Source code for qmla.controls_qmla

import argparse
import os
import sys
import pickle

import qmla.get_exploration_strategy
import qmla.model_building_utilities as model_building_utilities
import qmla.logging

__all__ = ["ControlsQMLA", "parse_cmd_line_args"]

This file provides functionality to parse command line arguments
passed via the QMLA launch scripts.
These are gathered into a single class instance which can be queried by
the QMLA instance to implement user specifications.

[docs]class ControlsQMLA: r""" Storage for configuration of a QMLA instance. Command line arguments specify details about the QMLA instance, such as number of experiments/particles etc, required to implement the QMLA instance. The command line arguments are stored together in this class. The class is then given to the :class:`qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent` instance, which uses those details into the implementation. Some QMLA parameters are also set by the attributes of the Exploration Strategy. In particular, the :class:`~qmla.exploration_strategies.ExplorationStrategy` of the true model is instantiated by calling :meth:`~qmla.get_exploration_class`. model is defined as the true model of that instance. This exploration strategy instance is the master exploration strategy for the QMLA instance: the true Likewise, instances are generated for all of the exploration strategies specified by the user: these instances are associated with the exploration strategy :class:`~qmla.ExplorationTree` objects. :param dict arguments: command line arguments, parsed into a dict. """ def __init__(self, arguments, **kwargs): self.log_file = os.path.abspath(arguments.log_file) # Mode of learning: QHL, mult-model-QHL; default QMLA (if all are # False) self.qhl_mode_multiple_models = bool(arguments.qhl_mode_multiple_models) self.qhl_mode = bool(arguments.qhl_mode) self.further_qhl = bool(arguments.further_qhl) # Get exploration strategy instances for true and alternative exploration strategies self.exploration_rules = arguments.exploration_strategy try: self.exploration_class = ( qmla.get_exploration_strategy.get_exploration_class( exploration_rules=self.exploration_rules, true_params_path=arguments.run_info_file, plot_probes_path=arguments.probes_plot_file, log_file=self.log_file, qmla_id=arguments.qmla_id, ) ) except BaseException: raise self.exploration_class.get_true_parameters() # either retrieve or assign true parameters self.log_print( [ "ES set by controls has ID {} has true model {}".format( arguments.qmla_id, self.exploration_class.true_model ) ] ) self.alternative_exploration_strategies = ( arguments.alternative_exploration_strategies ) self.unique_exploration_strategy_instances = { gen: qmla.get_exploration_strategy.get_exploration_class( exploration_rules=gen, log_file=self.log_file, qmla_id=arguments.qmla_id, ) for gen in self.alternative_exploration_strategies } self.unique_exploration_strategy_instances[ self.exploration_rules ] = self.exploration_class # Get (or set) true parameters from parameter files shared among # instances within the same run. if arguments.run_info_file is None: try: true_params_info = qmla.set_shared_parameters( exploration_class=self.exploration_class, ) except BaseException: self.log_print(["Failed to set shared parameters"]) raise else: true_params_info = pickle.load(open(arguments.run_info_file, "rb")) # Attributes about true model self.true_model_constructor = self.exploration_class.model_constructor( name=self.exploration_class.true_model, fixed_parameters=self.exploration_class.true_params_list, ) self.true_model = self.true_model_name = self.true_model_terms_matrices = self.true_model_constructor.terms_matrices self.run_info_file = arguments.run_info_file self.log_print(["Shared true params set for this instance."]) # Store parameters which were passed as arguments to self.qmla_id = arguments.qmla_id self.use_rq = bool(arguments.use_rq) self.num_experiments = arguments.num_experiments self.num_particles = arguments.num_particles self.save_plots = bool(arguments.save_plots) self.debug_mode = bool(arguments.debug_mode) self.pickle_qmla_instance = bool(arguments.pickle_qmla_instance) self.rq_timeout = arguments.rq_timeout self.plot_level = arguments.plot_level self.figure_format = arguments.figure_format self.log_print(["Figure format:", self.figure_format]) # Redis self.host_name = arguments.host_name self.port_number = arguments.port_number # Outputs self.results_directory = arguments.results_directory if not self.results_directory.endswith("/"): self.results_directory += "/" self.cumulative_csv = arguments.cumulative_csv self.system_measurements_file = arguments.system_measurements_file self.probes_plot_file = arguments.probes_plot_file # Create some new paths/parameters for storing results self.alt_log_file = os.path.join( self.results_directory, "qmla_log_{}.log".format(self.qmla_id) ) self.long_id = "{0:03d}".format(self.qmla_id) self.plots_directory = os.path.join( self.results_directory, "instances", "qmla_{}".format(self.qmla_id) ) if not os.path.exists(self.results_directory): try: os.makedirs(self.results_directory) except FileExistsError: pass if not os.path.exists(self.plots_directory): try: os.makedirs(self.plots_directory) except FileExistsError: pass self.latex_mapping_file = arguments.latex_mapping_file if self.latex_mapping_file is None: self.latex_name_map_file_path = os.path.join( self.results_directory, "LatexMapping.txt" ) if self.further_qhl: # further qhl model uses different results file names to # distinguish self.results_file = ( self.results_directory + "further_qhl_results_" + str(self.long_id) + ".p" ) self.class_pickle_file = ( self.results_directory + "further_qhl_qml_class_" + str(self.long_id) + ".p" ) else: self.results_file = ( self.results_directory + "results_" + str(self.long_id) + ".p" ) self.class_pickle_file = ( self.results_directory + "qmla_class_" + str(self.long_id) + ".p" )
