Source code for qmla.exploration_strategies.exploration_strategy

from __future__ import absolute_import
import sys
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import itertools
import qinfer

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import qinfer as qi
from lfig import LatexFigure

import qmla.shared_functionality.prior_distributions
import qmla.shared_functionality.experiment_design_heuristics
import qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation as probe_set_generation
import qmla.shared_functionality.expectation_value_functions
import qmla.utilities
import qmla.model_building_utilities as model_building_utilities
import qmla.shared_functionality.rating_system
import qmla.shared_functionality.qinfer_model_interface
from qmla.exploration_strategies.exploration_strategy_decorator import (

__all__ = ["ExplorationStrategy"]

[docs]class ExplorationStrategy: r""" User defined mechanism to control which models are considered by QMLA. By changing the attributes, various aspects of QMLA are altered. A number of exploration strategy attributes point to standalone methods available within QMLA, e.g. to generate probes according to a desired mechanism. This allows the user to easily change functionality in a modular fashion. To develop a new exploration strategy, users should read the definitions of all exploration strategy attributes listed in the various ``setup`` methods, and ensure that the default are suitable for their system, or that they have replaced them in their custom exploration strategy. The ``setup`` methods are: * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy._setup_modular_subroutines` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy._setup_true_model` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy._setup_model_learning` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy._setup_tree_infrastructure` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy._setup_logistics` """ # superclass for exploration strategys def __init__(self, exploration_rules, true_model=None, **kwargs): self.exploration_rules = exploration_rules if true_model is not None: self.true_model = true_model else: self.true_model = None if "log_file" in kwargs: self.log_file = kwargs["log_file"] else: self.log_file = ".default_qmla_log.log" if "qmla_id" in kwargs: self.qmla_id = kwargs["qmla_id"] else: self.qmla_id = -1 if "true_params_path" in kwargs: self.true_params_path = kwargs["true_params_path"] else: self.true_params_path = None if "plot_probes_path" in kwargs: self.plot_probes_path = kwargs["plot_probes_path"] else: self.plot_probes_path = None # Set up default parameters (don't call any functions here) self._setup_modular_subroutines() self._setup_true_model() self._setup_model_learning() self._setup_tree_infrastructure() self._setup_logistics() # Allow user ES parameters to take over before any functionality is called self.overwrite_default_parameters() # Set or retrieve system data shared over instances # self.get_true_parameters() ########## # Section: Set up, assign parameters etc ########## def overwrite_default_parameters(self): pass def _setup_modular_subroutines(self): r""" Assign modular subroutines for the realisation of this exploration strategy. These subroutines are called by wrappers in the parent :class:`~qmla.ExplorationStrategy` class; the wrapper methods are called throughout a QMLA instance, e.g. to generate a set of probes according to the requirements of the user's exploration strategy. Note also that these wrappers can be directly over written in a user exploration strategy, or more simply the functionality can be replaced by adding a standalone function to ``qmla.shared_functionality``, and replacing the methods in the user exploration strategy's ``__init__`` method. The wrappers and corresponding class attributes are: * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.expectation_value` : ``measurement_probability_function`` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.generate_probes` : ``probe_generation_function`` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.plot_probe_generator` : ``plot_probes_generation_subroutine`` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.heuristic` : ``model_heuristic_function`` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.qinfer_model` : ``qinfer_model_class`` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.get_prior` : ``prior_distribution_subroutine`` * :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.latex_name` : ``latex_string_map_subroutine`` """ # Measurement self.expectation_value_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.expectation_value_functions.default_expectation_value ) # Probes self.system_probes_generation_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation.separable_probe_dict ) self.simulator_probes_generation_subroutine = ( self.system_probes_generation_subroutine ) self.shared_probes = ( True # i.e. system and simulator get same probes for learning ) self.plot_probes_generation_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.probe_set_generation.plus_probes_dict ) self.evaluation_probe_generation_subroutine = None self.probe_noise_level = 1e-5 # Model class self.model_constructor = qmla.shared_functionality.model_constructors.BaseModel # Experiment design self.model_heuristic_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.experiment_design_heuristics.MultiParticleGuessHeuristic ) # QInfer