayes_factor_pair_computed.append(unique_id) # Launch comparison, either remotely or locally if self.use_rq: # launch remotely from rq import Connection, Queue, Worker queue = Queue( self.qmla_id, connection=self.redis_conn, is_async=self.use_rq, default_timeout=self.rq_timeout, ) # the function object is the first argument to RQ enqueue function job = queue.enqueue( remote_bayes_factor_calculation, result_ttl=-1, # ttl = -1, job_timeout=self.rq_timeout, model_a_id=model_a_id, model_b_id=model_b_id, branch_id=branch_id, times_record=self.bayes_factors_store_times_file, bf_data_folder=self.instance_learning_and_comparisons_path, # num_times_to_use=self.num_experiments_for_bayes_updates, bayes_threshold=self.bayes_threshold_lower, host_name=self.redis_host_name, port_number=self.redis_port_number, qid=self.qmla_id, log_file=self.rq_log_file, ) self.log_print( [ "Bayes factor calculation queued. Models {}/{}".format( model_a_id, model_b_id ) ] ) if wait_on_result == True: while not job.is_finished: if job.is_failed: raise ("Remote BF failure") sleep(self.sleep_duration) elif return_job == True: return job else: # run comparison locally remote_bayes_factor_calculation( model_a_id=model_a_id, model_b_id=model_b_id, bf_data_folder=self.instance_learning_and_comparisons_path, times_record=self.bayes_factors_store_times_file, # num_times_to_use=self.num_experiments_for_bayes_updates, branch_id=branch_id, bayes_threshold=self.bayes_threshold_lower, host_name=self.redis_host_name, port_number=self.redis_port_number, qid=self.qmla_id, log_file=self.rq_log_file, ) if wait_on_result == True: pair_id = model_building_utilities.unique_model_pair_identifier( model_a_id, model_b_id ) bf_from_db = self.redis_databases["bayes_factors_db"].get(pair_id) bayes_factor = float(bf_from_db) return bayes_factor
[docs] def compare_model_set( self, model_id_list=None, pair_list=None, remote=True, wait_on_result=False, recompute=False, ): r""" Launch pairwise model comparison for a set of models. If `pair_list` is specified, those pairs are compared; otherwise all pairs within `model_id_list` are compared. Pairs are sent to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.compare_model_pair` to be computed either locally or on a job queue. :param list model_id_list: list of model names to compute comparisons between :param list pair_list: list of tuples specifying model IDs to compare :param bool remote: passed directly to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.compare_model_pair` :param bool wait_on_results: passed directly to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.compare_model_pair` :param bool recompute: whether to force comparison even if a pair has been compared previously """ if pair_list is None: pair_list = list(itertools.combinations(model_id_list, 2)) self.log_print(["compare_model_set with BF pair list:", pair_list]) remote_jobs = [] for pair in pair_list: unique_id = model_building_utilities.unique_model_pair_identifier( pair[0], pair[1] ) if unique_id not in self.bayes_factor_pair_computed or recompute == True: # ie not yet considered remote_jobs.append( self.compare_model_pair( pair[0], pair[1], remote=remote, return_job=wait_on_result, ) ) if wait_on_result and self.use_rq: self.log_print( [ "Waiting on result of ", "Bayes comparisons from given model list:", model_id_list, "\n pair list:", pair_list, ] ) for job in remote_jobs: self.log_print(["Monitoring job {}".format(job)]) while not job.is_finished: if job.is_failed: self.log_print(["Model comparison job failed:", job]) raise NameError("Remote job failure") time.sleep(self.sleep_duration) else: self.log_print( [ "Not waiting on results of BF calculations", "since we're not using RQ workers here.", ] )
[docs] def compare_models_within_branch( self, branch_id, pair_list=None, remote=True, recompute=False ): r""" Launch pairwise model comparison for all models on a branch. If `pair_list` is specified, those pairs are compared; otherwise pairs are retrieved from the `pairs_to_compare` attribute of the branch, which is usually all-to-all. Pairs are sent to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.compare_model_pair` to be computed either locally or on a job queue. :param branch_id: unique ID of the branch within the QMLA environment :param list pair_list: list of tuples specifying model IDs to compare :param bool remote: passed directly to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.compare_model_pair` :param bool wait_on_results: passed directly to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.compare_model_pair` :param bool recompute: whether to force comparison even if a pair has been compared previously """ if pair_list is None: pair_list = self.branches[branch_id].pairs_to_compare self.log_print( [ "compare_models_within_branch for branch {} has {} pairs: {}".format( branch_id, len(pair_list), pair_list ) ] ) # Set branch as active on redis db active_branches_bayes = self.redis_databases["active_branches_bayes"] active_branches_bayes.set(int(branch_id), 0) # Compare model pairs for a, b in pair_list: if a != b: unique_id = model_building_utilities.unique_model_pair_identifier(a, b) if ( unique_id not in self.bayes_factor_pair_computed or recompute == True ): # ie not yet considered or recomputing self.compare_model_pair( a, b, remote=remote, branch_id=branch_id, ) elif unique_id in self.bayes_factor_pair_computed: # if this is already computed, # tell this branch not to wait on it. active_branches_bayes.incr(int(branch_id), 1)
[docs] def process_model_pair_comparison( self, a=None, b=None, pair=None, ): r""" Process a comparison between two models. The comparison (Bayes factor) result is retrieved from the redis database and used to update data on the models. :param int a: one of the model's unique ID :param int b: one of the model's unique ID :param tuple pair: alternative mechanism to provide the model IDs, effectively (a,b) :return: ID of the model which is deemed superior from this pair """ bayes_factors_db = self.redis_databases["bayes_factors_db"] if pair is not None: model_ids = pair.split(",") a = float(model_ids[0]) b = float(model_ids[1]) elif a is not None and b is not None: a = float(a) b = float(b) pair = model_building_utilities.unique_model_pair_identifier(a, b) else: self.log_print( [ "Must pass either two model ids, or a \ pair name string, to process Bayes factors." ] ) try: bayes_factor = float(bayes_factors_db.get(pair)) except TypeError: self.log_print( [ "On bayes_factors_db for pair {} = {}".format( pair, bayes_factors_db.get(pair) ) ] ) # bayes_factor refers to calculation BF(pair), where pair # is always defined (lower, higher) for consistency lower_id = min(a, b) higher_id = max(a, b) self.log_print(["processing BF {}/{}".format(lower_id, higher_id)]) mod_low = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(lower_id) mod_high = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(higher_id) if higher_id in mod_low.model_bayes_factors: mod_low.model_bayes_factors[higher_id].append(bayes_factor) else: mod_low.model_bayes_factors[higher_id] = [bayes_factor] if lower_id in mod_high.model_bayes_factors: mod_high.model_bayes_factors[lower_id].append((1.0 / bayes_factor)) else: mod_high.model_bayes_factors[lower_id] = [(1.0 / bayes_factor)] if bayes_factor > self.bayes_threshold_lower: champ = mod_low.model_id elif bayes_factor < (1.0 / self.bayes_threshold_lower): champ = mod_high.model_id else: champ = None self.log_print( [ "Neither model sufficiently better to earn point between {}/{}. BF={}".format( mod_low.model_id, mod_high.model_id, bayes_factor ) ] ) return champ
[docs] def process_model_set_comparisons( self, model_list, ): r""" Process comparisons between a set of models. Pairwise comparisons are retrieved and processed by :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.process_model_pair_comparison`, which informs the superior model. For each pairwise comparison a given model wins, it receives a single point. All comparisons are weighted evenly. Model points are gathered; the model with most points is deemed the champion of the set. If a subset of models have the same (highest) number of points, that subset is compared directly, with the nominated champion deemed the champion of the wider set. :param list model_list: list of model names to compete :return: unique model ID of the champion model within the set """ # Establish pairs to check comparisons between pair_list = list(itertools.combinations(model_list, 2)) # Process result for each pair models_points = {mod: 0 for mod in model_list} for pair in pair_list: mod1, mod2 = pair if mod1 != mod2: res = self.process_model_pair_comparison(a=mod1, b=mod2) if res is not None: models_points[res] += 1 self.log_print( [ "[process_model_set_comparisons]", "Point to", res, "(comparison {}/{})".format(mod1, mod2), ] ) # Analyse pairwise competition self.log_print(["Models points: \n{}".format(models_points)]) max_points = max(models_points.values()) models_with_max_points = [ key for key, val in models_points.items() if val == max_points ] if len(models_with_max_points) > 1: self.log_print( [ "Multiple models \ have same number of points in process_model_set_comparisons:", models_with_max_points, "\n Model points:\n", models_points, ] ) self.log_print(["After re-comparison, points:\n", models_points]) self.compare_model_set( model_id_list=models_with_max_points, remote=True, recompute=True, # recompute here b/c deadlock last time wait_on_result=True, ) champ_id = self.process_model_set_comparisons( models_with_max_points, ) else: self.log_print(["After comparing list, points:\n", models_points]) champ_id = max(models_points, key=models_points.get) return champ_id
