Source code for qmla.exploration_strategies.nv_centre_spin_characterisation.nature_physics_2021.large_model_space

import numpy as np
import itertools
import sys
import os
import random
import copy
import scipy
import time
import pandas as pd
import pickle

import qmla.exploration_strategies.genetic_algorithms.genetic_exploration_strategy
from qmla.exploration_strategies.genetic_algorithms.genetic_exploration_strategy import (
import qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation
import qmla.shared_functionality.latex_model_names
import qmla.shared_functionality.expectation_value_functions
import qmla.model_building_utilities

[docs]class NVCentreGenticAlgorithmPrelearnedParameters(Genetic): r""" Exploration strategy for studying large model space of NV centre through a genetic algorithm. Model generation is through the genetic algorithm exploration strategy, :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.genetic_algorithms.Genetic`. This :term:`Exploration Strategy` sets up the true model as an NV centre spin interacting with a number of nuclei, and makes a wider number of nuceli searchable by the genetic algorithm. The NV centre is approximated by the Gali approximation [SCG13]_. Candidate models are assumed to have been learned extremely well by a parameter esimation algorithm, which may be unrealistic in some cases. In the genetic algorithm, to assess candidate models, we use an objective function which computes the average residual between the candidate and the system's dynamics, against a representative dataset. """ def __init__(self, exploration_rules, true_model=None, **kwargs): # Fundamental set up self.true_n_qubits = 6 self.available_axes = ["x", "y", "z"] # Set up the target model/parameters self._set_true_params() self.true_model = "+".join((self.true_model_terms_params.keys())) self.true_model = qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(self.true_model) # Add genetic algorithm parameters to kwargs, which the Genetic ES passes to GA class kwargs["selection_truncation_rate"] = 1 / self.true_n_qubits kwargs["unchanged_elite_num_generations_cutoff"] = 3 * self.true_n_qubits kwargs["num_protected_elite_models"] = 2 # Instantiate exploration strategy super class super().__init__( exploration_rules=exploration_rules, true_model=self.true_model, genes=self.available_terms, **kwargs ) self._set_true_params() # call again in case something was over written by parent __init__ self.num_sites = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(self.true_model) self.qhl_models = [self.true_model] self.qhl_models = [ qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(m) for m in self.qhl_models ] # Modular functions self.system_probes_generation_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation.separable_probe_dict ) # doesn't matter here self.evaluation_probe_generation_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation.tomographic_basis ) self.simulator_probes_generation_subroutine = ( self.system_probes_generation_subroutine ) self.expectation_value_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.expectation_value_functions.n_qubit_hahn_evolution ) # Training parameters self.num_eval_probes = 36 self.num_eval_points = 100 self.shared_probes = True self.num_probes = 5 self.iqle_mode = False self.qinfer_resampler_a = 1 self.qinfer_resampler_threshold = 0.0 # Genetic algorithm options self.tree_completed_initially = False self.branch_comparison_strategy = "minimal" # no need to compare with other models since objective fnc is absolute self.fitness_method = "rs_mean_sq" # squared mean residual test = False # ensure it runs quickly without performing full search if test: num_models_per_generation = 4 self.max_spawn_depth = 2 else: num_models_per_generation = ( 12 * self.true_n_qubits ) # TODO INCREASE NUM EVAL POINTS self.max_spawn_depth = 10 * self.true_n_qubits # Get initial generation's models self.initial_models = self.genetic_algorithm.random_initial_models( num_models_per_generation ) self.initial_models = [ qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(m) for m in self.initial_models ] if self.tree_completed_initially: self.initial_models = self.qhl_models self.initial_num_models = len(self.initial_models) # Logistics self.force_evaluation = True self.fraction_particles_for_bf = 0.1 # BF not meaningful here so minimise cost self.fraction_own_experiments_for_bf = 0.1 self.fraction_opponents_experiments_for_bf = 0 if self.tree_completed_initially: self.max_spawn_depth = 1 self.max_num_models_by_shape = { self.num_sites: (len(self.initial_models) * self.max_spawn_depth) / 8, "other": 0, } self.num_processes_to_parallelise_over = min(16, len(self.initial_models)) self.timing_insurance_factor = 0.15
[docs] def _set_true_params(self): r""" Set up the target model: call a series of subroutines to define the true model, as well as setting the parameters to represent the physics appropriately. """ self.true_model_terms_params = self._get_secular_approx_true_params( num_qubits=4, # num qubits in target system total_num_qubits=self.true_n_qubits, ) self._setup_available_terms_gali_model( n_qubits=self.n_qubits, available_axes=self.available_axes ) self._setup_prior_by_parameters() self.true_model = "+".join((self.true_model_terms_params.keys())) self.true_model = qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(self.true_model) self.max_time_to_consider = 100e-6 self.plot_time_increment = self.max_time_to_consider / 100