interface self.qinfer_model_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.qinfer_model_interface.QInferModelQMLA ) # Prior distribution self.prior_distribution_subroutine = ( qmla.shared_functionality.prior_distributions.gaussian_prior ) # Map model name strings to latex representation # self.latex_string_map_subroutine = qmla.shared_functionality.latex_model_names.pauli_set_latex_name def _setup_true_model(self): r""" Target system data, such as model and parameters. * Set up * true_model target model for QMLA; presumed model for QHL qhl_models for multi-model QHL mode, which models to learn parameters of true_model_terms_params target parameters for terms in true model (assigned randomly if not explicitly set here) e.g. ``{ 'pauliSet_1_x_d1' : 0.75, 'pauliSet_1_x_d1' : 0.25 }`` """ if self.true_model is None: self.true_model = "pauliSet_1_x_d1" self.qhl_models = ["pauliSet_1_x_d1", "pauliSet_1_y_d1", "pauliSet_1_z_d1"] self.true_model_terms_params = {} self._shared_true_parameters = True def _setup_model_learning(self): r""" Parameters used on the model learning level. *Setting prior distribution* gaussian_prior_means_and_widths: Starting mean and width for normal prior distribution used for each parameter, e.g. ``{ pauliSet_1_x_d1 : (0.5, 0.2), 'pauliSet_1_y_d1' : (0.5, 0.2)}`` *True parameter selection* min_param, max_param used to generate a normal distribution :math:`N(\mu, \sigma)` where :math:`\mu=` ``mean(min_param, max_param)``, :math:`\sigma=` ``(max_param - min_param) / 4 ``, which is then used to generate true parameters for each parameter which is not explicitly set in ``true_model_terms_params``, and also as the span of the prior distribution for each parameter not explicitly set in ``gaussian_prior_means_and_widths``. See :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.get_prior` for details. true_param_cov_mtx_widen_factor when selecting true parameters, they are chosen from :math:`N` defined for ``min_param``, ``max_param``; this factor :math:`k` changes the distribution to :math:`N(\mu, k \sigma)` for the selection of the true parameters. e.g. so that true parameters are further than :math:`1 \sigma` from the starting prior, to ensure the algorithm is robust to such cases. prior_random_mean if True, overwrites any true parameter set in ``true_model_terms_params`` with a randomly drawn parameter as outlined above. *Learning* num_probes number of probes generated for the probe dictionary, which are cycled over during parameter learning and model comparison. max_time_to_consider Upper limit on time. 1. used for all plots of dynamics 2. given to the experiment design heuristic which may use it upper-bound experimental times chosen. terminate_learning_at_volume_convergence Whether to stop learning when a model reaches a given threshold in volume volume_convergence_threshold The volume at which to terminate learning if ``terminate_learning_at_volume_convergence==True`` iqle_mode True for interactive quantum likelihood estimation; False for quantum likelihood estimation. i.e. the method of parmeater learning. Note IQLE is far stronger for learning, but is not available for physical systems in general, since it assumes access to a coherent quantum channel which maps the target system to a simulator. qinfer_resampler_threshold :math:`k_r`, fraction of particles below which to trigger a resampling event. i.e. when the effective sample size is less than this fraction of the initial number of particles, :math:`N_{ESS} < t=k_r N_p`, the QInfer updater resamples the distribution. qinfer_resampler_a `a` parameter used by Liu-West resampler within `QInfer SMCUpdater <>`_. hard_fix_resample_effective_sample_size absolute number of effective particles, below which to trigger resample. reallocate_resources`` : whether to decrease/increase the number of experiments/particles used to train models based on their relative complexity, compared with an assumed maximally complicated model given by ``max_num_parameter_estimate``. e.g. you make 10 000 particles available, but only want to invoke such a high cost for models with 6 parameters, and simpler models could learn with proportionally less particles. fraction_particles_for_bf fraction of particles to use during pairwise comparison between models. e.g. if 10 000 particles are used for parameter learning for each model, the Bayes factor from 1 000 particles is expected to be in favour of the same model as the Bayes factor using 10 000 particles, using far less time, but with weaker evidence. fraction_experiments_for_bf # TODO out of date fraction of experiments to use during pairwise comparison between models. In particular, the latter portion of experiments are used. This is equivalent to allowing a number of `burn-in` experiments, which are not counted towards the Bayes factor. it should base comparison on latter fraction only. *Plotting* plot_time_increment :math:`\Delta t` between each point plotted in dynamics plots. """ # Setting prior distribution self.gaussian_prior_means_and_widths = {} # True parameter selection self.min_param = 0 self.max_param = 1 self.true_param_cov_mtx_widen_factor = 1 self.prior_random_mean = False self.fixed_true_terms = False # Learning self.num_probes = 40 self.max_time_to_consider = 15 # arbitrary time units self.terminate_learning_at_volume_convergence = False self.volume_convergence_threshold = 1e-8 self.iqle_mode = False self.reallocate_resources = False self.max_num_parameter_estimate = 2 self.qinfer_resampler_a = 0.98 self.qinfer_resampler_threshold = 0.5 self.hard_fix_resample_effective_sample_size = None self.fraction_experiments_for_bf = 1 # TODO remove self.fraction_own_experiments_for_bf = 1.0 self.fraction_opponents_experiments_for_bf = 1.0 self.fraction_particles_for_bf = ( 1.0 # testing whether reduced num particles for BF can work ) self.force_evaluation = False self.exclude_evaluation = False # Plotting self.plot_time_increment = None def _setup_tree_infrastructure(self): r""" Determining how the ES tree grows, when it should stop etc. *Tree development* initial_models models to place on the first branch of the :class:`~qmla.ExplorationTree` corresponding to this exploration strategy. tree_completed_initially if True, no spawning stage is performed prune_completed_initially if True, no pruning stage is performed # TODO review how pruning attributes are called/checked # TODO improve docs about pruning max_spawn_depth Number of branches to spawn for this ES max_num_qubits Maximum number of qubits expected in any model entertained by this ES. Used to generate probes up to this dimension. max_num_probe_qubits TODO remove: serves same purpose as max_num_qubtis num_top_models_to_build_on number of models used during construction of next set of models by :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.generate_models`. Mostly unused by more-recent ESs. *Ratings class* ratings_class scheme for rating models based on pairwise comparisons. Not used by default; used in genetic algorithm to determine top models. Comparisons within branches: branch_champion_selection_strategy (string) mechanism by which to decide within a layer/branch, which model is favoured. - ``number_comparison_wins`` (default) : number of pairwise wins of each model - ``ratings`` - models ranked by their rating as determined by the ``ratings_class``. branch_comparison_strategy mechanism by which to perform pairwise model comparisons. - ``all`` (default): completely connected graph - ``optimal_graph``: generate a partially connected graph *Champion simplification* check_champion_reducibility Whether, after QMLA has determined a champion model, to test that champion model - i.e. whether any of its parameters are negligible and can be omitted. learned_param_limit_for_negligibility Threshold to consider a learned parmaeter negligible in the champion reduction test. reduce_champ_bayes_factor_threshold The Bayes factor by which a proposed reduced champion (omitting negligible parameters) must defeat the nominated champion, in order to be declared champion in its place. *Infrastructure* (shouldn't need to be replaced by custom ES). storage Generic storage unit which is exported to the QMLA instance and stored. This allows for access to ES-specific data after QMLA has finished, for analysis and plotting on a cross-instance basis. spawn_stage list which is used by ES to determine what is the current stage of development. This can be checked against in :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.check_tree_completed`. e.g. calls to :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.generate_models` can append the list with an indicator 'stage_1_complete'. Subsequent calls can check ``if self.spawn_stage[-1] == 'stage_1_complete ... `` to design models according to the current stage. By default, ES terminates model generation stage `` if self.spawn_stage[-1] == 'Complete' spawn_step Number of times spawn method (:meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.generate_models`) has been called. By default, ES terminates model generation stage `` if self.spawn_step == self.max_spawn_depth``. prune_step Number of times prune method (:meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.tree_pruning`) has been called. By default, when spawning and pruning are both completed, ES nominates a champion, and is then terminated. * Miscellaneous * track_cov_mtx Whether to store the covariance matrix at the end of every experiment. In general it is unnecessary to store. """ # Tree development self.initial_models = ["xTi", "yTi", "zTi"] self.tree_completed_initially = False self.prune_completed_initially = True self.max_spawn_depth = 10 self.max_num_qubits = 8 self.max_num_probe_qubits = 6 self.num_top_models_to_build_on = 1 # Rating models self.ratings_class = qmla.shared_functionality.rating_system.ModifiedEloRating( initial_rating=1000, k_const=30 ) # Comparisons within branches self.branch_champion_selection_stratgey = "number_comparison_wins" self.branch_comparison_strategy = "all" # Champion simplification self.check_champion_reducibility = True self.learned_param_limit_for_negligibility = 0.05 self.reduce_champ_bayes_factor_threshold = 1e1 # Infrastructure for tracking = qmla.utilities.StorageUnit() self.spawn_stage = [None] self.spawn_step = 0 self.prune_complete = False self.prune_step = 0 self.track_cov_mtx = False # only sometimes want on for some plots def _setup_logistics(self): r""" Logistics for timing request etc. *Timing* On a compute cluster, we run QMLA by submitting jobs. Those jobs need to specify the number of cores to request, and the time required. These are computed in the ``time_reuqired_calculation`` script, using the details specified here. max_num_models_by_shape How many models to allow per number of qubits num_processes_to_parallelise_over Number of cores to request. On a single node, there are 16 cores available In general we use 