[docs] def process_comparisons_within_branch(self, branch_id, pair_list=None): r""" Process comparisons between models on the same branch. (Similar functionality to :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.process_model_set_comparisons`, but additionally updates some branch infrastructure, such as updating the branch's `champion_id`, `bayes_points` attributes). Pairwise comparisons are retrieved and processed by :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.process_model_pair_comparison`, which informs the superior model. For each pairwise comparison a given model wins, it receives a single point. All comparisons are weighted evenly. Model points are gathered; the model with most points is deemed the champion of the set. If a subset of models have the same (highest) number of points, that subset is compared directly, with the nominated champion deemed the champion of the wider set. :param int branch_id: unique ID of the branch whose models to compare :returns: - models_points: the points (number of comparisons won) of each model on the branch - champ_id: unique model ID of the champion model within the set """ branch = self.branches[branch_id] active_models_in_branch = branch.resident_model_ids # Establish pairs to check comparisons between if pair_list is None: pair_list = branch.pairs_to_compare self.log_print( [ "Pair list not given for branch {}, generated:{}".format( branch_id, pair_list ), ] ) else: self.log_print(["pair list given to branch processing:", pair_list]) # Process result for each pair models_points = {k: 0 for k in active_models_in_branch} for mod1, mod2 in pair_list: if mod1 != mod2: res = self.process_model_pair_comparison(a=mod1, b=mod2) if res is not None: try: models_points[res] += 1 except BaseException: models_points[res] = 1 self.log_print( [ "[branch {} comparison {}/{}] ".format(branch_id, mod1, mod2), "Point to", res, ] ) self.log_print(["Comparisons complete on branch {}".format(branch_id)]) # Update branch with these results to determine branch champion branch.update_branch(pair_list=pair_list, models_points=models_points) # If the given results are not sufficient for the ES to determine a branch champion, # reconsider a subset of models while not branch.is_branch_champion_set: reduced_model_set = branch.joint_branch_champions self.log_print( ["Branch champion not determined.", "Reconsidering:", reduced_model_set] ) self.compare_model_set( model_id_list=reduced_model_set, remote=True, recompute=False, wait_on_result=True, ) # Pass result of compare_model_set to branch to decide if sufficient to choose champion models_to_recompare = list(itertools.combinations(reduced_model_set, 2)) self.process_comparisons_within_branch( branch_id=branch_id, pair_list=models_to_recompare ) return branch.champion_id
########## # Section: routines to implement tree-based QMLA ##########
[docs] def learn_models_until_trees_complete( self, ): r""" Iteratively learn/compare/generate models on exploration strategy trees. Each :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` has a unique :class:`~qmla.QMLATree``. Trees hold sets of models on :class:`~qmla.BranchTree` objects. Models on a each branch are learned through :meth:`learn_models_on_given_branch`. Any model which has previously been considered defaults to the earlier instance of that model, rather than repeating the calculation. When all models on a branch are learned, they are all compared through :meth:`compare_models_within_branch`. When a branch has completed learning and comparisons of models, the corresponding tree is checked to see if it has finished proposing models, through :meth:`~qmla.ExplorationTree.is_tree_complete`. If the tree is not complete, the :meth:`~qmla.ExplorationTree.next_layer` method is called to generate the next branch on that tree. The next branch can correspond to `spawn` or `prune` stages of the tree's :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy`, but QMLA is ambivalent to the inner workings of the tree/exploration strategy: a branch is simply a set of models to learn and compare. When all trees have completed learning, this method terminates. """ # Get redis databases active_branches_learning_models = self.redis_databases[ "active_branches_learning_models" ] active_branches_bayes = self.redis_databases["active_branches_bayes"] # Launch learning on initial branches for b in self.branches: self.learn_models_on_given_branch( b, blocking=False, ) self.log_print( ["Starting learning for initial branches:", list(self.branches.keys())] ) # Iteratively learn/compare/spawn until all trees declare completion self.log_print(["Entering while loop: learning/comparing/spawning models."]) ctr = 0 while self.tree_count_completed < self.tree_count: # get most recent branches on redis database branch_ids_on_db = list(active_branches_learning_models.keys()) branch_ids_on_db = [int(b) for b in branch_ids_on_db] # check if any job has crashed if self.run_in_parallel: sleep(self.sleep_duration) self._inspect_remote_job_crashes() # loop through active branches for branch_id in branch_ids_on_db: # inspect if branch has finished learning num_models_learned_on_branch = int( active_branches_learning_models.get(branch_id) ) if ( not self.branches[branch_id].model_learning_complete and num_models_learned_on_branch == self.branches[branch_id].num_models ): self.log_print( ["All models on branch {} learned".format(branch_id)] ) self.branches[branch_id].model_learning_complete = True for mod_id in self.branches[branch_id].resident_model_ids: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(mod_id) mod.model_update_learned_values() # launch comparisons self.compare_models_within_branch(branch_id) elif ctr % 100 == 0: self.log_print( [ "Ctr {} branch {} has {} of {} models learned; model_learning_complete: {}".format( ctr, branch_id, int(num_models_learned_on_branch), self.branches[branch_id].num_models, self.branches[branch_id].model_learning_complete, ) ] ) for branchID_bytes in active_branches_bayes.keys(): branch_id = int(branchID_bytes) num_comparisons_complete_on_branch = active_branches_bayes.get( branchID_bytes ) if not self.branches[branch_id].comparisons_complete and ( int(num_comparisons_complete_on_branch) == self.branches[branch_id].num_model_pairs ): self.branches[branch_id].comparisons_complete = True # analyse resulting bayes factors self.log_print(["Branch {} comparisons starting".format(branch_id)]) self.process_comparisons_within_branch(branch_id) self.log_print(["Branch {} comparisons complete".format(branch_id)]) # check if tree is complete if self.branches[branch_id].tree.is_tree_complete(): self.tree_count_completed += 1 self.log_print( [ "Tree complete:", self.branches[branch_id].exploration_strategy, "Number of trees now completed:", self.tree_count_completed, ] ) else: # tree not complete -> launch next set of models self.spawn_from_branch( branch_id=branch_id, ) elif ctr % 100 == 0: self.log_print( [ "Ctr {} branch {} has {} out of {} comparisons complete; comparisons_complete: {}".format( ctr, branch_id, int(num_comparisons_complete_on_branch), self.branches[branch_id].num_model_pairs, self.branches[branch_id].comparisons_complete, ) ] ) ctr += 1 self.log_print( [ "{} trees have completed. Waiting on final comparisons".format( self.tree_count_completed ) ] ) # Allow any branches which have just started to finish still_learning = True while still_learning: branch_ids_on_db = list(active_branches_learning_models.keys()) for branchID_bytes in branch_ids_on_db: branch_id = int(branchID_bytes) if ( int(active_branches_learning_models.get(branch_id)) == self.branches[branch_id].num_models ) and self.branches[branch_id].model_learning_complete == False: self.branches[branch_id].model_learning_complete = True self.compare_models_within_branch(branch_id) for mod_id in self.branches[branch_id].resident_model_ids: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(mod_id) mod.model_update_learned_values() if branchID_bytes in active_branches_bayes: num_comparisons_complete_on_branch = active_branches_bayes.get( branchID_bytes ) if ( int(num_comparisons_complete_on_branch) == self.branches[branch_id].num_model_pairs ) and (self.branches[branch_id].comparisons_complete == False): self.branches[branch_id].comparisons_complete = True self.process_comparisons_within_branch(branch_id) if np.all( np.array( [self.branches[b].model_learning_complete for b in self.branches] ) ) and np.all( np.array([self.branches[b].comparisons_complete for b in self.branches]) ): # break out of this while loop still_learning = False # Finalise all trees. for tree in self.trees.values(): tree.finalise_tree( model_names_ids=self.model_name_id_map, ) self.log_print(["Learning stage complete on all trees."])