[docs] def _get_secular_approx_true_params( self, num_qubits=2, total_num_qubits=5, ): r""" Using the secular approximation, define true parameters for all present terms. :param int num_qubits: number of qubits in the target model :param int total_num_qubits: number of qubits of the search space, i.e. terms will be defined in this dimension, even if the system is not expected to be this large. :returns dict true_params: frequencies of each term to include in the true model """ nuclei_terms = {"x": 66e3, "y": 66e3, "z": 15e3} true_params = {} # Spin rotation terms only about Z axis spin_term = "pauliSet_1_z_d{N}".format(N=total_num_qubits) true_params[spin_term] = 2e9 # Coupling and nuclear terms between the spin and all other qubits for n in range(2, 1 + num_qubits): coupling_term = "pauliSet_1J{n}_zJz_d{N}".format(n=n, N=total_num_qubits) true_params[coupling_term] = 0.2e6 # Nuclei rotations independent of the spin for pauli in ["x", "y", "z"]: nuclei_rotation = "pauliSet_{n}_{p}_d{N}".format( n=n, p=pauli, N=total_num_qubits ) true_params[nuclei_rotation] = nuclei_terms[pauli] return true_params
[docs] def _setup_prior_by_parameters(self): r""" Constructs the prior distribution to assign true parameters in the model. These are set in the gaussian_prior_means_and_widths attribute of this exploration strategy class. """ test_prior_info = {} for pauli in self.available_axes: for num_qubits in range(1, 1 + self.true_n_qubits): # Spin rotation spin_rotation_term = "pauliSet_1_{p}_d{N}".format(p=pauli, N=num_qubits) test_prior_info[spin_rotation_term] = (5e9, 2e9) # Nuclear terms for j in range(2, 1 + num_qubits): # Nuclei independent rotation nuclei_rotation = "pauliSet_{j}_{p}_d{N}".format( j=j, p=pauli, N=num_qubits ) test_prior_info[nuclei_rotation] = (5e4, 2e4) # Coupling between spin and nuclei coupling_w_spin = "pauliSet_1J{j}_{p}J{p}_d{N}".format( j=j, p=pauli, N=num_qubits ) test_prior_info[coupling_w_spin] = (5e5, 2e5) self.gaussian_prior_means_and_widths = test_prior_info
[docs] def _setup_available_terms_gali_model(self, n_qubits=2, available_axes=["z"]): r""" Generates the set of terms to include in the genetic algorithm. Terms are stored as an attribute of the class. :param int n_qubits: number of qubits to construct terms up to :param lsit available_axes: axes about which to generate terms, under the Gali approximation """ available_terms = [] # spin_terms for i in range(1, 1 + n_qubits): for p in available_axes: t = "pauliSet_{i}_{p}_d{N}".format(i=i, p=p, N=n_qubits) available_terms.append(t) # axial coupling terms between electron and nuclei for i in range(2, 1 + n_qubits): for p in available_axes: t = "pauliSet_1J{i}_{p}J{p}_d{N}".format(i=i, p=p, N=n_qubits) available_terms.append(t) self.available_terms = available_terms
[docs] def get_prior(self, model_name, **kwargs): r""" Given a candidate model, constructs a very thin prior. This is done to skip the model training stage, and assumes the training has performed extremely well. This method is called by QMLA in constructing candidate models. :param str model_name: string representing the model which is being tested. :returns prior: QInfer object, used for sampling parameter values when considering the given model """ prior = qmla.shared_functionality.prior_distributions.prelearned_true_parameters_prior( model_name=model_name, true_parameters=self.true_model_terms_params, prior_specific_terms=self.gaussian_prior_means_and_widths, default_parameter=0, default_width=1e-1, fraction_true_param_found_within=1e-9, fraction_true_parameter_width=1e-8, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="PrelearnedPrior", ) return prior
[docs] def generate_evaluation_data(self, num_times=100, **kwargs): r""" Generates sequential, equally spaced times for evaluating the candidate models against. :param int num_times: number of datapoints to generate :returns dict eval_data: set of experiments for model evaluation """ times = np.arange( self.plot_time_increment, self.max_time_to_consider, self.plot_time_increment, ) self.log_print( ["Generating evaluation data with max time={}".format(max(times))] ) eval_data = super().generate_evaluation_data( num_probes=self.num_eval_probes, evaluation_times=times, num_eval_points=self.num_eval_points, **kwargs ) return eval_data
[docs] def get_evaluation_prior(self, model_name, estimated_params, cov_mt, **kwargs): r""" Generate a QInfer distribution representing the trained model's paramterisation, in order to evaluate that model. :param str model_name: string representing the candidate model :param dict estimated_params: average values of the posterior distribution after training, representing the parameter estimates for the model :param np.array cov_mt: covariance matrix, i.e. the relationship between parameters after training """ posterior_distribution = self.get_prior(model_name=model_name) return posterior_distribution
class NVPrelearnedTest(NVCentreGenticAlgorithmPrelearnedParameters): def __init__(self, exploration_rules, true_model=None, **kwargs): r"""as above but few models/generations to test on""" self.true_n_qubits = 6 self.available_axes = ["x", "y", "z"] self._set_true_params() self.true_model = "+".join((self.true_model_terms_params.keys())) self.true_model = qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(self.true_model) super().__init__( exploration_rules=exploration_rules, true_model=self.true_model, # genes = self.available_terms, **kwargs ) num_models_per_generation = 4 self.max_spawn_depth = 3 self.initial_models = self.genetic_algorithm.random_initial_models( num_models_per_generation ) self.initial_models = [ qmla.model_building_utilities.alph(m) for m in self.initial_models ]