1 core as the master which runs the :class:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent` instance, and N worker processes, so :math:`N \leq 15` to fit on a single node. It is advisable to request as few processes (i.e. cores) as your exploration strategy needs, as the job scheduler favours less resource-expensive jobs, so your jobs will spend less time in the queue on the compute cluster. timing_insurance_factor A blunt tool to correct the estimate of time required as determined by the ``time_request_calculation``. Can be any float. Should be set :math:`\neq 1` when you find the jobs are requesting far too little time and are not finishing, or requesting too much which places them on slower queues. """ self.max_num_models_by_shape = {1: 0, 2: 1, "other": 0} self.num_processes_to_parallelise_over = 6 self.timing_insurance_factor = 1 # self.f_score_cmap = self.f_score_cmap = self.bf_cmap = ########## # Section: System (true model) infomation ##########
[docs] def true_model_latex(self): r"""Latex representation of true model.""" return self.latex_name(self.true_model)
@property def true_model_terms(self): r"""Terms (as latex strings) which make up the true model""" true_terms = self.true_model_constructor.terms_names latex_true_terms = [self.latex_name(term) for term in true_terms] self.true_op_terms = set(sorted(latex_true_terms)) return self.true_op_terms @property def shared_true_parameters(self): return self._shared_true_parameters
[docs] def get_true_parameters( self, ): r""" Retrieve parameters of the true model and use them to construct the true Hamiltonian. True parameters are set once per run and shared by all instances within that run. Therefore the true parameters are generated only once by :meth:`~qmla.set_shared_parameters`, and stored to a file which is accessible by all instances within the run. This method retrieves those shared true parameters and stores them for use by the :class:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent` instance and its subsidiary models and methods. It then uses the true parameters to construct ``true_hamiltonian`` for the ES. """ # get true data from pickled file, or generate fresh self.log_print( [ "Getting true parameters. QMLA {} with true_model {}".format( self.qmla_id, self.true_model ) ] ) if self.shared_true_parameters: # i.e. load the true parameters from run_info file in run directory self.log_print(["Parameters set from shared run file"]) true_config = pickle.load(open(self.true_params_path, "rb")) self.true_params_list = true_config["params_list"] self.true_params_dict = true_config["params_dict"] else: self.log_print(["Parameters set uniquely for this instance"]) try: true_params_info = self.generate_true_parameters() self.true_params_dict = true_params_info["params_dict"] self.true_params_list = true_params_info["params_list"] self.log_print(["true_params_info:", true_params_info]) except Exception as e: self.log_print( ["failed to generate params for unique instance. Error:\n", e] ) raise self.log_print(["True params dict:", self.true_params_dict]) self.true_model_constructor = self.model_constructor( name=self.true_model, fixed_parameters=self.true_params_list, ) self.log_print(["True model constructur:", self.true_model_constructor]) self.true_hamiltonian = self.true_model_constructor.fixed_matrix
def generate_true_parameters(self): print(self) # Dissect true model into separate terms. true_model = self.true_model true_model_constructor = self.model_constructor( # Not a useful object since parameters not set yet # -> just use it to get attributes name=true_model ) terms = true_model_constructor.terms_names latex_terms = [ true_model_constructor.latex_name_method(name=term) for term in terms ] true_model_latex = true_model_constructor.latex_name_method( name=true_model, ) num_terms = len(terms) true_model_terms_params = [] true_params_dict = {} true_params_dict_latex_names = {} # Generate true parameters. true_prior = self.get_prior( model_name=self.true_model, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="[ES true param setup]", ) widen_prior_factor = self.true_param_cov_mtx_widen_factor old_cov_mtx = true_prior.cov new_cov_mtx = old_cov_mtx ** (1 / widen_prior_factor) true_prior.__setattr__("cov", new_cov_mtx) sampled_list = true_prior.sample() # Either use randomly sampled parameter, or parameter set in true_model_terms_params for i in range(num_terms): term = terms[i] try: # if this term is set in exploration strategy true_model_terms_params, # use that value true_param = self.true_model_terms_params[term] true_model_terms_params.append(true_param) true_params_dict[terms[i]] = true_param true_params_dict_latex_names[latex_terms[i]] = true_param except BaseException: # otherwise, use value sampled from true prior true_param = sampled_list[0][i] true_model_terms_params.append(true_param) true_params_dict[terms[i]] = true_param true_params_dict_latex_names[latex_terms[i]] = true_param true_param_info = { "true_model": true_model, "params_list": true_model_terms_params, "params_dict": true_params_dict, } self.log_print(["Generating true params; true_param_info:", true_param_info]) return true_param_info