[docs] def spawn_from_branch( self, branch_id, ): r""" Retrieve the next set of models and place on a new branch. By checking the :class:`~qmla.tree.QMLATree`` associated with the `branch_id` used to call this method, call :meth:`ExplorationTree.next_layer`, which returns a set of models to place on a new branch, as well as which models therein to compare. These are passed to :meth:`new_branch`, constructing a new branch in the QMLA environment. The generated new branch then has all its models learned by calling :meth:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.learn_models_on_given_branch`. :meth:`~qmla.ExplorationTree.next_layer` is in control of how to select the next set of models, usually either by calling the :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy`'s :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.generate_models` or :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.tree_pruning` methods. This allows the user to define how models are generated, given access to the comparisons of the previous branch, or how the tree is pruned, e.g. by performing preliminary parent/child branch champion comparisons. :param int branch_id: unique ID of the branch which has completed """ model_list = self.branches[branch_id].ranked_models model_names = [self.model_name_id_map[mod_id] for mod_id in model_list] new_models, models_to_compare = self.branches[branch_id].tree.next_layer( model_list=model_names, # can model_list be functionally replaced by info in branch_model_points? model_names_ids=self.model_name_id_map, called_by_branch=branch_id, branch_model_points=self.branches[branch_id].bayes_points, evaluation_log_likelihoods=self.branches[ branch_id ].evaluation_log_likelihoods, model_dict=self.model_lists, # only used by FullAccessNVCentre TODO remove properly and don't pass ) self.log_print( [ "After model generation for ES", self.branches[branch_id].exploration_strategy, "\nnew models:", new_models, ] ) # Generate new QMLA level branch new_branch_id = self.new_branch( model_list=new_models, pairs_to_compare_by_names=models_to_compare, exploration_strategy=self.branches[branch_id].exploration_strategy, spawning_branch=branch_id, ) # Learn models on the new branch self.learn_models_on_given_branch( new_branch_id, blocking=False, )
[docs] def new_branch( self, model_list, pairs_to_compare="all", pairs_to_compare_by_names=None, exploration_strategy=None, spawning_branch=0, ): r""" Add a set of models to a new QMLA branch. Branches have a unique id within QMLA, but belong to a single tree, where each tree corresponds to a single exploration strategy. :param list model_list: strings corresponding to models to place in the branch :param pairs_to_compare: set of model pairs to perform comparisons between. 'all' (deafult) means all models in `model_list` are set to compare. Otherwise a list of tuples of model IDs to compare :type pairs_to_compare: str or list :param str exploration_strategy: exploration strategy identifer; used to get the unique tree object corresponding to an exploration strategy, which is then used to host the branch. :param int spawning_branch: branch id which is the parent of the new branch. :return: branch id which uniquely identifies the new branch within the QMLA environment. """ model_list = list(set(model_list)) # remove possible duplicates branch_id = int(self.branch_highest_id) + 1 self.branch_highest_id = branch_id if exploration_strategy is None: exploration_strategy = self.exploration_strategy_of_true_model exploration_tree = self.trees[exploration_strategy] this_branch_models = {} model_id_list = [] pre_computed_models = [] for model in model_list: # add_model_to_database returns whether adding model was successful # if false, that's because it's already been computed add_model_info = self.add_model_to_database( model, branch_id=branch_id, exploration_tree=exploration_tree, ) already_computed = not (add_model_info["is_new_model"]) model_id = add_model_info["model_id"] this_branch_models[model_id] = model model_id_list.append(model_id) # register if new model if already_computed: pre_computed_models.append(model) self.log_print( [ "Model {} computed already: {} -> ID {}".format( model, already_computed, model_id, ), ] ) model_storage_instances = { m: self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(m) for m in list(this_branch_models.keys()) } # Start new branch on corresponding exploration strategy tree if pairs_to_compare_by_names is not None: if pairs_to_compare_by_names == "all": pairs_to_compare = "all" else: self.log_print(["Getting model IDs to set comparison subset"]) try: pairs_to_compare = [ ( self.model_database[ self.model_database.model_name == m1 ].model_id.item(), self.model_database[ self.model_database.model_name == m2 ].model_id.item(), ) for m1, m2 in pairs_to_compare_by_names ] self.log_print(["IDs:", pairs_to_compare]) except BaseException: self.log_print( [ "Failed to unpack pairs_to_compare_by_names:\n", pairs_to_compare_by_names, ] ) raise self.branches[branch_id] = exploration_tree.new_branch_on_tree( branch_id=branch_id, models=this_branch_models, pairs_to_compare=pairs_to_compare, model_storage_instances=model_storage_instances, precomputed_models=pre_computed_models, spawning_branch=spawning_branch, ) return branch_id
[docs] def add_model_to_database( self, model, exploration_tree, branch_id=-1, force_create_model=False ): r""" Considers adding a model to QMLA's database of models. Checks whether the nominated model is already present; if not generates a model instance and stores pertinent details in the model database. :param str model: name of model to consider :param float branch_id: branch id to associate this model with, if the model is new. :param bool force_create_model: True: add model even if the name is found already. False: (default) check if the model exists before adding :return dict add_model_output: `is_new_model` : bool, whether model is new (True) or has already been added (False) model_id: unique model ID for the model, whether new or existing """ model_name = model_building_utilities.alph(model) self.log_print( ["Trying to add model to DB:", model_name, " with ET ", exploration_tree] ) # Add model if not yet considered or told to force create if self._consider_new_model(model_name) == "New" or force_create_model == True: # create new model instance model_num_qubits = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(model_name) model_id = self.highest_model_id + 1 self.model_lists[model_num_qubits].append(model_name) self.log_print( [ "Model {} not previously considered -- adding with ID {}".format( model_name, model_id ) ] ) # Generate model storage instance model_constructor = exploration_tree.exploration_class.model_constructor( name=model_name ) model_storage_instance = qmla.model_for_storage.ModelInstanceForStorage( model_name=model_name, model_id=int(model_id), true_oplist=self.true_model_constituent_operators, true_model_terms_params=self.true_param_list, qid=self.qmla_id, qmla_core_info_database=self.qmla_core_info_database, plot_probes=self.probes_for_plots, host_name=self.redis_host_name, port_number=self.redis_port_number, log_file=self.log_file, ) # Add to the model database f_score = np.round( self.compute_model_f_score( model_id=model_id, model_name=model_name, model_constructor=model_constructor, exploration_class=exploration_tree.exploration_class, ), 2, ) terms = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_constituent_names_from_name( model_name ) running_db_new_row = pd.Series( { "model_id": int(model_id), "model_name": model_name, "latex_name": model_constructor.name_latex, "branch_id": int(branch_id), "f_score": f_score, "model_storage_instance": model_storage_instance, "branches_present_on": [int(branch_id)], "model_constructor": model_constructor, "terms": terms, "latex_terms": model_constructor.terms_names_latex, } ) num_rows = len(self.model_database) self.model_database.loc[num_rows] = running_db_new_row model_added = True if model_building_utilities.alph(model) == model_building_utilities.alph( self.true_model_name ): self.true_model_id = model_id self.true_model_considered = True self.true_model_branch = branch_id self.true_model_on_branhces = [branch_id] self.log_print(["True model has ID", model_id]) self.highest_model_id = model_id self.model_name_id_map[model_id] = model_name self.model_count += 1 self.models_branches[model_id] = int(branch_id) else: # do not create new model instance model_added = False self.log_print(["Model not added: {}".format(model_name)]) try: model_id = self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=model_name) self.log_print(["Previously considered as model ID ", model_id]) self.model_database[ self.model_database.model_id == model_id ].branches_present_on.item().append(int(branch_id)) if model_id == self.true_model_id: self.true_model_on_branhces.append(model_id) except BaseException: self.log_print( [ "Couldn't find model id for model:", model_name, "model_names_ids:", self.model_name_id_map, ] ) raise add_model_output = { "is_new_model": model_added, "model_id": model_id, } return add_model_output
def finalise_instance(self): self.compute_statistical_metrics_by_generation() self.exploration_class.exploration_strategy_finalise() if self.qhl_mode_multiple_models: self.log_print(["No special analysis for this mode"]) elif self.qhl_mode: self.log_print(["No special analysis for this mode"]) else: self.finalise_qmla()
