Source code for qmla.exploration_strategies.nv_centre_spin_characterisation.nature_physics_2021.tiered_greedy

from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
import random

from qmla.exploration_strategies.nv_centre_spin_characterisation.nature_physics_2021 import (
from qmla.model_building_utilities import alph

__all__ = ["TieredGreedySearchNVCentre"]

[docs]class TieredGreedySearchNVCentre(FullAccessNVCentre): r""" Exploration strategy for NV system described in Nature Physics 2021 paper, assuming full access to the state so the likelihood is based on :math:`\langle++| e^{ -i\hat{H(\vec{x})} t } |++\rangle`. This is the base class for results presented in the experimental paper, namely Fig 2. The same model generation strategy is used in each case (i), (ii), (iii): this ES is for (i) pure simulation. """ def __init__(self, exploration_rules, **kwargs): super().__init__(exploration_rules=exploration_rules, **kwargs) self.initial_models = None self.term_tiers = { 1: ["xTi", "yTi", "zTi"], 2: ["xTx", "yTy", "zTz"], 3: ["xTy", "xTz", "yTz"], } self.tier = 1 self.max_tier = max(self.term_tiers) self.tier_branch_champs = {k: [] for k in self.term_tiers} self.tier_champs = {} self.prune_completed_initially = True self.check_champion_reducibility = True
[docs] def generate_models(self, model_list, **kwargs): r""" Overwrites :meth:`qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent.generate_models`. Constructs models in tiers, where each tier is explored greedily, and only the strongest model from the tier is progressed as the seed model for the subsequent tier. """ self.log_print( [ "Generating models in tiered greedy search at spawn {}. available kwargs:\n {}".format( self.spawn_step, kwargs ) ] ) # self.spawn_step = kwargs['spawn_step'] if self.spawn_stage[-1] is None: try: previous_branch_champ = model_list[0] self.tier_branch_champs[self.tier].append(previous_branch_champ) except: previous_branch_champ = None elif "getting_tier_champ" in self.spawn_stage[-1]: previous_branch_champ = model_list[0] self.log_print(["Tier champ for {} is {}".format(self.tier, model_list[0])]) self.tier_champs[self.tier] = model_list[0] self.tier += 1 self.log_print(["Tier now = ", self.tier]) self.spawn_stage.append(None) # normal processing if self.tier > self.max_tier: self.log_print(["Completed tree for ES"]) self.spawn_stage.append("Complete") return list(self.tier_champs.values()) else: self.log_print(["Spawn stage:", self.spawn_stage]) new_models = greedy_add( current_model=previous_branch_champ, terms=self.term_tiers[self.tier] ) self.log_print(["tiered search new_models=", new_models]) if len(new_models) == 0: # no models left to find - get champions of branches from this tier new_models = self.tier_branch_champs[self.tier] self.log_print(["tier champions: {}".format(new_models)]) self.spawn_stage.append("getting_tier_champ_{}".format(self.tier)) return new_models
[docs] def check_tree_completed(self, spawn_step, **kwargs): r""" QMLA asks the exploration tree whether it has finished growing; the exploration tree queries the exploration strategy through this method """ if self.tree_completed_initially: return True elif self.spawn_stage[-1] == "Complete": return True else: return False
def check_tree_pruned(self, prune_step, **kwargs): return self.prune_completed_initially
def greedy_add( current_model, terms, ): r""" Generate a list of models by appending all individual terms to the current model. """ try: present_terms = current_model.split("+") except: present_terms = [] nonpresent_terms = list(set(terms) - set(present_terms)) term_sets = [present_terms + [t] for t in nonpresent_terms] new_models = ["+".join(term_set) for term_set in term_sets] return new_models