Source code for qmla.model_for_storage

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import os
import time
import copy
import qinfer as qi

import redis
import pickle

import qmla.redis_settings
import qmla.memory_tests
import qmla.logging
import qmla.get_exploration_strategy
import qmla.shared_functionality.experimental_data_processing
import qmla.model_building_utilities
import qmla.analysis
import qmla.process_string_to_matrix


__all__ = ["ModelInstanceForStorage"]

[docs]class ModelInstanceForStorage: r""" Model stored in QMLA environment. Retrieves data after model is trained remotely, so that :class:`qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent` can access that data. :param str model_name: name of model under study :param int model_id: ID of model which is unique to QMLA instance :param np.array() model_terms_matrices: list of matrices corresponding to the operators which compose the model :param dict plot_probes: probes used in all plots for consistency :param dict qmla_core_info_database: essential details about the QMLA instance needed to learn/compare models. If None, this is retrieved instead from the redis database. :param str host_name: name of host server on which redis database exists. :param int port_number: port number unique to this QMLA instance on redis database :param str log_file: path of QMLA instance's log file. """ def __init__( self, model_name, model_id, # model_terms_matrices, qid, plot_probes=None, qmla_core_info_database=None, host_name="localhost", port_number=6379, log_file="QMD_log.log", **kwargs ): # Basic info about this QMLA instance and model self.qmla_id = qid self.model_name = model_name self.model_id = model_id # self.model_terms_matrices = model_terms_matrices # self.num_terms = len(self.model_terms_matrices) self.log_file = log_file # Redis database settings self.redis_host_name = host_name self.redis_port_number = port_number # Get data from redis database if qmla_core_info_database is None: redis_databases = qmla.redis_settings.get_redis_databases_by_qmla_id( self.redis_host_name, self.redis_port_number, self.qmla_id ) qmla_core_info_database = redis_databases["qmla_core_info_database"] self.probes_system = pickle.loads(qmla_core_info_database["probes_system"]) self.probes_simulator = pickle.loads( qmla_core_info_database["probes_simulator"] ) qmla_core_info_dict = pickle.loads( qmla_core_info_database.get("qmla_settings") ) else: self.log_print( [ "QMLA core info provided to model storage class w/ keys:", list(qmla_core_info_database.keys()), ] ) self.probes_system = qmla_core_info_database["probes_system"] self.probes_simulator = qmla_core_info_database["probes_simulator"] qmla_core_info_dict = qmla_core_info_database.get("qmla_settings") # Extract data from core QMLA database self.experimental_measurements = qmla_core_info_dict[ "experimental_measurements" ] self.true_model_constituent_operators = qmla_core_info_dict["true_oplist"] self.true_model_name = qmla_core_info_dict["true_name"] if self.model_name == self.true_model_name: self.is_true_model = True self.log_print(["This is the true model for storage."]) else: self.is_true_model = False self.true_model_params = qmla_core_info_dict["true_model_terms_params"] self.probe_number = qmla_core_info_dict["num_probes"] self.experimental_measurement_times = qmla_core_info_dict[ "experimental_measurement_times" ] if plot_probes is None: self.probes_for_plots = pickle.load( open(qmla_core_info_dict["probes_plot_file"], "rb") ) else: self.probes_for_plots = plot_probes # Parameters used by QMLA manager class self.model_bayes_factors = {} self.expectation_values = {} self.values_updated = False ########## # Section: Update model based on learned values ##########