[docs] def finalise_qmla(self): r""" Steps to end QMLA algorithm, such as storing analytics. """ champ_model = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(self.champion_model_id) # compute full dynamics for branch champions champ_model.compute_expectation_values( times=self.times_to_plot, ) self.branch_champions = [self.branches[b].champion_id for b in self.branches] self.log_print(["Branch champions:", self.branch_champions]) for bc in self.branch_champions: bc_mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(bc) bc_mod.compute_expectation_values(times=self.times_to_plot) # Get metrics for all models tested for i in self.models_learned: # dict of all Bayes factors for each model considered. self.all_bayes_factors[i] = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( i ).model_bayes_factors self.bayes_factors_data() # Prepare model/name maps self.model_id_to_name_map = {} for k in self.model_name_id_map: v = self.model_name_id_map[k] self.model_id_to_name_map[v] = k # Store model IDs and names model_data = self.model_database[ # subset of columns to store [ "model_id", "model_name", "latex_name", "branch_id", "f_score", ] # TODO add log_likelihood here ] model_data.to_csv( os.path.join(self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "model_directory.csv") )
def bayes_factors_data(self): self.bayes_factors_df = pd.DataFrame( columns=[ "model_a", "id_a", "f_score_a", "model_b", "id_b", "f_score_b", "bayes_factor", "log10_bayes_factor", ] ) for m in self.models_learned: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(m) mod_name_a = mod.model_name mod_id_a = int(mod.model_id) f_score_a = qmla.utilities.round_nearest( self.model_f_scores[mod_id_a], 0.05 ) bayes_factors = mod.model_bayes_factors for b in bayes_factors: mod_name_b = self.model_name_id_map[b] mod_id_b = int(b) f_score_b = qmla.utilities.round_nearest( self.model_f_scores[mod_id_b], 0.05 ) for bf in bayes_factors[b]: d = pd.Series( { "model_a": mod_name_a, "id_a": mod_id_a, "f_score_a": f_score_a, "model_b": mod_name_b, "id_b": mod_id_b, "f_score_b": f_score_b, "bayes_factor": bf, "log10_bayes_factor": np.round(np.log10(bf), 1), } ) new_idx = len(self.bayes_factors_df) self.bayes_factors_df.loc[new_idx] = d
[docs] def get_results_dict(self, model_id=None): r""" Store the useful information of a given model, usually the champion. :param int model_id: unique ID of the model whose information to store :return dict results_dict: data which will be stored in the results_{ID}.p file following QMLA's completion. """ if model_id is None: if self.champion_model_id != -1: model_id = self.champion_model_id elif self.true_model_id != -1: model_id = self.true_model_id else: model_id = 1 self.log_print( ["No model id passed to get_results_dict; defaulting to 1"] ) try: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(model_id) except: self.log_print( ["Could not get model storage instance for model {}".format(model_id)] ) model_name = mod.model_name # Get expectation values of this model n_qubits = model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(model_name) if n_qubits > 5: expec_val_plot_times = self.times_to_plot_reduced_set else: expec_val_plot_times = self.times_to_plot mod.compute_expectation_values( times=expec_val_plot_times, ) # Evaluations of all models in this instance model_evaluation_log_likelihoods = { mod_id: self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( mod_id ).evaluation_log_likelihood for mod_id in self.models_learned } model_evaluation_median_likelihoods = { mod_id: self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( mod_id ).evaluation_median_likelihood for mod_id in self.models_learned } # Compare this model to the true model (only meaningful for simulated # cases) correct_model = misfit = underfit = overfit = 0 num_params_champ_model = mod.model_constructor.num_terms if model_name == self.true_model_name: correct_model = 1 elif ( num_params_champ_model == self.true_model_num_params and model_name != self.true_model_name ): misfit = 1 elif num_params_champ_model > self.true_model_num_params: overfit = 1 elif num_params_champ_model < self.true_model_num_params: underfit = 1 num_params_difference = self.true_model_num_params - num_params_champ_model true_model_family_found = ( self.exploration_strategy_of_true_model == mod.exploration_strategy_of_this_model ) # Summarise the results of this model and instance in a dictionary # Note this is used to feed offline analysis including outdated methods # new analysis should use the pandas databases within instances and combined # at the run level. time_taken = time.time() - self._start_time results_dict = { # Details about QMLA instance: "QID": self.qmla_id, "NumParticles": self.num_particles, "NumExperiments": mod.num_experiments, "ConfigLatex": self.latex_config, "Heuristic": mod.model_heuristic_class, "Time": time_taken, "Host": self.redis_host_name, "Port": self.redis_port_number, "ResampleThreshold": self.exploration_class.qinfer_resampler_threshold, "ResamplerA": self.exploration_class.qinfer_resampler_a, # Details about true model: "TrueModel": self.true_model_name, "TrueModelConsidered": self.true_model_considered, "TrueModelFound": self.true_model_found, "TrueModelBranch": self.true_model_branch, "Truemodel_id": self.true_model_id, "TrueModelConstituentTerms": self.true_model_constituent_terms_latex, "TrueExplorationStrategy": self.exploration_strategy_of_true_model, # Details about this model "ChampID": model_id, "ChampLatex": mod.model_name_latex, "ConstituentTerms": mod.constituents_terms_latex, "LearnedHamiltonian": mod.learned_hamiltonian, "ExplorationRule": mod.exploration_strategy_of_this_model, "NameAlphabetical": model_building_utilities.alph(mod.model_name), "LearnedParameters": mod.qhl_final_param_estimates, "FinalSigmas": mod.qhl_final_param_uncertainties, "ExpectationValues": mod.expectation_values, "Trackplot_parameter_estimates": mod.track_parameter_estimates, "TrackVolume": mod.volume_by_epoch, "TrackTimesLearned": mod.times_learned_over, "QuadraticLosses": mod.quadratic_losses_record, "FinalRSquared": mod.r_squared( times=expec_val_plot_times, ), "Fscore": self.model_f_scores[model_id], "Precision": self.model_precisions[model_id], "Sensitivity": self.model_sensitivities[model_id], "PValue": mod.p_value, # Comparison to true model (for simulated cases) "NumParamDifference": num_params_difference, "Underfit": underfit, "Overfit": overfit, "Misfit": misfit, "CorrectModel": correct_model, "TrueFamilyFound": true_model_family_found, # About QMLA's learning procedure: "NumModels": len(self.models_learned), "StatisticalMetrics": self.generational_statistical_metrics, "GenerationalFscore": self.generational_f_score, "GenerationalLogLikelihoods": self.generational_log_likelihoods, "ModelEvaluationLogLikelihoods": model_evaluation_log_likelihoods, "ModelEvaluationMedianLikelihoods": model_evaluation_median_likelihoods, "AllModelFScores": self.model_f_scores, } = qmla.utilities.StorageUnit() = self.qmla_id = self.bayes_factors_df = self.model_f_scores = # store expectation values of all models df_cols = ["time", "exp_val", "model_id", "qmla_id"] expectation_values_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_cols) for m in self.models_learned: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(m) times = list(sorted(mod.expectation_values.keys())) ev = [mod.expectation_values[t] for t in times] d = pd.DataFrame( columns=df_cols, ) d["time"] = times d["exp_val"] = ev d["model_id"] = m d["qmla_id"] = self.qmla_id expectation_values_df = expectation_values_df.append(d) = expectation_values_df try: # TODO this fails for QHL mode since champion not assigned -- fix = { b: self.branches[b].champion_id for b in self.branches } except: pass models_generated = self.model_database[ ["model_name", "model_id", "latex_name", "f_score", "terms"] ] models_generated["champion"] = False models_generated.loc[ (models_generated.model_id == self.champion_model_id), "champion" ] = True = models_generated for r in results_dict: # TODO: get rid of results_dict; use storage class instead to achieve the same things, results_dict[r]) return results_dict
[docs] def check_champion_reducibility( self, ): r""" Potentially remove negligible terms from the champion model. Consider whether the champion model has some terms whose parameters were found to be negligible (either within one standard deviation from 0, or very close to zero as determined by the exploration strategy's `learned_param_limit_for_negligibility` attribute). Construct a new model which is the same as the champion, less those negligible terms, named the reduced champion. The data of the champion model is inherited by the reduced candidate model, i.e. its parameter estimates, as well as its history of parameter learning for those which are not negligible. A new `normalization_record` is started, which is used in the comparison between the champion and the reduced champion. Compare the champion with the reduced champion; if the reduced champion is heavily favoured, directly select it as the global champion. This method is triggered if the exploration strategy's `check_champion_reducibility` attribute is set to True. """ import qinfer champ_mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(self.global_champion_id) self.log_print( [ "Checking reducibility of champ model:", self.global_champion_name, "\nParams:\n", champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates, "\nSigmas:\n", champ_mod.qhl_final_param_uncertainties, ] ) params = list(champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates.keys()) to_remove = [] removed_params = {} idx = 0 for p in params: # if champ_mod.qhl_final_param_uncertainties[p] > champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates[p]: # to_remove.append(p) # removed_params[p] = np.round( # champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates[p], # 2 # ) if ( np.abs(champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates[p]) < self.exploration_class.learned_param_limit_for_negligibility ): to_remove.append(p) removed_params[p] = np.round(champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates[p], 2) if len(to_remove) >= len(params): self.log_print( [ "Attempted champion reduction failed due to", "all parameters found as neglibible.", "Check method of determining negligibility.", "(By default, parameter removed if sigma of that", "parameters final posterior > parameter.", "i.e. 0 within 1 sigma of distriubtion", ] ) return if len(to_remove) > 0: new_model_terms = list(set(params) - set(to_remove)) new_mod = "+".join(new_model_terms) new_mod = model_building_utilities.alph(new_mod) self.log_print( [ "Some neglibible parameters found:", removed_params, "\nReduced champion model suggested:", new_mod, ] ) reduced_mod_info = self.add_model_to_database( model=new_mod, force_create_model=True ) reduced_mod_id = reduced_mod_info["model_id"] reduced_mod_instance = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(reduced_mod_id) reduced_mod_terms = sorted( model_building_utilities.get_constituent_names_from_name(new_mod) ) # get champion leared info reduced_champion_info = pickle.loads( self.redis_databases["learned_models_info_db"].get( str(self.champion_model_id) ) ) reduced_params = {} reduced_sigmas = {} for term in reduced_mod_terms: reduced_params[term] = champ_mod.qhl_final_param_estimates[term] reduced_sigmas[term] = champ_mod.qhl_final_param_uncertainties[term] learned_params = [reduced_params[t] for t in reduced_mod_terms] sigmas = np.array([reduced_sigmas[t] for t in reduced_mod_terms]) final_params = np.array(list(zip(learned_params, sigmas))) new_cov_mat = np.diag(sigmas ** 2) new_prior = qinfer.MultivariateNormalDistribution( learned_params, new_cov_mat ) # reduce learned info where appropriate reduced_champion_info["name"] = new_mod reduced_champion_info["model_terms_names"] = reduced_mod_terms reduced_champion_info["final_cov_mat"] = new_cov_mat reduced_champion_info["final_params"] = final_params reduced_champion_info["learned_parameters"] = reduced_params reduced_champion_info["model_id"] = reduced_mod_id reduced_champion_info["final_prior"] = new_prior reduced_champion_info["est_mean"] = np.array(learned_params) reduced_champion_info["final_sigmas"] = reduced_sigmas reduced_champion_info["initial_params"] = reduced_sigmas # do not inherit normalization_record and times from original # champion reduced_champion_info["normalization_record"] = [] reduced_champion_info["times"] = [] compressed_reduced_champ_info = pickle.dumps( reduced_champion_info, protocol=4 ) # TODO generate new model for champion # - scratch normalization record; # - learn according to MPGH for both champion # and suggested reduced champion, # then take BF based on that self.redis_databases["learned_models_info_db"].set( str(float(reduced_mod_id)), compressed_reduced_champ_info ) self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( reduced_mod_id ).model_update_learned_values() bayes_factor = self.compare_model_pair( model_a_id=int(self.champion_model_id), model_b_id=int(reduced_mod_id), wait_on_result=True, ) self.log_print(["BF b/w champ and reduced champ models:", bayes_factor]) if bayes_factor < ( 1.0 / self.exploration_class.reduce_champ_bayes_factor_threshold ): # overwrite champ id etc self.log_print( [ "Replacing champion model ({}) with reduced champion model ({} - {})".format( self.champion_model_id, reduced_mod_id, new_mod ), "\n i.e. removing negligible parameter terms:\n{}".format( removed_params ), ] ) original_champ_id = self.champion_model_id self.champion_model_id = reduced_mod_id self.global_champion = new_mod # inherits BF of champion from which it derived (only really # used for plotting) new_champ = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( self.champion_model_id ) new_champ.model_bayes_factors = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( original_champ_id ).model_bayes_factors new_champ.times_learned_over = champ_mod.times_learned_over self.models_learned.append(reduced_mod_id) else: self.log_print(["Parameters non-negligible; not replacing champion model."])
[docs] def compare_nominated_champions(self): r""" Compare the champions of all exploration strategy trees. Get the champions (usually one, but in general can be multiple) from each tree, where each tree is unique to an exploration strategy. Place the champions on a branch together and perform all-versus-all comparisons. The champion of that branch is deemed the global champion. """ tree_champions = [] for tree in self.trees.values(): # extend in case multiple models nominated by tree tree_champions.extend(tree.nominate_champions()) # Place tree champions on new QMLA branch, not tied to an exploration strategy global_champ_branch_id = self.new_branch(model_list=tree_champions) global_champ_branch = self.branches[global_champ_branch_id] # Compare models (using this fnc so we can wait_on_result) # self.compare_model_set( # pair_list=global_champ_branch.pairs_to_compare, # wait_on_result=True, # ) self.compare_models_within_branch( branch_id=global_champ_branch_id, pair_list=global_champ_branch.pairs_to_compare, ) # TODO wait until all BF computed on final branch active_branches_bayes = self.redis_databases["active_branches_bayes"] num_comparisons_complete_on_branch = active_branches_bayes.get( int(global_champ_branch_id) ) self.log_print( [ "Starting to wait on comparisons between branch champions.", "Initially completed:", num_comparisons_complete_on_branch, "num pairs on branch:", global_champ_branch.num_model_pairs, ] ) while not global_champ_branch.comparisons_complete: num_comparisons_complete_on_branch = int( active_branches_bayes.get(int(global_champ_branch_id)) ) if ( num_comparisons_complete_on_branch == global_champ_branch.num_model_pairs ): global_champ_branch.comparisons_complete = True self.log_print(["Comparisons between branch champions complete."]) champ_id = self.process_comparisons_within_branch( branch_id=global_champ_branch_id ) # Assign champion of set to be global champion self.global_champion_id = champ_id self.global_champion_model = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id( self.global_champion_id ) self.global_champion_name = self.global_champion_model.model_name self.log_print( [ "Global champion branch points:", global_champ_branch.bayes_points, "\nGlobal champion ID:", champ_id, "\nGlobal champion:", self.global_champion_name, ] )
########## # Section: Run available algorithms (QMLA, QHL or QHL with multiple models) ##########
[docs] def run_quantum_hamiltonian_learning( self, ): r""" Run Quantum Hamiltonian Learning algorithm . The `true_model` of the :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` is used to generate true data (in simulation) and have its parameters learned. """ qhl_branch = self.new_branch( exploration_strategy=self.exploration_strategy_of_true_model, model_list=[self.true_model_name], ) mod_to_learn = self.true_model_name self.log_print( [ "QHL for true model:", mod_to_learn, ] ) self.learn_model(model_name=mod_to_learn, branch_id=qhl_branch, blocking=True) mod_id = self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=mod_to_learn) # These don't really matter for QHL, # but are used in plots etc: self.true_model_id = mod_id self.champion_model_id = mod_id self.true_model_found = True self.true_model_considered = True self.log_print(["Learned model {}: {}".format(mod_id, mod_to_learn)]) self._update_database_model_info() self.exploration_class.exploration_strategy_finalise() self.finalise_instance()
# self._plot_statistical_metrics()
[docs] def run_quantum_hamiltonian_learning_multiple_models(self, model_names=None): r""" Run Quantum Hamiltonian Learning algorithm with multiple simulated models. Numerous Hamiltonian models attempt to learn the dynamics of the true model. The underlying model is set in the :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy`'s `true_model` attribute. :param list model_names: list of strings of model names to learn the parameterisations of. None: taken from :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` `qhl_models`. """ # Choose models to perform QHL on if model_names is None: model_names = self.exploration_class.qhl_models # Place models on a branch branch_id = self.new_branch( exploration_strategy=self.exploration_strategy_of_true_model, model_list=model_names, ) self.qhl_mode_multiple_models = True self.champion_model_id = -1 # TODO just so not to crash during dynamics plot self.qhl_mode_multiple_models_model_ids = [ self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=mod_name) for mod_name in model_names ] self.log_print( [ "QHL for multiple models:", model_names, ] ) learned_models_ids = self.redis_databases["learned_models_ids"] # learn models for mod_name in model_names: mod_id = self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=mod_name) learned_models_ids.set(str(mod_id), 0) self.learn_model(model_name=mod_name, branch_id=branch_id, blocking=False) running_models = learned_models_ids.keys() self.log_print( [ "Running Models:", running_models, ] ) for k in running_models: # waiting on all models to finish, while int(learned_models_ids.get(k)) != 1: sleep(self.sleep_duration) self._inspect_remote_job_crashes() # Learning finished self.log_print( [ "Finished learning for all:", running_models, ] ) # Tidy up: store learned info, analyse, etc. for mod_name in model_names: mod_id = self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=mod_name) mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(mod_id) mod.model_update_learned_values() self.exploration_class.exploration_strategy_finalise() self.model_id_to_name_map = {} for k in self.model_name_id_map: v = self.model_name_id_map[k] self.model_id_to_name_map[v] = k for k in self.timings: self.log_print( ["QMLA Timing - {}: {}".format(k, np.round(self.timings[k], 2))] ) self.finalise_instance()