[docs] def get_measurements_by_time(self): r""" Measure the true model for a series of times. In some experiment design heuristics, those prescribed times are the only ones available to the learning procedure. Other heuristics allow the choice of any experimental time in principle. In either case, the measurements generated here are computed using the ``plot_probes``, which are shared by all QMLA instances within the run. They are used for all dynamics plots. """ try: true_info = pickle.load(open(self.true_params_path, "rb")) except: print("Failed to load true params from path", self.true_params_path) raise plot_probes = pickle.load(open(self.plot_probes_path, "rb")) probe = plot_probes[self.true_model_constructor.num_qubits] plot_lower_time = 0 plot_upper_time = self.max_time_to_consider if self.plot_time_increment is not None: raw_times = list( np.arange(plot_lower_time, plot_upper_time, self.plot_time_increment) ) self.log_print( [ "Getting plot times from plot time increment. Raw times:", raw_times, "lower={}; upper={}; incr={}".format( plot_lower_time, plot_upper_time, self.plot_time_increment ), ] ) else: num_datapoints_to_plot = 300 raw_times = list( np.linspace(0, plot_upper_time, num_datapoints_to_plot + 1) ) plot_times = [np.round(a, 2) if a > 0.1 else a for a in raw_times] plot_times = sorted(plot_times) self.measurements = { t: self.get_expectation_value(ham=self.true_hamiltonian, t=t, state=probe) for t in plot_times } return self.measurements
########## # Section: Functionality wrappers ########## # Measurement
[docs] def get_expectation_value(self, **kwargs): r""" Call the ES's ``measurement_probability_function`` to compute quantum likelihood. Compute the probability of measuring in some basis, to be used as likelihood. The default probability is that of the expectation value. Given an input state :math:`\| \psi \rangle`, :math:`P(\hat{H}, t, \| \psi \rangle) = \| \langle \| e^{-i \hat{H} t} \| \psi \rangle \|^2`. However it is possible to use alternative measurements, for instance corresponding to a physical measurement scheme such as Hahn echo or Ramsey sequences. Modular functions here must take as parameters ham Hamiltonian to compute probability of t time to evolve ``ham`` for state proobe state to compute probability with **kwargs any further inputs required can be passed as kwargs Modular functions must return :math:`P` : the probability of measurement according to custom requirements, to be used as likelihood in `(interactive) quantum likelihood estimation`. """ from rq import timeouts try: ev = self.expectation_value_subroutine(**kwargs) except timeouts.JobTimeoutException: self.log_print( [ "RQ Time exception.", ] ) sys.exit() except NameError: self.log_print( [ "Error raised; unphysical expecation value.", ] ) sys.exit() if ev < 0: self.log_print(["Negative likelihood : {}".format(likelihood)]) raise ValueError("Negative likelihood; terminating") elif ev > 1.001: self.log_print(["Likelihood > 1: {}".format(likelihood)]) raise ValueError(">1 likelihood; terminating") return ev
# Probe states
[docs] def generate_probes( self, probe_maximum_number_qubits=None, store_probes=True, **kwargs ): r""" Call the ES's probe generation methods to set the system and simulator probes. In general it is possible for the system and simulator to have different probe states (e.g. due to noise). These can be generated from the same or different methods. if ``shared_probes is True``, then ``probe_generation_function`` is called once and the same probes are used for the system as simulator. else ``simulator_probes_generation_subroutine`` is called for the simulator probes. Probe generation methods must take parameters max_num_qubits number of qubits to go up to when generating probes num_probes number of probces to produce Probe generation methods must return probe_dict A set of probes with ``num_probes`` states for each of 1, ..., N qubits up to ``max_num_qubits``. Probe dictionaries should have keys which are tuples of the number of qubits and a probe ID, i.e. ``(probe_id, num_qubits)``. :param int probe_maximum_number_qubits: how many qubits to compose probes up to. Can be left None, in which case assigned based on ES's ``max_num_qubits``, or forced to a different value by passing to function call. :param bool store_probes: whether to assign the generated probes to the ES instance. If False, probe dict is just returned . :returns dict new_probes: (if not storing) dictionary of probes returned from probe generation function, fulfilling the requirements outlined above. """ if probe_maximum_number_qubits is None: probe_maximum_number_qubits = self.max_num_probe_qubits self.log_print( [ "System Generate Probes called", "probe max num qubits:", probe_maximum_number_qubits, ] ) if "new_probes" not in kwargs: kwargs["num_probes"] = self.num_probes if "noise_level" not in kwargs: kwargs["noise_level"] = self.probe_noise_level if "minimum_tolerable_noise" in kwargs: kwargs["minimum_tolerable_noise"] = 0.0 # Generate a set of probes new_probes = self.system_probes_generation_subroutine( max_num_qubits=probe_maximum_number_qubits, **kwargs ) # Store or return the generated probes if store_probes: self.probes_system = new_probes if self.shared_probes: # Assign probes for simulator self.probes_simulator = self.probes_system keys = list(self.probes_simulator.keys()) self.log_print( [ "Using system probes as simulator probes. len keys = {}".format( len(keys) ) ] ) else: self.log_print(["Not using system probes as simulator probes"]) self.probes_simulator = self.simulator_probes_generation_subroutine( max_num_qubits=probe_maximum_number_qubits, **kwargs ) else: return new_probes