[docs] def model_update_learned_values(self, learned_info=None, **kwargs): """ Get result of model learning and store within this object. Every element stored by :meth:`~qmla.ModelInstanceForLearning.learned_info_dict` is stored as an attribute here. :param dict learned_info: results of remote model learning if None, retrieved from the redis database if not None, computed locally and passed """ if self.values_updated: return self.values_updated = True num_redis_retries = 5 for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: redis_databases = qmla.redis_settings.get_redis_databases_by_qmla_id( self.redis_host_name, self.redis_port_number, self.qmla_id ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print(["Failed to retrieve redis databases. Error: ", e]) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: learned_models_info_db = redis_databases["learned_models_info_db"] break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: log_print(["Failed to retrieve model stored data. Error: ", e]) any_job_failed_db.set("Status", 1) raise self.log_print(["Updating learned info for model {}".format(self.model_id)]) if learned_info is None: # TODO put unloading redis inside this if statement # everything can be done locally if learned_info is provided model_id_float = float(self.model_id) model_id_str = str(model_id_float) for k in range(num_redis_retries): try: learned_info = pickle.loads( learned_models_info_db.get(model_id_str), encoding="latin1" ) break except Exception as e: if k == num_redis_retries - 1: self.log_print( [ "Unable to load learned info", "model_id_str: ", model_id_str, "model id: ", self.model_id, "learned info keys:, ", learned_models_info_db.keys(), # "learned info:, ", learned_models_info_db.get( # model_id_str) ] ) # Load results: assign attribute of this class for everything stored # in learned_info_dict() of ModelInstanceForStorage. for k in learned_info: self.__setattr__(k, learned_info[k]) # Process the learned info self.track_covariance_matrices = np.array(self.track_covariance_matrices) self.volume_by_epoch = {} for i in range(len(self.raw_volume_list)): self.volume_by_epoch[i] = self.raw_volume_list[i] # Instantiate exploration strategy instance (passive - not used to generate # models) self.exploration_class = qmla.get_exploration_strategy.get_exploration_class( exploration_rules=self.exploration_strategy_of_this_model, log_file=self.log_file, qmla_id=self.qmla_id, ) # Compile some attributes self.model_constructor = self.exploration_class.model_constructor( name=self.model_name ) self.model_terms_matrices = self.model_constructor.terms_matrices self.num_terms = self.model_constructor.num_terms self.probe_num_qubits = self.model_constructor.num_qubits self.log_print( ["Getting latex name from constructor:", self.model_constructor.name_latex] ) # self.model_name_latex = self.exploration_class.latex_name( # name=self.model_name # ) self.model_name_latex = self.model_constructor.name_latex model_constituent_terms = self.model_constructor.terms_names self.constituents_terms_latex = [ # self.exploration_class.latex_name(term) self.model_constructor.latex_name_method(term) for term in model_constituent_terms ] self.track_parameter_estimates = self.track_param_estimate_v_epoch # Learned model loaded self.log_print( [ "Updated learned info for model {}".format(self.model_id), ] )
########## # Section: Evaluation ##########
[docs] def compute_expectation_values( self, times=[], ): r""" Get the expectation values using the learned Hamiltonian. Construct Hamiltonian from estimated learned parameters, and compute the expectation values, using the same input state as used for plotting. Stores a dictionary of { t : expectation value }. :param list times: times to use """ # Choose probe to compute expectation value with probe = self.probes_for_plots[self.probe_num_qubits] # Find which times are not yet in self.expectation_values present_expec_val_times = sorted(list(self.expectation_values.keys())) required_times = sorted(list(set(times) - set(present_expec_val_times))) # Compute and store results. for t in required_times: self.expectation_values[t] = self.exploration_class.get_expectation_value( ham=self.learned_hamiltonian, t=t, state=probe, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="[QML - compute expectation values]", )