[docs] def log_print(self, to_print_list): r"""Wrapper for :func:`~qmla.print_to_log`""" qmla.logging.print_to_log( to_print_list=to_print_list, log_file=self.log_file, log_identifier="Setting QMLA controls", )
def parse_cmd_line_args(args): r""" Parse command line arguments, store and return in a single class instance. Defaults and help for all useable command line arguments are specified here. These are parsed, then passed to a :class:`~qmla.ControlsQMLA` instance, which is given to the :class:`~qmla.QuantumModelLearningAgent` instance for ease of access. :param list args: command line arguments (i.e. sys.argv[1:]). :return ControlsQMLA qmla_controls: object with all required data for this QMLA instance. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pass variables for QMLA.") # Parse command line arguments # Instance data parser.add_argument( "-qid", "--qmla_id", help="ID tag for QMD.", type=int, default=1 ) # Mode of learning parser.add_argument( "-qhl", "--qhl_mode", help="Bool to test QHL on given true operator only.", type=int, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "-fq", "--further_qhl", help="Bool to perform further QHL on best models from previous run.", type=int, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "-mqhl", "--qhl_mode_multiple_models", help="Run QHL test on multiple (provided) models.", type=int, default=0, ) # Exploration Strategies to learn from parser.add_argument( "-es", "--exploration_strategy", help="Exploration strategy used to generate models to test during QMLA", type=str, default="ExplorationStrategy", ) parser.add_argument( "-aes", "--alternative_exploration_strategies", help="Exploration Strategies to form other exploration trees.", action="append", default=[], ) # QMLA fundamental parameters, such as number of particles etc parser.add_argument( "-e", "--num_experiments", help="Number of experiments to use for the learning process", type=int, default=10, ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--num_particles", help="Number of particles to use for the learning process", type=int, default=20, ) parser.add_argument( "-rq", "--use_rq", help="Bool whether to use RQ for parallel or not.", type=int, default=1, ) # Include optional plots parser.add_argument( "-pt", "--save_plots", help="True: save all plots for this QMD; False: do not.", type=int, default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "-pl", "--plot_level", help="Level to plot at. Between 1-5 depending on how much info desired for plots.", type=int, default=2, ) parser.add_argument( "-debug", "--debug_mode", help="Debug flag; triggers debug infrastructure such as print statements.", type=int, default=0, ) # Redis configuration parser.add_argument( "-host", "--host_name", help="Name of Redis host.", type=str, default="localhost", ) parser.add_argument( "-port", "--port_number", help="Redis port number.", type=int, default=6379 ) parser.add_argument( "-rqt", "--rq_timeout", help="Time allowed before RQ job crashes.", type=int, default=-1, ) ## Outputs and filepaths parser.add_argument( "-dir", "--results_directory", help="Relative directory to store results in.", type=str, default="QMLA_default_results/", ) parser.add_argument( "-pkl", "--pickle_qmla_instance", help="Whether to pickle QMLA class used. Large memory requirement, recommend not to except during development.", type=int, default=0, ) parser.add_argument( "-ff", "--figure_format", help="Format of figures generated.", type=str, default="png", ) parser.add_argument( "-log", "--log_file", help="Log file for this QMLA instance.", type=str, default="default_log_file.log", ) parser.add_argument( "-cb", "--cumulative_csv", help="CSV to store Bayes factors of all QMDs.", type=str, default="cumulative.csv", ) parser.add_argument( "-runinfo", "--run_info_file", help="Path to save true params to.", type=str, default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-sysmeas", "--system_measurements_file", help="Path to save true params to.", type=str, default="{}/system_measurements.p".format(os.getcwd()), ) parser.add_argument( "-plotprobes", "--probes_plot_file", help="Path where plot probe dict is pickled to.", type=str, default=None, ) parser.add_argument( "-latex", "--latex_mapping_file", help="Path to save list of terms latex/name maps to.", type=str, default=None, ) # Process arguments from command line arguments = parser.parse_args(args) # Use arguments to initialise global variables class. qmla_controls = ControlsQMLA( arguments, ) # Print to log file for inspection args_dict = vars(qmla_controls) for a in list(args_dict.keys()): qmla_controls.log_print([a, ":", args_dict[a]]) return qmla_controls