[docs] def generate_plot_probes(self, probe_maximum_number_qubits=None, **kwargs): r""" Call the ES's ``plot_probes_generation_subroutine``. Generates a set of probes against which to compute measurements for plotting purposes. The same probe dict is used by all QMLA instances within a run for consistency. Plot probe generation methods must adhere to the same rules as in :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.generate_probes`. :param int probe_maximum_number_qubits: how many qubits to compose probes up to. Can be left None, in which case assigned based on ES's ``max_num_qubits``, or forced to a different value by passing to function call. :return dict plot_probe_dict: set of states against which all models are plotted over time in dynamics plots. """ if probe_maximum_number_qubits is None: probe_maximum_number_qubits = self.max_num_probe_qubits # Generate probes plot_probe_dict = self.plot_probes_generation_subroutine( max_num_qubits=probe_maximum_number_qubits, num_probes=1, **kwargs ) # Replace tuple like key returned, with just dimension. for k in list(plot_probe_dict.keys()): plot_probe_dict[k[1]] = plot_probe_dict.pop(k) # Store the probes self.plot_probe_dict = plot_probe_dict return plot_probe_dict
# Experiment design
[docs] def get_heuristic(self, **kwargs): r""" Call the ES's ``model_heuristic_function`` to build an experiment design heuristic class. The heuristic class is called upon to design experiments to perform on the system during model learning. Heuristics should inherit from :class:`~qmla.shared_functionality.BaseHeuristic`. Details of requirements for custom heuristics can be found in the defintion of :class:`~qmla.shared_functionality.BaseHeuristic`. # TODO clear up - the heuristic is a class, not a function """ return self.model_heuristic_subroutine(**kwargs)
# QInfer interface
[docs] def get_qinfer_model(self, **kwargs): r""" Call the ES's ``qinfer_model_class`` to build the interface with QInfer used for model learning. The default QInfer model class, and details of what to include in custom classes, can be found in :class:`~qmla.shared_functionality.QInferModelQMLA`. """ return self.qinfer_model_subroutine(**kwargs)
# Prior parameterisation distribution
[docs] def get_prior(self, model_name, **kwargs): r""" Call the ES's ``prior_distribution_subroutine`` function. :param str model_name: model for which to construct a prior distribution :return qinfer.Distribution prior: N-dimensional distribution used by QInfer as the starting distribution for learning model parameters. """ return self.gaussian_prior(model_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def gaussian_prior(self, model_name, default_sigma=None, **kwargs): """ Genearates a QInfer Gaussian distribution . Given a model_name, deteremines the number of terms in the model, N. Generates a multivariate distribution with N dimensions. This is then used as the initial prior, which QHL uses to learn the model parameters. By default, each parameter's mean is the average of param_min and param_max, with sigma = mean/4. This can be changed by specifying prior_specific_terms: individual parameter's means/sigmas can be given. :param str model_name: Unique string representing a model. :param float param_minimum: Lower bound for distribution. :param float param_maximum: Upper bound for distribution. :param float default_sigma: Width of distribution desired. If None, defaults to 0.25 * (param_max - param_min). :param dict prior_specific_terms: Individual parameter mean and sigma to enforce in the distribution. :param str log_file: Path of the log file for logging errors. :param str log_identifier: Unique identifying sting for logging. :return QInfer.Distribution dist: distribution to be used as prior for parameter learning of the named model. """ prior_specific_terms = self.gaussian_prior_means_and_widths param_minimum = self.min_param param_maximum = self.max_param random_mean = self.prior_random_mean constructor = self.model_constructor(name=model_name) self.log_print( [ "Getting prior for model:", model_name, "Specific terms:", prior_specific_terms, ] ) individual_terms = constructor.parameters_names num_terms = len(individual_terms) available_specific_terms = list(prior_specific_terms.keys()) means = [] sigmas = [] default_mean = np.mean([param_minimum, param_maximum]) # TODO reconsider how default sigma is generated # default_sigma = default_mean/2 # TODO is this safe? if default_sigma is None: default_sigma = (param_maximum - param_minimum) / 4 for term in individual_terms: if term in available_specific_terms: means.append(prior_specific_terms[term][0]) sigmas.append(prior_specific_terms[term][1]) else: if random_mean: rand_mean = random.uniform(param_minimum, param_maximum) means.append(rand_mean) else: means.append(default_mean) sigmas.append(default_sigma) means = np.array(means) sigmas = np.array(sigmas) cov_mtx = np.diag(sigmas ** 2) dist = qinfer.MultivariateNormalDistribution(means, cov_mtx) return dist