[docs] def run_complete_qmla( self, ): r""" Run complete Quantum Model Learning Agent algorithm. Each :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` is assigned a :class:`~qmla.tree.QMLATree`, which manages the exploration strategy. When new models are spawned by an exploration strategy, they are placed on a :class:`~qmla.tree.BranchQMLA` of the corresponding tree. Models are learned/compared/spawned iteratively in :meth:`learn_models_until_trees_complete`, until all trees declare that their exploration strategy has completed. Exploration Strategies are complete when they have nominated one or more champions, which can follow spawning/pruning stages as required by the exploration strategy. Nominated champions are then compared with :meth:`compare_nominated_champions`, resulting in a single global champion selected. Some analysis then takes place, including possibly reducing the selected global champion if it is found that some of its terms are not impactful. """ # Set up one tree per exploration strategy for tree in list(self.trees.values()): starting_models, models_to_compare = tree.get_initial_models() # TODO genetic alg giving some non-unique initial model sets self.log_print( [ "First branch for {} has ( {}/{} unique ) starting models: {}".format( tree.exploration_strategy, len(set(starting_models)), len(starting_models), starting_models, ), # "models_to_compare:", models_to_compare ] ) self.new_branch( model_list=starting_models, exploration_strategy=tree.exploration_strategy, pairs_to_compare_by_names=models_to_compare, ) # Iteratively learn models, compute bayes factors, spawn new models self.learn_models_until_trees_complete() self.log_print(["Exploration Strategy trees completed."]) # Choose champion by comparing nominated champions of all trees. self.compare_nominated_champions() self.champion_model_id = self._get_model_data_by_field( name=self.global_champion_name, field="model_id" ) self.log_print(["Champion selected. ID={}".format(self.champion_model_id)]) # Internal analysis try: if self.global_champion_id == self.true_model_id: self.true_model_found = True else: self.true_model_found = False except BaseException: self.true_model_found = False self._update_database_model_info() if self.true_model_found: self.log_print( [ "True model found: {}".format( model_building_utilities.alph(self.true_model_name) ) ] ) self.log_print( [ "True model considered: {}. on branch {}.".format( self.true_model_considered, self.true_model_branch ) ] ) # Consider reducing champion if negligible parameters found if self.exploration_class.check_champion_reducibility: self.check_champion_reducibility() # Tidy up and finish QMLA. self.finalise_instance() self.log_print( [ "\nFinal winner:", self.global_champion_name, "(ID {}) has F-score {}".format( self.champion_model_id, np.round(self.model_f_scores[self.champion_model_id], 2), ), ] )
########## # Section: Database interface ##########
[docs] def _get_model_data_by_field(self, name, field): r""" Get any data from the model database corresponding to a given model name. :param str name: model name to get data of :param str field: field name to get data corresponding to model """ d = self.model_database[self.model_database["model_name"] == name][field].item() return d
def _get_model_id_from_name(self, model_name): model_id = self._get_model_data_by_field(name=model_name, field="model_id") return model_id
[docs] def _consider_new_model(self, model_name): r""" Check whether a proposed model already exists. Check whether the new model `name`, exists in all previously considered models, held in `model_lists`, organised by dimension of models. If name has not been previously considered, 'New' is returned. If name has been previously considered, the corresponding location in db is returned. :param dict model_lists: lists of models already considered, organised by the number of qubits of those models :param str name: model for consideration """ # Return true indicates it has not been considered and so can be added al_name = qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(model_name) n_qub = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(model_name) if al_name in self.model_lists[n_qub]: return ( "Previously Considered" # todo -- make clear if in legacy or running db ) else: return "New"
[docs] def _check_model_exists(self, model_name): r""" True if model already exists; False if not. """ if self._consider_new_model(model_name) == "New": return False else: return True
########## # Section: Utilities ##########
[docs] def log_print(self, to_print_list): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.print_to_log`""" qmla.logging.print_to_log( to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="QMLA {}".format(self.qmla_id), )
[docs] def get_model_storage_instance_by_id(self, model_id): r""" Get the unique :class:`~qmla.ModelInstanceForLearning` for the given model_id. :param int model_id: unique ID of desired model :return: storage class of the model :rtype: :class:`~qmla.ModelInstanceForLearning` """ idx = self.model_database.loc[ self.model_database["model_id"] == model_id ].index[0] model_instance = self.model_database.loc[idx]["model_storage_instance"] return model_instance
[docs] def _update_database_model_info(self): r""" Calls :meth:`~qmla.ModelForStorage.model_update_learned_values` for all models learned in this instance. """ self.log_print(["Updating info for all learned models"]) for mod_id in self.models_learned: try: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(mod_id) mod.model_update_learned_values() except BaseException: pass
[docs] def _inspect_remote_job_crashes(self): r"""Check if any job on redis queue has failed.""" self.call_counter["job_crashes"] += 1 t_init = time.time() if self.redis_databases["any_job_failed"]["Status"] == b"1": # TODO better way to detect errors? self.log_print(["Failure on remote job. Terminating QMLA."]) raise NameError("Remote model learning failure") self.timings["inspect_job_crashes"] += time.time() - t_init
[docs] def _delete_unpicklable_attributes(self): r"""Remove elements of QMLA which cannot be pickled, which cause errors if retained.""" del self.redis_conn del self.redis_databases del self.write_log_file
########## # Section: Analysis/plotting methods ##########
[docs] def analyse_instance(self): r"""Basic analysis of this instance""" pickle.dump( self.get_results_dict(), open(self.qmla_controls.results_file, "wb"), protocol=4, ) storage_location = os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.results_directory, "storage_{}.p".format(self.qmla_controls.long_id), ) pickle.dump(, open(storage_location, "wb"), protocol=4, ) if self.qhl_mode: self._analyse_qhl() elif self.qhl_mode_multiple_models: self._analyse_multiple_model_qhl() else: self._analyse_qmla()
def _analyse_qhl(self): return def _analyse_multiple_model_qhl(self): model_ids = [ self._get_model_id_from_name(model_name=mod) for mod in self.exploration_class.qhl_models ] for mid in model_ids: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(mid) name = mod.model_name results_file = str( self.qmla_controls.results_directory + "results_" + str("m{}_q{}.p".format(int(mid), self.qmla_controls.long_id)) ) pickle.dump( self.get_results_dict(model_id=mid), open(results_file, "wb"), protocol=4, ) def _analyse_qmla(self): expec_value_mods_to_plot = [] try: expec_value_mods_to_plot = [self.true_model_id] except BaseException: pass expec_value_mods_to_plot.append(self.champion_model_id) champ_mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(self.champion_model_id) try: self.store_bayes_factors_to_csv( save_to_file=str( self.qmla_controls.results_directory + "bayes_factors_" + str(self.qmla_controls.long_id) + ".csv" ), names_ids="latex", ) except Exception as e: self.log_print( ["failed to store_bayes_factors_to_csv with error {}".format(e)] )
[docs] def store_bayes_factors_to_csv(self, save_to_file, names_ids="latex"): r""" *deprecated* Store the pairwise comparisons computed during this instance. :func:`~qmla.analysis.model_bayes_factorsCSV` removed and is needed TODO if wanted, find in old github commits and reimplement. Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.model_bayes_factorsCSV`. """ qmla.analysis.model_bayes_factorsCSV(self, save_to_file, names_ids=names_ids)
[docs] def store_bayes_factors_to_shared_csv(self, bayes_csv): r""" Store the pairwise comparisons computed during this instance in a CSV shared by all concurrent instances. """ # TODO this doesn't get used anywhere useful any more; remove qmla.analysis.update_shared_bayes_factor_csv( self, self.qmla_controls.cumulative_csv )