[docs] def r_squared(self, times=None, min_time=0, max_time=None): r""" Compute and store r squared for given times. :param list times: times to use for calculation :param float min_time: minimum time to use for calculation :param float min_time: maximum time to use for calculation :return float final_r_squared: r squared of the learned model against the times given """ self.log_print(["R squared function for", self.model_name]) # Choose times to get r squared for if times is None: exp_times = sorted(list(self.experimental_measurements.keys())) else: exp_times = times if max_time is None: max_time = max(exp_times) min_time = qmla.shared_functionality.experimental_data_processing.nearest_experimental_time_available( exp_times, min_time ) max_time = qmla.shared_functionality.experimental_data_processing.nearest_experimental_time_available( exp_times, max_time ) min_data_idx = exp_times.index(min_time) max_data_idx = exp_times.index(max_time) exp_times = exp_times[min_data_idx:max_data_idx] # Get expectation values for system exp_data = [self.experimental_measurements[t] for t in exp_times] # Compute r squared probe = self.probes_for_plots[self.probe_num_qubits] datamean = np.mean(exp_data[0:max_data_idx]) total_sum_of_squares = 0 for d in exp_data: total_sum_of_squares += (d - datamean) ** 2 self.true_exp_val_mean = datamean self.total_sum_of_squares = total_sum_of_squares sum_of_residuals = 0 available_expectation_values = sorted(list(self.expectation_values.keys())) chi_squared = 0 self.r_squared_of_t = {} for t in exp_times: if t in available_expectation_values: sim = self.expectation_values[t] else: sim = self.exploration_class.get_expectation_value( ham=self.learned_hamiltonian, t=t, state=probe ) self.expectation_values[t] = sim true = self.experimental_measurements[t] diff_squared = (true - sim) ** 2 sum_of_residuals += diff_squared self.r_squared_of_t[t] = 1 - (sum_of_residuals / total_sum_of_squares) chi_squared += diff_squared / true if total_sum_of_squares == 0: # calculation failed print( "[ModelForStorage - r_squared]", "Total sum of squares is 0", total_sum_of_squares, "\ndatamean=", datamean, "\nd=", d, "\nexp_data=", exp_data, ) try: self.final_r_squared = 1 - (sum_of_residuals / total_sum_of_squares) except BaseException: self.final_r_squared = None self.p_value = 0 # self.p_value = ( # 1 - # sp.stats.chi2.cdf( # chi_squared, # len(exp_times) - 1 # number of degrees of freedom # ) # ) return self.final_r_squared
[docs] def r_squared_by_epoch(self, times=None, min_time=0, max_time=None, num_points=10): r""" Compute and store r squared up to all times. TODO incorporate as flag in r_squared() to store by epoch instead of separate fnc. """ self.log_print( ["R squared by epoch function for", self.model_name, "Times passed:", times] ) # Choose times to get R-squared for if times is None: exp_times = sorted(list(self.experimental_measurements.keys())) else: exp_times = times if max_time is None: max_time = max(exp_times) min_time = qmla.shared_functionality.experimental_data_processing.nearest_experimental_time_available( exp_times, min_time ) max_time = qmla.shared_functionality.experimental_data_processing.nearest_experimental_time_available( exp_times, max_time ) min_data_idx = exp_times.index(min_time) max_data_idx = exp_times.index(max_time) exp_times = exp_times[min_data_idx:max_data_idx] # Get expectation values for system exp_data = [self.experimental_measurements[t] for t in exp_times] # Compute r squared probe = self.probes_for_plots[self.probe_num_qubits] datamean = np.mean(exp_data[0:max_data_idx]) datavar = np.sum((exp_data[0:max_data_idx] - datamean) ** 2) r_squared_by_epoch = {} # only use subset of epochs in case there are a large # num experiments due to heavy computational overhead spaced_epochs = np.round( np.linspace( 0, self.num_experiments - 1, min(self.num_experiments, num_points) ) ) for e in spaced_epochs: sum_of_residuals = 0 available_expectation_values = sorted(list(self.expectation_values.keys())) for t in exp_times: sim = self.exploration_class.get_expectation_value( ham=self.learned_hamiltonian, t=t, state=probe ) true = self.experimental_measurements[t] diff_squared = (sim - true) ** 2 sum_of_residuals += diff_squared rsq = 1 - sum_of_residuals / datavar r_squared_by_epoch[e] = rqs self.r_squared_by_epoch = r_squared_by_epoch self.final_r_squared = rsq return r_squared_by_epoch
########## # Section: Utilities ##########
[docs] def log_print(self, to_print_list): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.print_to_log`""" qmla.logging.print_to_log( to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="ModelForStorage {}".format(self.model_id), )