# Generate evaluation data def generate_evaluation_data( self, num_probes=None, num_times=100, probe_maximum_number_qubits=10, evaluation_times=None, num_eval_points=None, run_directory="", ): if num_probes is None: num_probes = self.num_probes if self.evaluation_probe_generation_subroutine is not None: probes = self.evaluation_probe_generation_subroutine( num_probes=num_probes, max_num_qubits=probe_maximum_number_qubits, ) else: probes = self.system_probes_generation_subroutine( num_probes=num_probes, max_num_qubits=probe_maximum_number_qubits, ) if evaluation_times is None: evaluation_times = scipy.stats.reciprocal.rvs( self.max_time_to_consider / 100, self.max_time_to_consider, size=num_times, ) # evaluation times generated log-uniformly # Format pairs of experimental times and probes iter_probe_id = itertools.cycle(range(num_probes)) iter_times = itertools.cycle(evaluation_times) if num_eval_points is None: num_eval_points = len(evaluation_times) experiments = [ np.array( (next(iter_times), next(iter_probe_id)), dtype=[("t", "float"), ("probe_id", "int")], ) for _ in range(num_eval_points) ] eval_data = {"probes": probes, "experiments": experiments} # Plot the times/probes used for evaluation. # first make directory to plot to: eval_directory = os.path.join(run_directory, "evaluation") try: os.makedirs(eval_directory) except: pass lf = LatexFigure(auto_label=False) ax = lf.new_axis() ax.hist( evaluation_times, bins=2 * len(evaluation_times) - 1 # bins=list(np.linspace(0, max(evaluation_times), 3*len(evaluation_times))), # align='left' ) ax.set_title("Times used for evaluation") ax.set_ylabel("Frequency") ax.set_xlabel("Time") fig_path = os.path.join(eval_directory, "times") figure_format = "pdf", file_format=figure_format) qmla.utilities.plot_probes_on_bloch_sphere( probe_dict=probes, num_probes=num_probes, save_to_file=os.path.join( eval_directory, "probes.{}".format(figure_format) ), ) return eval_data
[docs] def plot_dynamics_of_true_model(self, probe_dict, times): r""" Given a set of probes and times, plot their dynamics. """ keys = list(probe_dict.keys()) # true_model_num_qubits = qmla.model_building_utilities.get_num_qubits(self.true_model) true_model_num_qubits = self.true_model_constructor.num_qubits probe_ids = [ t for t in list(eval_probes.keys()) if t[1] == true_model_num_qubits ] for pid in probe_ids: probe = probe_dict[pid]
def get_evaluation_prior(self, model_name, estimated_params, cov_mt, **kwargs): posterior_distribution = qi.MultivariateNormalDistribution( estimated_params, cov_mt ) return posterior_distribution # Map model name strings to latex representation
[docs] def latex_name(self, name, **kwargs): r""" Call the ES's ``latex_string_map_subroutine``. Map a model name (string) to its LaTeX representation. :param str name: name of model to map. :return str latex_name: representation of input model as LaTeX string. """ # latex_name = self.latex_string_map_subroutine(name, **kwargs) latex_name = self.true_model_constructor.latex_name_method(name, **kwargs) return latex_name
# Assign branch to model for visual representation of ES as tree
[docs] def name_branch_map(self, latex_mapping_file, **kwargs): r""" Assign branch to model for visual representation of ES as tree. Only used for attempt to plot the QMLA instance as a single tree, which is often not suitable, so this is not essential. """ import qmla.shared_functionality.branch_mapping return qmla.shared_functionality.branch_mapping.branch_computed_from_qubit_and_param_count( latex_mapping_file=latex_mapping_file, **kwargs )
########## # Section: Tree growth # Methods related to the spawning/pruning models, # and checking whether the exploration strategy has concluded # each stage, or concluded overall. ##########
[docs] def generate_models(self, model_list, **kwargs): r""" Determine the next set of models for this exploration strategy. This method is the main driver of QMLA. This method is called iteratively during the ``spawn`` stage of QMLA, until :meth:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy.check_tree_completed` returns ``True``, for instance after a fixed depth of spawning. In particular it is called by :meth:`~qmla.ExplorationTree.next_layer`, which either spawns on the ES tree, or prunes it. Custom ESs must use this method to determine a set of models for QMLA to consider on the next layer (or :class:`~qmla.BranchQMLA`) of QMLA. Such a set of models can be constructed based on the results of the previous layers, or according to any logic required by the ES. Custom methods to replace this have access to the following parameters, and must return the same format of outputs. # TODO remove old/unused data passed to this method :param list model_list: list of models on the previous QMLA layer, ordered by their ranking on that layer. :param dict model_names_ids: map ``ID : model_name`` for all models in the :class:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent` instance. :param int called_by_branch: the branch ID from which QMLA is spawning. This does not always need to be set; it is mostly used by the :class:`~qmla.ExplorationTree` to track which models/branches are parents/children of each other. :param dict branch_model_points: `` ID : number_wins `` number of wins of each model in the previous branch. :param dict evaluation_log_likelihoods: `` ID : eval_log_likel `` foe each model in the previous branch, where ``eval_log_likel`` is the log likelihood computed against a set of validation data (i.e. not the data on which the model was trained.) :param dict model_dict: lists of models in the QMLA instance, organised by corresponding number of qubits. :return list model_names: names of models as unique strings where terms in each model are separated by ``+``, and each term in each model is interpretable by :func:`~qmla.process_basic_operator`. """ return model_list