[docs] def compute_model_f_score( self, model_id, model_name=None, model_constructor=None, exploration_class=None, beta=1, # beta=1 for F1-score. Beta is relative importance of sensitivity to precision ): r""" Compte and store f-score of given model. :param int model_id: model ID to compute f-score of :param float beta: for generalised F_beta score. (default) 1 for F1 score. :return float f_score: F-score of given model. """ # TODO set precision, f-score etc as model instance attributes and # return those in champion_results true_set = self.exploration_class.true_model_terms self.log_print(["Getting F score for model {}".format(model_id)]) if exploration_class is None: model_name = self.model_name_id_map[model_id] stored_model = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(model_id) exploration_class = stored_model.exploration_class # terms = [ # exploration_class.latex_name( # term # ) # for term in # model_building_utilities.get_constituent_names_from_name( # model_name # ) # ] terms = model_constructor.terms_names_latex learned_set = set(sorted(terms)) total_positives = len(true_set) true_positives = len(true_set.intersection(learned_set)) false_positives = len(learned_set - true_set) false_negatives = len(true_set - learned_set) precision = true_positives / (true_positives + false_positives) sensitivity = true_positives / total_positives try: f_score = (1 + beta ** 2) * ( (precision * sensitivity) / (beta ** 2 * precision + sensitivity) ) except BaseException: # both precision and sensitivity=0 as true_positives=0 f_score = 0 self.model_f_scores[model_id] = f_score self.model_precisions[model_id] = precision self.model_sensitivities[model_id] = sensitivity return f_score
[docs] def plot_instance_outcomes( self, ): r""" Generate plots corresponding to this instance. A number of plotting routines are called, depending on the plot_level set by the user at launch. """ self.log_print(["Plotting instance outcomes"]) plot_methods_by_level = { 1: [ self._plot_model_terms, ], 2: [ self._plot_one_qubit_probes_bloch_sphere, ], 3: [ self._plot_dynamics_all_models_on_branches, self._plot_bayes_factors, self._plot_branch_champs_quadratic_losses, ], 4: [ self._plot_exploration_tree, self._plot_r_squared_by_epoch_for_model_list, self._plot_statistical_metrics, ], } for pl in range(self.plot_level + 1): if pl in plot_methods_by_level: self.log_print(["Plotting for plot_level={}".format(pl)]) for method in plot_methods_by_level[pl]: try: method() except Exception as e: self.log_print( [ "plot failed {} with exception: {}".format( method.__name__, e ) ] ) if self.plot_level >= 3: try: self.branch_graphs = qmla.analysis.branch_graphs.plot_qmla_branches( q=self, show_fscore_cmap=True, return_graphs=False ) except: self.log_print(["Failed to plot branch graphs."]) self.log_print(["Plotting exploration strategy analysis"]) self.exploration_class.exploration_strategy_specific_plots( save_directory=self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, qmla_id=self.qmla_controls.long_id, true_model_id=self.true_model_id, champion_model_id=self.champion_model_id, plot_level=self.plot_level, figure_format=self.qmla_controls.figure_format, )
[docs] def compute_statistical_metrics_by_generation(self): r""" Compute, store and plot various statistical metrics of all studied models. :param str save_to_file: path to save the resultant figure in. """ generations = sorted(set(self.branches.keys())) self.log_print( [ "[compute_statistical_metrics_by_generation]", "generations: ", generations, ] ) generational_sensitivity = {b: [] for b in generations} generational_f_score = {b: [] for b in generations} generational_precision = {b: [] for b in generations} self.generational_log_likelihoods = {b: [] for b in generations} for b in generations: models_this_branch = sorted(self.branches[b].resident_model_ids) self.log_print( [ "Adding models to generational measures for Generation {}:{}".format( b, models_this_branch ) ] ) for m in models_this_branch: generational_sensitivity[b].append(self.model_sensitivities[m]) generational_precision[b].append(self.model_precisions[m]) generational_f_score[b].append(self.model_f_scores[m]) self.generational_log_likelihoods[b].append( self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(m).evaluation_log_likelihood ) self.generational_f_score = generational_f_score self.generational_sensitivity = generational_sensitivity self.generational_precision = generational_precision self.stat_data = [ {"name": "F-score", "data": self.generational_f_score, "colour": "red"}, { "name": "Precision", "data": self.generational_precision, "colour": "blue", }, { "name": "Sensitivity", "data": self.generational_sensitivity, "colour": "green", }, ] self.generational_statistical_metrics = { k["name"]: k["data"] for k in self.stat_data }
def _plot_statistical_metrics(self, save_to_file=None): generations = sorted(set(self.branches.keys())) self.alt_generational_statistical_metrics = { b: { "Precision": self.generational_precision[b], "Sensitivity": self.generational_sensitivity[b], "F-score": self.generational_f_score[b], } for b in generations } include_plots = self.stat_data lf = LatexFigure(gridspec_layout=(1, len(include_plots))) plot_col = 0 for plotting_data in include_plots: # ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, plot_col]) ax = lf.new_axis() data = plotting_data["data"] ax.plot( generations, [np.median(data[b]) for b in generations], label="{} median".format(plotting_data["name"]), color=plotting_data["colour"], marker="o", ) ax.fill_between( generations, [np.min(data[b]) for b in generations], [np.max(data[b]) for b in generations], alpha=0.2, label="{} min/max".format(plotting_data["name"]), color=plotting_data["colour"], ) ax.set_ylabel("{}".format(plotting_data["name"])) ax.set_xlabel("Generation") ax.legend() ax.set_ylim(0, 1) # plot_col += 1 self.log_print(["getting statistical metrics complete"]) if save_to_file is not None: plt.savefig(save_to_file)
[docs] def _plot_bayes_factors( self, ): r""" Plot Bayes factors between pairs of models, both by model IDs and by their F-scores. """ # Plot Bayes factors of this instance bayes_factor_by_id = pd.pivot_table( self.bayes_factors_df, values="log10_bayes_factor", index=["id_a"], columns=["id_b"], aggfunc=np.median, ) mask = np.tri(bayes_factor_by_id.shape[0], k=-1).T lf = LatexFigure(auto_label=False) ax = lf.new_axis() sns.heatmap( bayes_factor_by_id, cmap=self.exploration_class.bf_cmap, mask=mask, ax=ax, annot=False, cbar_kws={ "orientation": "vertical", "label": r"$\log_{10}\left(B_{i,j}\right)$", }, ) ax.set_ylabel(r"ID $\hat{H}_i$") ax.set_xlabel(r"ID $\hat{H}_j$") os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "bayes_factors".format(self.qmla_controls.long_id), ), file_format=self.qmla_controls.figure_format, ) # Heat map BF against F(A)/F(B) qmla.analysis.bayes_factor_f_score_heatmap( bayes_factors_df=self.bayes_factors_df, save_to_file=os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "bayes_factors_by_f_score" ), )
[docs] def _plot_branch_champs_quadratic_losses( self, ): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plot_quadratic_loss`.""" qmla.analysis.plot_quadratic_loss( qmd=self, champs_or_all="champs", save_to_file=os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "quadratic_losses_branch_champs.pdf" ), )
[docs] def _plot_branch_champs_volumes( self, model_id_list=None, branch_champions=True, branch_id=None, save_to_file=None, ): r""" Plot the volume of each branch champion within this instance. :param list model_id_list: list of model IDs to plot volumes of, if None plot branch champions :param bool branch_champions: force plot only branch champions' volumes :param int branch_id: if provided, plot the volumes of all models within that branch :param str save_to_file: path at which to store the resultant figure. """ plt.clf() plot_descriptor = ( "\n(" + str(self.num_particles) + "particles; " + str(self.num_experiments) + "experiments)." ) if branch_champions: # only plot for branch champions model_id_list = list(self.branch_champions.values()) plot_descriptor += "[Branch champions]" elif branch_id is not None: model_id_list = list( self.model_database[self.model_database["branch_id"] == branch_id][ "model_id" ] ) plot_descriptor += "[Branch" + str(branch_id) + "]" elif model_id_list is None: self.log_print(["Plotting volumes for all models by default."]) model_id_list = range(self.highest_model_id) plot_descriptor += "[All models]" plt.title("Volume evolution through QMD " + plot_descriptor) plt.xlabel("Epoch") plt.ylabel("Volume") for i in model_id_list: vols = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(i).volume_by_epoch plt.semilogy(vols, label=str("ID:" + str(i))) ax = plt.subplot(111) # Shrink current axis's height by 10% on the bottom box = ax.get_position() ax.set_position( [box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9] ) # Put a legend below current axis lgd = ax.legend( loc="upper center", bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.15), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=4, ) if save_to_file is None: else: plt.savefig(save_to_file, bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] def _plot_parameter_learning_champion( self, ): r""" Plot parameter estimates vs experiment number for a single model. Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plot_parameter_estimates` :param bool true_model: whether to force only plotting the true model's parameter estimeates """ qmla.analysis.plot_parameter_estimates( qmd=self, model_id=self.champion_model_id, save_to_file=os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "champion_parameters.png" ), )
[docs] def _plot_parameter_learning_true( self, ): r""" Plot parameter estimates vs experiment number for a single model. Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plot_parameter_estimates` :param bool true_model: whether to force only plotting the true model's parameter estimeates """ if self.true_model_id == -1: return qmla.analysis.plot_parameter_estimates( qmd=self, model_id=self.true_model_id, save_to_file=os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "champion_parameters.png" ), )
[docs] def _plot_parameter_learning_single_model( self, model_id=0, true_model=False, save_to_file=None ): r""" Plot parameter estimates vs experiment number for a single model. Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plot_parameter_estimates` :param bool true_model: whether to force only plotting the true model's parameter estimeates """ if true_model: model_id = self._get_model_id_from_name(name=self.true_model_name) qmla.analysis.plot_parameter_estimates( qmd=self, model_id=model_id, save_to_file=save_to_file )
