Source code for qmla.parameter_definition

import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
import math

import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import qmla.model_building_utilities
import qmla.shared_functionality.prior_distributions


__all__ = ["set_shared_parameters"]

[docs]def set_shared_parameters( exploration_class, run_info_file=None, all_exploration_strategies=[], run_directory="", num_particles=100, probe_max_num_qubits_all_exploration_strategies=12, generate_evaluation_experiments=True, ): r""" Set up parameters for this `run` of QMLA. A run consists of any number of independent QMLA instances; for consistency they must share the same information. Parameters, such as true model (system) parameters and probes to use for plotting purposes, are shared by all QMLA instances within a given run. This function does not return anything, but stores data required for the run to the ``run_info_file`` path. The data pickled as ``run_info`` are: :true_model: name of true model, i.e. the model we call the system, against which candidate models are tested :params_list: list of parameters of the true model :params_dict: dict of parameters of the true model :exploration_rule: exploration strategy (name) of true model :all_exploration_strategies: list of all exploration strategies (names) which are to be performed by each instance :evaluation_probes: proebs to use during evaluation experiments :evaluation_times: times to use during evaluation experiments :param ExplorationStrategy exploration_class: exploration strategy of true model, from which to extract key info, e.g. true parameter ranges and prior. :param str run_info_file: path to which to store system information :param list all_exploration_strategies: list of instances of :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` which are the alternative exploration strategies, i.e. which are performed during each instance, but which do not specify the true model (system). :param str run_directory: path to which all results/information pertaining to this unique QMLA run are stored :param int num_paritlces: number of particles used during model learning :param int probe_max_num_qubits_all_exploration_strategies: largest system size for which to generate plot probes :param bool generate_evaluation_experiments: whether to construct an evaluation dataset which can be used to objectively evaluate models. Evaluation data consists of experiments (i.e. probes and evolution times) which were not typically used in model learning, therefore each model can be compared fairly on this data set. """ if exploration_class.exploration_rules not in all_exploration_strategies: all_exploration_strategies.append(exploration_class.exploration_rules) # Generate true parameters from an instance of the ES true_params_info = exploration_class.generate_true_parameters() # Add stuff to run info true_params_info["all_exploration_strategies"] = all_exploration_strategies true_params_info["exploration_rule"] = exploration_class.exploration_rules if run_info_file is not None: import pickle pickle.dump(true_params_info, open(run_info_file, "wb")) else: return true_params_info # Generate evaluation data set evaluation_data = exploration_class.generate_evaluation_data( probe_maximum_number_qubits=probe_max_num_qubits_all_exploration_strategies, num_times=int(250), run_directory=run_directory, ) evaluation_data_path = os.path.join(run_directory, "evaluation_data.p") pickle.dump(evaluation_data, open(evaluation_data_path, "wb")) # Construct true model to plot evaluation data true_model_constructor = exploration_class.model_constructor( name=exploration_class.true_model, fixed_parameters=true_params_info["params_list"], ) true_ham = true_model_constructor.fixed_matrix try: qmla.utilities.plot_evaluation_dataset( evaluation_data=evaluation_data, true_hamiltonian=true_ham, measurement_probability_function=exploration_class.expectation_value, save_to_file=os.path.join(run_directory, "evaluation", "dynamics.png"), ) except: print("Failed to plot evaluation dataset.")