[docs] def tree_pruning( self, previous_prune_branch, ): r""" Get next model set through pruning. """ self.prune_step += 1 prune_step = self.prune_step pruning_models = [] pruning_sets = [] self.log_print( [ "Pruning within {}".format(self.exploration_rules), "Branches:", self.tree.branches, ] ) if prune_step == 1: child_parent_pairs = [] for branch in self.tree.branches.values(): pruning_models.append(branch.champion_name) self.log_print(["Getting child/parents for branch", branch.branch_id]) try: champ = branch.champion_name parent_champ = branch.parent_branch.champion_name pair = (champ, parent_champ) if champ != parent_champ: pruning_sets.append(pair) except: self.log_print(["Branch has no parent:", branch.branch_id]) pass elif prune_step == 2: pruned_branch = self.tree.branches[previous_prune_branch] # check bayes factor compairsons on those from previous prune branch, # which corresponds to parent/child collapse prune_collapse_threshold = 1e2 # TODO set as ES attribute prev_branch_models = [] for l in list(zip(*pruned_branch.pairs_to_compare)): prev_branch_models.extend(list(l)) prev_branch_models = list(set(prev_branch_models)) models_to_prune = [] for id_1, id_2 in pruned_branch.pairs_to_compare: self.log_print(["prune pair: id_1={}; id_2={}".format(id_1, id_2)]) # id_1 = pair[0] # id_2 = pair[1] mod_1 = pruned_branch.model_storage_instances[id_1] self.log_print(["prune mod_1: {}".format(mod_1)]) try: bf_1_v_2 = mod_1.model_bayes_factors[float(id_2)][-1] except: self.log_print( [ "couldnt find bf {}/{}. mod_{} BF:".format( id_1, id_2, id_1, mod_1.model_bayes_factors ) ] ) self.log_print(["prune bf_1_v_2 = {}".format(bf_1_v_2)]) if bf_1_v_2 > prune_collapse_threshold: models_to_prune.append(id_2) elif bf_1_v_2 < float(1 / prune_collapse_threshold): models_to_prune.append(id_1) models_to_keep = list( # by ID set(prev_branch_models) - set(models_to_prune) ) pruning_models = [ # by name pruned_branch.models_by_id[m] for m in models_to_keep ] pruning_sets = list(itertools.combinations(pruning_models, 2)) # by name self.prune_complete = True self.log_print( [ "Prune step {}. pruning models: {} \n pruning sets: {}".format( prune_step, pruning_models, pruning_sets ) ] ) if len(pruning_models) == 1: self.prune_complete = True self.log_print(["Returning from pruning fnc"]) return list(set(pruning_models)), pruning_sets
def check_tree_pruned(self, prune_step, **kwargs): if self.prune_completed_initially: return True elif prune_step >= 2 or self.prune_complete: return True else: return False
[docs] def check_tree_completed(self, spawn_step, **kwargs): r""" QMLA asks the exploration tree whether it has finished growing; the exploration tree queries the exploration strategy through this method """ if self.tree_completed_initially: return True elif spawn_step >= self.max_spawn_depth: return True elif self.spawn_stage[-1] == "Complete": return True else: return False
def nominate_champions(self): final_branch = self.tree.branches[max(self.tree.branches.keys())] self.log_print( [ "Nominating champion as champion of final branch {}: {}".format( final_branch.branch_id, final_branch.champion_name ) ] ) return [final_branch.champion_name] ########## # Section: Wrap up ########## def finalise_model_learning(self, **kwargs): self.log_print([" ES {} finished.".format(self.exploration_rules)])
[docs] def exploration_strategy_finalise(self): r""" Steps needed to finalise the exploration strategy. """ # TODO consolidate this method with finalise_model_learning() # do whatever is needed to wrap up exploration strategy # e.g. store data required for analysis pass
def exploration_strategy_specific_plots( self, save_directory, champion_model_id, true_model_id, qmla_id=0, plot_level=2, figure_format="png", **kwargs ): self.qmla_id = qmla_id self.plot_level = plot_level self.figure_format = figure_format self.save_directory = save_directory self.champion_model_id = champion_model_id self.true_model_is = true_model_id # set plots to perform self.plot_methods_by_level = {} # in case not overwritten self.set_specific_plots() self.log_print(["Plotting methods:", self.plot_methods_by_level]) for pl in range(self.plot_level + 1): if pl in self.plot_methods_by_level: self.log_print(["Plotting for plot_level={}".format(pl)]) for method in self.plot_methods_by_level[pl]: try: method() except Exception as e: self.log_print( [ "plot failed {} with exception: {}".format( method.__name__, e ) ] )
[docs] def set_specific_plots(self): r""" Over-writeable method to set the target plotting methods. Also place any manual plotting methods in here, i.e. which require arguments. """ pass
########## # Section: Utilities ########## def log_print(self, to_print_list): identifier = "[ExplorationStrategy: {}]".format(self.exploration_rules) if type(to_print_list) != list: to_print_list = list(to_print_list) print_strings = [str(s) for s in to_print_list] to_print = " ".join(print_strings) with open(self.log_file, "a") as write_log_file: print(identifier, str(to_print), file=write_log_file, flush=True) def store_exploration_strategy_configuration( self, path_to_pickle_config=None, **kwargs ): dict_for_storage = self.__dict__ if path_to_pickle_config is not None: pickle.dump(dict_for_storage, open(path_to_pickle_config, "wb")) return dict_for_storage def overwrite_exploration_class_methods(self, **kwargs): # print("[ExplorationStrategy] overwrite_exploration_class_methods. kwargs", kwargs) kw = list(kwargs.keys()) attributes = ["probe_generator"] for att in attributes: if att in kw and kwargs[att] is not None: print("Resetting {} to {}".format(att, kwargs[att])) self.__setattr__(att, kwargs[att])