[docs] def _plot_branch_champions_dynamics( self, all_models=False, model_ids=None, ): r""" Plot reproduced dynamics of all branch champions :param bool all_models: whether to plot all models in the instance :param list model_ids: list of model IDs to plot dynamics of :param str save_to_file: path at which to save the resultant figure """ include_params = False include_bayes_factors = False if all_models: model_ids = list(sorted(self.model_name_id_map.keys())) elif self.qhl_mode: model_ids = [self.true_model_id] include_params = True elif self.qhl_mode_multiple_models: model_ids = list(self.qhl_mode_multiple_models_model_ids) elif self.exploration_class.tree_completed_initially: model_ids = list(self.models_learned) include_bayes_factors = True include_params = True elif model_ids is None: model_ids = [self.branches[b].champion_id for b in self.branches] include_bayes_factors = True self.log_print(["Plotting dynamics of models:", model_ids]) path_to_save = os.path.join(self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "dynamics.png") try: include_times_learned = False include_params = False qmla.analysis.plot_learned_models_dynamics( qmd=self, include_bayes_factors=include_bayes_factors, include_times_learned=include_times_learned, include_param_estimates=include_params, model_ids=model_ids, save_to_file=path_to_save, ) except BaseException: self.log_print(["Failed to plot dynamics"])
# raise
[docs] def _plot_volume_after_qhl( self, model_id=None, true_model=True, show_resamplings=True, save_to_file=None ): r""" Plot volume vs experiment number of a single model. Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plot_volume_after_qhl` """ qmla.analysis.plot_volume_after_qhl( qmd=self, model_id=model_id, true_model=true_model, show_resamplings=show_resamplings, save_to_file=save_to_file, )
[docs] def _plot_exploration_tree( self, modlist=None, only_adjacent_branches=True, save_to_file=None ): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plot_qmla_single_instance_tree`""" if save_to_file is None: save_to_file = os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "exploration_tree.png" ) qmla.analysis.plot_qmla_single_instance_tree( self, modlist=modlist, only_adjacent_branches=only_adjacent_branches, save_to_file=save_to_file, )
[docs] def _plot_qmla_radar_scores(self, modlist=None, save_to_file=None): r"""*deprecated* Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.analysis.plotRadar`.""" plot_title = str("Radar Plot QMD " + str(self.qmla_id)) if modlist is None: modlist = list(self.branch_champions.values()) qmla.analysis.plotRadar( self, modlist, save_to_file=save_to_file, plot_title=plot_title )
[docs] def _plot_r_squared_by_epoch_for_model_list(self, modlist=None, save_to_file=None): r""" Plot $R^2$ vs experiment number for given model list. """ if modlist is None: modlist = [] try: modlist.append(self.champion_model_id) except BaseException: pass try: modlist.append(self.true_model_id) except BaseException: pass if save_to_file is None: save_to_file = os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "r_squareds.png" ) qmla.analysis.r_squared_from_epoch_list( qmd=self, model_ids=modlist, save_to_file=save_to_file )
[docs] def _plot_one_qubit_probes_bloch_sphere(self, save=False): r"""Show all one qubit probes on Bloch sphere.""" qmla.utilities.plot_probes_on_bloch_sphere( probe_dict=self.probes_system, num_probes=self.probe_number, save_to_file=os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "probes_bloch_sphere.{}".format(self.qmla_controls.figure_format), ), )
[docs] def _plot_model_terms(self, colour_by="binary"): """ Plot the terms of each model by model ID. :param colour_by: defaults to 'binary' for black/white; alternatively colour by f_score of model :type colour_by: str, optional """ plt.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": False}) if self.plot_level < 1: return # Prepare dataframes unique_terms = list( set(qmla.utilities.flatten(list(self.model_database.latex_terms))) ) unique_branches = list( set(qmla.utilities.flatten(list(self.model_database.branches_present_on))) ) unique_branches = ["branch_{}".format(int(b)) for b in unique_branches] database_columns = ["model_id", "f_score"] + unique_terms model_reference_database = pd.DataFrame(columns=database_columns) branch_cols = ["model_id", "f_score"] + unique_branches models_branches = pd.DataFrame(columns=branch_cols) for model_id in self.model_database.model_id: model_data = self.model_database[self.model_database.model_id == model_id] model_id = int(model_id) f_score = model_data["f_score"].item() if colour_by == "binary": terms_in_model = { term: int(1) # for binary representation for term in model_data.latex_terms.item() } elif colour_by == "f_score": terms_in_model = { term: f_score # to colour by f_score for term in model_data.latex_terms.item() } terms_in_model["model_id"] = int(model_id) terms_in_model["f_score"] = model_data.f_score.item() model_reference_database.loc[len(model_reference_database)] = pd.Series( terms_in_model ) branches = { "branch_{}".format(int(b)): 1 for b in model_data.branches_present_on.item() } branches["model_id"] = int(model_id) models_branches.loc[len(models_branches)] = pd.Series(branches) if colour_by == "binary": models_branches.fillna(0, inplace=True) model_reference_database.fillna(0, inplace=True) piv_table = pd.pivot_table( columns=["model_id"], values=unique_terms, data=model_reference_database ).transpose() # Plot as heatmap lf = LatexFigure( auto_label=False, font_scale=2, ) # TODO make figure size depend on num terms. ax = lf.new_axis() if colour_by == "f_score": sns.heatmap( piv_table, cmap=self.exploration_class.f_score_cmap, ax=ax, cbar_kws={ "label": "F-score", }, ) elif colour_by == "binary": sns.heatmap( piv_table, linewidths=0.5, cmap="binary", cbar=False, ax=ax, ) ax.tick_params(which="y", rotation=0) # fontsize = 20 ax.tick_params( top=True, bottom=False, labeltop=True, labelbottom=False, labelrotation=0, # labelsize=fontsize ) ax.set_ylabel("Model ID") ax.set_xlabel("Term") os.path.join(self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "composition_of_models"), file_format=self.qmla_controls.figure_format, )
[docs] def _plot_dynamics_all_models_on_branches(self, branches=None): """Plot the dynamics of all models on given branches. :param branches: list of branches to draw dynamics for, defaults to None, in which case all branches are drawn. :type branches: list, optional """ self.branch_results_dir = os.path.join( self.qmla_controls.plots_directory, "branches" ) try: os.makedirs(self.branch_results_dir) except: pass if branches is None: branches = sorted(list(self.branches.keys())) colours = itertools.cycle( ["blue", "orange", "green", "cyan", "purple", "olive", "grey"] ) linestyles = itertools.cycle(["solid", "dashed", "dotted", "dashdot"]) max_models_per_subplot = 5 for branch_id in branches: models = self.branches[branch_id].resident_model_ids times = sorted(self.experimental_measurements.keys()) num_rows = math.ceil(len(models) / max_models_per_subplot) lf = LatexFigure( fraction=0.45, gridspec_layout=(num_rows, 1), auto_label=False ) self.log_print( [ "plotting branch dynamics. On branch {} there are {} rows".format( branch_id, num_rows ) ] ) n_models_this_row = 0 ax = lf.new_axis() for m in models: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(m) computed_expec_val_times = sorted(mod.expectation_values.keys()) try: exp_vals = [ mod.expectation_values[t] for t in computed_expec_val_times ] except: self.log_print( ["Failed to get expectation values for model id {}".format(m)] ) raise ax.plot( computed_expec_val_times, exp_vals, label=r"${}$".format(m), # label="{} (ID={}, $LL$={})".format(mod.model_name_latex, m, mod.evaluation_log_likelihood), color=next(colours), ls=next(linestyles), ) n_models_this_row += 1 if n_models_this_row == max_models_per_subplot: n_models_this_row = 0 ax = lf.new_axis() for row in range(num_rows): # Add system dynamics to each subplot ax = lf.gridspec_axes[(row, 0)] ax.scatter( times, [self.experimental_measurements[t] for t in times], c="red", label=r"$Q$", s=5, ) ax.set_xlim(0, max(times)) ax.set_ylim(0, 1.05) ax.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1]) ax.set_ylabel("Expectation Value") ax.set_xlabel("Time") ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.8) # loc = "upper center", # ncol=2 ) path = os.path.join( self.branch_results_dir, "dynamics_branch_{}".format(branch_id) ), file_format=self.qmla_controls.figure_format)
[docs] def _plot_evaluation_normalisation_records(self): """Plot the normalisation record of all models grouped by the branch they are on.""" if self.plot_level < 3: return for branch_id in list(self.branches.keys()): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15, 10), tight_layout=True) for m in self.branches[branch_id].resident_model_ids: mod = self.get_model_storage_instance_by_id(m) ax.hist( qmla.utilities.flatten(mod.evaluation_normalization_record), bins=np.arange(0, 1, 0.05), label="{} ($LL={}$)".format( mod.model_name_latex, # TODO use ES of branch to get latex name mod.evaluation_log_likelihood, ), histtype="step", ) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.05), fontsize=12, ) ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") ax.set_xlabel("Likelihood") ax.set_title( "Normalisation record for evaluating models on branch {}".format( branch_id ) ) fig.savefig( os.path.join( self.branch_results_dir, "normalisation_record_branch_{}.png".format(branch_id), ) )